View Full Version : Poll Ginza VS Ginza Empire

12-11-2019, 07:46 AM
This is about the effects of the 2 different methods of service between Empire and Ginza proper.
At Empire, you get given a room number, then girl goes to the room to meet you. The room is kept empty if there's no service.
At Ginza, girl stays in 1 room the whole shift, you go to her room.
I reckon the method at Empire is more prone to error because either you or the girl can go to the wrong room... 2 points of failure there. Ginza's method is the best... Only you can go to the wrong room... Only one point of failure. I also know the girls prefer to have their own room after speaking with some of them.
I don't know why Wilson changed the method at Empire, tbh. Maybe to avoid having punters meet each other in the waiting room. I mean, surely you wouldn't have more girls on shift than you have rooms. That would just create the possibility of being forced to make the customer wait, and doesn't even help increase the cashflow, which is always the lowest of either girls or rooms.
One more thing I realised I really like about the Ginza method is the rooms are always prepared by the time you get to the room. No need to wait for girl to get there, prepare the towels and bed, etc. You just walk right in and make sweet love, just like visiting your GFs place for a quickie!
After doing some punts at Empire, I can honestly say I am happy to pay more for Ginza proper just because of this difference. What do you think?

12-11-2019, 08:25 AM
This is about the effects of the 2 different methods of service between Empire and Ginza proper.
At Empire, you get given a room number, then girl goes to the room to meet you. The room is kept empty if there's no service.
At Ginza, girl stays in 1 room the whole shift, you go to her room.
I reckon the method at Empire is more prone to error because either you or the girl can go to the wrong room... 2 points of failure there. Ginza's method is the best... Only you can go to the wrong room... Only one point of failure. I also know the girls prefer to have their own room after speaking with some of them.
I don't know why Wilson changed the method at Empire, tbh. Maybe to avoid having punters meet each other in the waiting room. I mean, surely you wouldn't have more girls on shift than you have rooms. That would just create the possibility of being forced to make the customer wait, and doesn't even help increase the cashflow, which is always the lowest of either girls or rooms.
One more thing I realised I really like about the Ginza method is the rooms are always prepared by the time you get to the room. No need to wait for girl to get there, prepare the towels and bed, etc. You just walk right in and make sweet love, just like visiting your GFs place for a quickie!
After doing some punts at Empire, I can honestly say I am happy to pay more for Ginza proper just because of this difference. What do you think?

There are more girls than rooms in most places, you can’t expect the girls to be fully booked the whole day. 2 reasons for this, 1 is to avoid down time of the room, 2 is to keep more good girls on the roster. If one girl occupies one room for the whole shift, she has to be popular enough to make the full use of the room, even then they have to shorten her shift to allow another girl to work in that room.

12-11-2019, 08:33 AM
I think may be the OP should review some of his fabulous sessions in Ginza as well as in the newer venue Ginza Empire to enlighten us all ??

12-11-2019, 09:02 AM
Also it’s easier for lineups if the girls are all in a waiting room area as opposed to in their individual rooms.

12-11-2019, 01:01 PM
I agree it comes down to such small differences. I go to empire when I want to see a line up and choose from that. I go to Ginza when I want to pre-book and have everything go smoothly. I find the lighting better at Empire, but the car parking easier at Ginza

12-11-2019, 01:41 PM
I can't really compare the two in this way cause how I see it is, if I plan to get my dick wet and I plan who to see then I go Ginza and pre book. Ginza empire I just rock up there anytime and see the line up and pick one of the girls, but in my opinion the girls at Empire give better service maybe cause CIM is included.

13-11-2019, 09:54 AM
I always prefer the Ginza empire method.

I don't mind sitting in the big lounge for line up with other punters. Although I am worried meeting someone I know but never happen.

I am never paranoid about meeting a wrong girl either by her mistake or my mistake. In fact, I have been dreaming about this and have a joyful mistake. Bump into a strange girl, have a hug or kiss,and bit of chitchat and realize the mistake. What an interesting experience! Shame that it never happen. Life is full of unexpected that's a beauty.

Seeing a massive line up with 10ish gorgeous girls is a joy. Girls walking pass corridor and literally brush your shoulder is a joy. See a nice girl there and I gently ask what's her name is a joy.

Plus the better and newer rooms at 497, for a girl that I want to see working in both shops,I will wait for her to be on the 497 roster to see her.

13-11-2019, 10:50 AM
I prefer ginza is more intimate, I am getting my emotional needs met here

Empire tends to be less intimate and more just sex, more just physical stuff in my experience

So depends on what ur looking for

16-11-2019, 08:39 AM
Ginza empire is better, you get to see the whole lineup. You get to say hi to some of the girls you have met before too, or join the lineup for fun, got the girls giggling.

16-11-2019, 09:27 AM
or join the lineup for fun

There must be some very confused punters out there. :cool2:

18-11-2019, 04:32 PM
I agree Ginza Empire is better. I’ve been to Ginza 3 times and the only once did I leave satisfied. The other punts were just ok in my opinion.

Saw Lulu, Claire and a Korean girl at Ginza and other than the Korean girl the others were a bit of a let down. It wasn’t bad by all means just not up to my expectations from reading ARs.

Ginza Empire however the girls always gave DFK and nice cat baths. Sex to me now comes second to foreplay.

18-11-2019, 11:24 PM
Ginza has the hotter girls hence higher rates

22-12-2019, 03:44 PM
I haven't been to Ginza Empire yet, but my impression from reading around is that the main Ginza shop is supposed to have the best of the best girls, and that Ginza Empire is a slightly lower option (still with great girls, but only the very best work at the main shop)

Is this actually the case? I was walking between the two shops without a booking having an existential crisis trying to decide which one to go to for a walk-in. I suppose I will eventually try Empire just to see what the differences are.

22-12-2019, 06:56 PM
Ginza the main shop has the prettier girls but pretty doesn’t equal good service. I always find ginza empire to have the girls with the best service.

Been to Ginza a few times and the hot girls service was always not quite at the level of some of the ARs whilst all/most of the girls at Ginza empire provided amazing service (DFK, great bbbj and awesome fucking and foreplay).

23-12-2019, 08:39 AM

Going to sound ignorant, and I honestly have been trying to work it out, but I still dont know which one is which.

To make it simple which one is the 479 one?

23-12-2019, 12:18 PM
Again i like the line up at 479 so less chance to go wrong in terms of appearance. Quality and service better in 479 as well. Plus about 10% lower price than 310. I don't mind small price up as long as it can be justified with quality but so far I don't see that. So most of the time I go to 479 and one out of 4 I go to 310 for the girls that with good reviews.

23-12-2019, 12:34 PM

Going to sound ignorant, and I honestly have been trying to work it out, but I still dont know which one is which.

To make it simple which one is the 479 one?

There are two Ginza shops.
Ginza is the original shop at 310 Cleveland St.
Ginza Empire 479 is the new shop at 479 Elizabeth St.
I think what causes confusion is that Ginza was at 278 Cleveland St for a while and this was called 278 Club.
But this shop is now closed and has moved to 479 Elizabeth St
But they still use the 278 club prefix on the Forum for Ginza Empire 479.
They should change the 278 Club prefix on the Forum to Ginza Empire 479.
That will avoid a lot of confusion.

23-12-2019, 04:28 PM
Empire better. Ginza always make you wait. Told to come early end up wait quite long. The girls coming late. Once, not coming at all. Happened most visit. Never happened in empire

25-12-2019, 05:36 PM
Empire better. Ginza always make you wait. Told to come early end up wait quite long. The girls coming late. Once, not coming at all. Happened most visit. Never happened in empireIt has happened to me in empire. One girl came 1 hr late and kept me waiting [emoji37]

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25-12-2019, 07:48 PM
It has happened to me in empire. One girl came 1 hr late and kept me waiting [emoji37]

Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

Happened to me in both places. Often times it's the previous customer was late which really annoyed me.

There was once I booked my jap girl and arrived on time. Was told that she needed a bit of rest and delay for an hour. I did wait for an hour and had great time. I know her well if she asked for rest she must be really tired.

I don't really mind if something uncontrollable happen and the girl couldn't make it on time (not because other customer was late or extended). And I would appreciate if the shop tell me honestly how late exactly it's gonna be. I might just see a line up and pick another girl. Often times they tell me 10mins but turn out to be over half an hour.

25-12-2019, 10:20 PM
Empire better. Ginza always make you wait. Told to come early end up wait quite long. The girls coming late. Once, not coming at all. Happened most visit. Never happened in empire

I don't know what you are talking about.
I have been there 100s of time. Only had to wait max 15-20 minutes.
One time the girl couldn't make it. They recommended a new girl and that's how I met Yiyi or Sophia (at that time).

28-12-2019, 04:08 AM
Mostly a subjective topic, *VERY* YMMV.
Prettier/better girls at Club? Tell that to Rebecca, she and Yuzu are my absolute top 2. Tiffany used to be my top. Rebecca and Tiffany seem permanently at 479, Yuzu recently moved to Club.
From chatting with loads of girls, it seems to be an offer made to them where they get their own room and choose their own rates, but will get less traffic, especially in terms of line-ups.
Some girls want that extra comfort, some stay with the extra business. Depends on them.

479 also only charges more than the default $140/30min seemingly based on freshness; typically, very new, young Japanese girls get that extra price tag. Other factors are sometimes involved, too, it just appears that the management predicts popularity due to certain qualities and throws a bit more on for the girl's benefit.

I will say though, I definitely agree with the whole thing about errors in room allocation; my one and only case being at 479, where reception messed up and sent my booked girl to a lineup while I was in the waiting room. She went up to the room, I was forgotten, and when I asked, they were noticeably confused and sent me to an empty room, nearly knocking down her door thereafter to reassign her.
It was a busy day, I don't blame them. I just wish they'd admitted to the fault and not stressed her out so much.

28-12-2019, 10:15 AM
Couple of days ago, I was at the 479 reception with Tony to settle my payment for my booking to see Orange. Told me to go to room 17. Yuki was yelling on the intercom "Orange, Orange, the man just walked in is not your customer. Hi Sir, Jolin is in room 16, please proceed to room 16...16...!" Which was so funny. I guess by that time, Orange probably has been kissing this lucky bustard for a couple of mins. Damn it....😂

23-11-2022, 03:46 PM
Bumping this thread up to get updated opinions.

Fred Flintstone
23-11-2022, 05:21 PM
At Empire, some girls prefer to have their own room for the day, especially if they are booked out even before their shift starts. Rebecca and Dior fall in this category. Both have said they like to set up their room and be positioned close to the bathroom. They said they are not really interested in socializing with other girls.The monger is sent to the room once the girl is free.

Liz on the other hand, is also always booked out, but prefers to have a different room for each session. She said she likes to chitchat with other girls between sessions and sit in the girls area for a few minutes between mongers. The monger is sent to the empty room and the girl will arrive when she’s ready

It’s really the girls preference and with the popular money makers, the bosses accommodate their wishes.

23-11-2022, 11:33 PM
I prefer the 479 method because you get to actually see the girls in the line up, and not a glammed up photo on the tablet.
Although I have had instances of room mix ups. eg. being told to goto a room and there is a customer already waiting, or at the end of a session the girl leaves as I'm dressing and another customer walks in.
But I do agree that 310 does make you feel like you're making a booty call visit.

26-11-2022, 10:22 AM
What happened to the third shop that reopened earlier this year?

28-11-2022, 07:06 AM
It's open, but I think they use it when they run out of rooms.

I had a booking at 479, and they told me to go too the third shop

28-11-2022, 07:22 AM
Yep, that's my understanding. They use it for overflow purposes.

The Ginza World shop located there earlier this year seemed to disappear quickly??

06-02-2023, 02:35 PM
#bringbackorange !!

07-02-2023, 08:01 PM
Got a message from orange to come visit her next week private, so keen!! Been sooo long

08-02-2023, 07:21 PM
I ask a girl at ginzaclub why she never work at empire, her answer is because girls at empire must do cim and all those standard diamonds but at club, it's up to the girl
Of course there are some naughty girls at empire that doesn't do it but from what she said, I gather that the shop policy is different.
And the girl I asked is not just random new girl, she is with ginza for years (but just recently disappeared)

08-02-2023, 07:23 PM
Ah? That orange at empire? Ahhh she is nice I want too

09-02-2023, 02:17 AM
orange was so good. a lot of bb adventures with her. good times

14-08-2023, 11:57 AM
(Deleted thread)

15-08-2023, 12:55 AM
310 girls should be happier/better, private room, no lineup rejections, no seeing other girls busier, can pamper themselves and eat/snack more comfortably but then again may have some dungeon syndrome

20-08-2023, 11:32 AM
Can someone explain the pricing at GE. It says girls 150-180 for half hour. Room hire 30. Is the 150-180 including the 30 or is it an extra cost on the 150-180 ?

20-08-2023, 07:54 PM
Can someone explain the pricing at GE. It says girls 150-180 for half hour. Room hire 30. Is the 150-180 including the 30 or is it an extra cost on the 150-180 ?

Don't worry about that. Whatever rates listed in the girl's profile is all you need to pay. You don't need to pay extra for room hire.

20-08-2023, 08:05 PM
I dont like the club, sometimes the girl at the room on the next building and after you pay they page the girl straight away so the timer start while you need to walk 1-2 mins. At empire you arrive at the room first.

29-08-2023, 04:36 PM
As this will be my first trip, are the majority of younger & petite gals at 479 or 310, or is it about the same?

29-08-2023, 07:38 PM
As this will be my first trip, are the majority of younger & petite gals at 479 or 310, or is it about the same?

I don't think there's much difference. I've heard in the past that GC and GE had a clearer distinction of "quality" of girls but I don't think that's the case these days, one of the ladies at GE told me it's up to the lady to decide which shop she works at.

30-08-2023, 11:55 AM
Thanks for that bananahammer! I'll go with my first choice of Empire then since the feedback is that you get the lineup there.

30-08-2023, 01:21 PM
Quality difference is all blurred ATM. Empire is better for seeing girls as opposed to mostly blind booking at Club.

Also cant be operating with a girls who arent fully booked out sleeping in the room. The empire model is better now quality difference of girls is less. But you might also feel more rushed at the Empire.

23-05-2024, 01:09 PM
I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm not able to find the thread from my searches. What's the most girls you've been shown in a line up from a walk in (no bookings)? Also, do you recall what day(s) or time of day it was?

23-05-2024, 04:10 PM
I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm not able to find the thread from my searches. What's the most girls you've been shown in a line up from a walk in (no bookings)? Also, do you recall what day(s) or time of day it was?

I don’t think anyone can give you that information man. Girls in the shop change over the time and most of us do booking in advance.

23-05-2024, 04:41 PM
Went there once,