View Full Version : General talk Snakin' - A New Craze?

14-11-2019, 11:53 PM
A mate who recently returned from a backpacking pilgrimage across South East Asia claims of a new craze in some parts of Asia called Snakin'

This is where a woman inserts a live snake into her vagina so she can experience that "special pussy tingle" that all females desire.

There's limited info on the net about this so called Snakin' craze...

Can one of the well traveled Asian bros confirm if this craze is fact or BS or has my mate has watched too many "shocking asia" doco's?


15-11-2019, 06:31 PM
Looks like she put a condom on the snake first. Gotta be safe.

15-11-2019, 06:53 PM
Neva heard of it before till now

16-11-2019, 12:26 AM
This is all well and good but where is a lonely, single woman going to find a suitable snake to engage in this activity?

16-11-2019, 08:28 AM
This is all well and good but where is a lonely, single woman going to find a suitable snake to engage in this activity?

You make some valid points there toad...

Pehaps some guy has set up an inconspicuous shopfront. A lonely and single woman hits the buzzer.
Papasan opens the door and proceeds to greet her and escort her inside.
He leads her to a room where snakes, eels and slippery things are on display.

Chick: how much?
Papasan: $100 dollar for half hour and 150 dollar for 1hr.
Chick: Ok, half hour please.
Papasan: would you like double?
Chick:how much?
Papasan: $200 dollar.

Ps: for what it's worth, I forgot to paste this pic in the original post.


16-11-2019, 09:08 AM
It's true. Snake keeps wriggling till death from either pussy clamping or suffocation. Hey removee fangs apparently to prevent snake biting cunt. Don't tell animal activists.

16-11-2019, 09:25 AM
Don't see how this helps us males!

16-11-2019, 09:43 AM
The eel version is the one I've heard of. Not this one though

Dont you dare force me to find a link. I dont want to go there again

16-11-2019, 10:51 PM
Yes and also the craze coming out of Asia where elephant tusks are a good aphrodisiac

17-11-2019, 09:01 AM
Why a chick would prefer a snake over a male.

- there are so many angles and spots a hard cock can hit;a snake can make every angle and hit every spot.
- a cock will remain solid for a limited time; a snake has no such limitations.
- doesn't get needy or clingy
- doesn't stalk
- won't write negative reviews on adult forums

- as the pipe is being laid, he can make good use of mouth, tongue, 2 hands and 10 fingers

Verdict - we're all fucked!

17-11-2019, 01:16 PM
Other than what OP has written, never heard of this as being a craze in Asia and my job flies me around Asia.

Think of it this way, how many ladies you know that would enjoy handling a snake ? And most ladies especially Asian ones avoid snakes, rats, lizards, etc. Now you thinking they would cuddle with a snake and put that up their cunt ?? Be prepared to pay them thousands and chances are they still won't do it.

17-11-2019, 03:50 PM
OP's pic actually looks like an eel. Probably new trick in ThaiLand or Philippines after ping pong balls

17-11-2019, 10:45 PM
seriously why can’t they get the “real thing”?? as if like there is no male in this world 🤦🏻*♂️

24-11-2019, 09:40 AM
Sounds like the snakin' 'craze' is focused more on the flesh-coloured one-eyed variety hanging between two hairy balls

25-11-2019, 11:28 AM
Many penises and vibrators out there but women are still not satisfied and need non humans to satisfy their sexual pleasure or appetite. Sick world!