View Full Version : General talk Yellow box inside shop room

04-08-2019, 11:52 AM
Hi everyone. So I was at a shop in Sydney seeing my regular a week ago. When I was undressing, I noticed one of the yellow sharps disposal boxes on the wall. You know the ones that G.P's and Hospitals use when doing blood tests ? Basically its a yellow box for syringes and needle pricking lancets (I am a diabetic so i use one of these). I just found it a bit strange that one of these boxes was attached to the wall inside the room. I asked my regular if she knew what it was and she said she has never seen one before.

I don't want to jump to conclusions but is it something I should be concerned about ? Doesn't bother me if people do drugs or shoot up but I wouldn't want to be around people that do that stuff if that makes sense. Just seemed a bit of out place for me.

04-08-2019, 12:22 PM
Hi everyone. So I was at a shop in Sydney seeing my regular a week ago. When I was undressing, I noticed one of the yellow sharps disposal boxes on the wall. You know the ones that G.P's and Hospitals use when doing blood tests ? Basically its a yellow box for syringes and needle pricking lancets (I am a diabetic so i use one of these). I just found it a bit strange that one of these boxes was attached to the wall inside the room. I asked my regular if she knew what it was and she said she has never seen one before.

I don't want to jump to conclusions but is it something I should be concerned about ? Doesn't bother me if people do drugs or shoot up but I wouldn't want to be around people that do that stuff if that makes sense. Just seemed a bit of out place for me.

hi bro maybe i can answer this question for u

we also have these yellow boxes in all our rooms.. this is a requirement for the city council and it states that we need to have them under the DA

in our shop these boxes are just sitting there and get pick up and exchange monthly without using it. they actually never been used but we need to pay the clinical fee every month to have them replaced

there are a lots of regulation we need to follow under the DA, if we dont follow it we get big fine or closure order from council when they come for the regular inspection

so if you see these boxes i can assure that the shop you went to is a DA approved licensed legal brothel. its actually a good sign that at least you are not in a illegal shop

Dont worry if you see it. we need to have these boxes but doesnt mean we are accepting customers using drugs or taking needles in the shop

hope i have answered your question


04-08-2019, 01:53 PM
hi bro maybe i can answer this question for u

we also have these yellow boxes in all our rooms.. this is a requirement for the city council and it states that we need to have them under the DA

in our shop these boxes are just sitting there and get pick up and exchange monthly without using it. they actually never been used but we need to pay the clinical fee every month to have them replaced

there are a lots of regulation we need to follow under the DA, if we dont follow it we get big fine or closure order from council when they come for the regular inspection

so if you see these boxes i can assure that the shop you went to is a DA approved licensed legal brothel. its actually a good sign that at least you are not in a illegal shop

Dont worry if you see it. we need to have these boxes but doesnt mean we are accepting customers using drugs or taking needles in the shop

hope i have answered your question


hello Roger !

That makes sense now lol. I have actually seen it at a few other shops as well in the area. Thanks for responding and providing a explanation.

04-08-2019, 02:07 PM
hello Roger !

That makes sense now lol. I have actually seen it at a few other shops as well in the area. Thanks for responding and providing a explanation.

no problems

wish u happy punting

have a great weekend