View Full Version : General talk Wechat

26-11-2019, 11:08 AM
I’ve just downloaded Wechat and signed up .
To complete it though it’s saying I need someone that already has this app to assist me with finalising it?

Can someone help me as this is all new


26-11-2019, 01:08 PM
Just make sure you don’t have a wife or girl friend who’s also in WeChat!

26-11-2019, 01:39 PM
And don't use your real name unless you're single!

Well, putting your mobile number out there is the big enough risk ??

So unless you have a punting phone ........

26-11-2019, 01:45 PM
Thanks for all the help and tips. Looks as if it will be a safer option to get a second phone .

26-11-2019, 03:49 PM
We all should think twice about using that App.

Take a read of this article;


26-11-2019, 04:42 PM
You must understand if you only have one phone, your Wechat profile can be sent to all the other numbers on your phone. More commonly, your phone shows up on a search for 'People Nearby'. So if you join Wechat app or Swingers app or FriendsWithBenefits app, there is nothing stopping those companies from sending your profile (you in your underwear) to your wife or boss. Part of the Terms of Use, which Im sure you read every time, states that these apps be given permission to access your contacts/phone number list

There have been a few people caught badly by their families when IPhone backup sends incriminating data to other family contacts.

Dont use these apps unless you dont mind your family knowing you are on there. Also remember tbat Chinese government is now scanning WeChat. So if you innocently send your friend a post critical about China, or news articles supporting Hong Kong, you may find Customs in China refuses you entry to their wonderful country

Use a punting phone or risk the consequences

26-11-2019, 04:52 PM
We all should think twice about using that App.

Take a read of this article

You know what.

I have absolutely no issues with this happening for China.

I know I wont make friends making this statement, but i have found in my dealings with Indian, Chinese (specifically mainland) and Arabic that there are 2 very polarising types.

1. They are amazingly well mannered, cultured, kind, and in the case of Arabic, they would give you the shirt off their own back if they felt you were cold and you were their friend.

2. They have 0 concept of manners, they spit, scream into their phones with the speaker on maximum in public transport, have 0 concept what a queue is, or walk around thinking they are the toughest, sikkest cunts that ever walked the earth.

Theres obviously in betweeners, but I really havent found many. They are either really nice (usually they are a multi AUS generation, and have integrated properly to another culture) or the idiots are often FOB or have very traditional family upbringing.

Bear in mind, if I was in their country and they did this, i wouldnt have a single thing to say. In Rome, do as the Romans do. But this isnt their home country.

Do I sound racist? Maybe. Im Asian myself, and by gods im embarrased to be one sometimes.

But if this social credit thing forces people to stop being cunts basically, I amore than happy for it to be adopted. We are all already being watched. Its unavoidable. At least put that watching to something more useful than giving me targeted ads.

26-11-2019, 04:59 PM
You know what.

I have absolutely no issues with this happening for China.

I know I wont make friends making this statement, but i have found in my dealings with Indian, Chinese (specifically mainland) and Arabic that there are 2 very polarising types.

1. They are amazingly well mannered, cultured, kind, and in the case of Arabic, they would give you the shirt off their own back if they felt you were cold and you were their friend.

2. They have 0 concept of manners, they spit, scream into their phones with the speaker on maximum in public transport, have 0 concept what a queue is, or walk around thinking they are the toughest, sikkest cunts that ever walked the earth.

Theres obviously in betweeners, but I really havent found many. They are either really nice (usually they are a multi AUS generation, and have integrated properly to another culture) or the idiots are often FOB or have very traditional family upbringing.

Bear in mind, if I was in their country and they did this, i wouldnt have a single thing to say. In Rome, do as the Romans do. But this isnt their home country.

Do I sound racist? Maybe. Im Asian myself, and by gods im embarrased to be one sometimes.

But if this social credit thing forces people to stop being cunts basically, I amore than happy for it to be adopted. We are all already being watched. Its unavoidable. At least put that watching to something more useful than giving me targeted ads.

A lot of Chinese people dont care about being monitored. But life over there is a huge rat-race, so being spied upon is no big deal. 1000s of children trying to get a place in overcrowded schools and universities.
If you be good good citizen, that may mean you are 1000th in a waiting list for schools, not 1500th. Great.
Now. Say you are a lady married to guy who commits a crime, I bet you and your children are unfairly punished, probably for life. If you have 3 children, they all suffer horrendously. Restricted education, transport and home loans.
Im sure there are hundreds of other disadvantages to being spied on, and that example is just the first one that came to mind.
My colleague is Chinese, and he warned me this year not to send him any messages about China on WeChat. This is thought control. Says it all.

Those who dont know history are doomed to suffer its worst moments. Read up about Germany and how children spied and then dobbed in their parents. Parents were then arrested, and often jailed. Some were executed

26-11-2019, 05:06 PM
A lot of Chinese people dont care about being monitored. But life over there is a huge rat-race, so being spied upon is no big deal. 1000s of children trying to get a place in overcrowded schools and universities.
If you be hood good citizen, that may mean you are 1000th in a waiting list for schools, not 1500th. Great.
Now. Say you are a lady married to guy who commits a crime, I bet you and your children are unfairly punished, probably for life. If you have 3 children, they all suffer horrendously. Restricted education, transport and home loans.
Im sure there are hundreds of other disadvantages to being spied on, and that example is just the first one that came to mind.
My colleague is Chinese, and he warned me this year not to send him any messages about China on WeChat. This is thought control. Says it all.

Those who dont know history are doomed to suffer its worst moments. Read up about Germany and how children spied and then dobbed in their parents

Valid points ellison.

I will say that children are a double edged sword.
On the one hand, this may help parents to be an even better role model for their children. Kids dont need to see their parents being drunk, swearing, being violent etc which I am sure are all things being monitored.

The flip side is as you describe where children actively look to dob in parents doing these things, but the prevention mechanic seems to be that kids will get punished too.

Anyway the article does state its helping.

Read George Orwells 1984

26-11-2019, 06:56 PM
Just like how Google home, Amazon echo, Apple Siri records every users conversation. Do we hear the media slamming them on a daily basis for that.

Same as the marketing that this Chinese spy that is plastered all over the papers and TV in Australia. I mean seriously, even the Russian spy who went out of his way to hide himself in the UK got hit by the Russian. This dude is seriously dumb to advertise his face on every media possible... Really ??

All I'm saying we need to take media stories with a pinch of salt.

Many of my friends have been using wechat for years... Talking about everything from life in China or what's happening in HKG. Nothing happened. Alot of it is blown out of proportion.

Here we just going to use it for punting. Not discuss world politics...

26-11-2019, 07:11 PM
Agreed. All the stories about China and its infiltration into Australian government, proven bribing of Senator Dastyari, leasing Darwins major port, major property and farm purchases, recent purchase of a major dairy corporation, is a media creation and beatup

People invariably will use WeChat for more than punting, especially if it links up with others contacts on your phone

The other problem with spying is that governments can track why you are using WeChat and which contacts you have. You then lose social points for dealing with brothels or private ladies, which means you are restricted in using public transport and many other privileges are lost. Facial recognition CCTV will also track which brothels citizens are visiting.

Part of the deal as that Chinese politicians and thousands of government officers will be treated differently and have their social crimes record erased every year, so to maintain unfair advantages over the general population. To think the whole tracking and spying intrusion is good for the society, is dangerous naivete. Unless you are an insider who can exploit the system for your family, you will be exploited

Whenever you have a rat-race, you will always find a corrupt layer of society who will follow their own rules

The point is if a politician is taking money from other sources, say India, Iran, Russia, etc... We won't get daily front page cover. If they take money from a US or UK agency. Not a peep... But if it's the Chinese... OMG, daily cover on every media outlet for at least 2 weeks.

I mean India military removed democracy from Kashmir. Same time as the HKG issue. Guess which only got like 1min news blip while the other was the front page sensation for weeks...

All the rest is just business. I mean, if India, Saudi, France leased our ports or bought some Aussie business.

Just like how Google home, Amazon echo, Apple Siri records every users conversation. Do we hear the media slamming them on a daily basis for that.

We hear about these technologies all the time. The news this week is that the Federal Government are bringing in legislation to stop these companies spying on people. Digital security is major news now.

I agree with you. The western media is largely anti China. Look at how the local media is rabidly demonizing china and their biased coverage of HK as compared to the much worse situation in kashmir. Dun let it get to you. I should stay away from discussing politics though in a sex forum. Ruins the mood

The Western media is anti China just as much as it is anti bank, anti Church, anti Nursing homes. All the previously trusted authorities no longer can be trusted without being reviewed with Royal Commissions.

The tipping point proved to be the debt trap diplomacy that threatened developing nations. Sri Lanka lost its major port to Chinese control recently due to debts it owes China. Several South Pacific islands also owe a lot of money to China. Japan committed atrocities during World War 2, but after that awful war, the Allies actually helped Japans economy post war, rather than strap it with debts it couldnt pay back.

Kashmir ? That does not affect the average Australian. Do Kashmirians buy Australian companies or property?

We focus on our regional superpower for well founded reasons
The other countries mentioned havent shown interest in buying strategic Australian assets like Darwins port. No other country has built military territory which threatens major international shipping routes.
India is the next world superpower but not for another 40 years.
Russia does not have a large population in Australia it can secretly infiltrate, although it too is a rogue superpower. Its a dangerous world, and if a country ignores the security risks, it will lose its democracy, its food and economic security

History has surely taught us that the way to deal with serious allegations is to address the concerns, not to undermine those who report the news
Bank issues. Nursing Home neglect. Church abuses. Deaths of Indigeous in custody. Allegations against Prince Andrew reported to police 5 years ago - ignored. Usually the story is the strong exploiting others.
Dont say a problem is being overdone. Address the allegations. Are they all false news? The Australian public were surveyed, and most are concerned and for good reason

26-11-2019, 07:39 PM
Agreed. All the stories about China and its infiltration into Australian government, proven bribing of Senator Dastyari, leasing Darwins major port, major property and farm purchases, recent purchase of a major dairy corporation, is a media creation and beatup

People invariably will use WeChat for more than punting, especially if it links up with others contacts on your phoneThe point is if a politician is taking money from other sources, say India, Iran, Russia, etc... We won't get daily front page cover. If they take money from a US or UK agency. Not a peep... But if it's the Chinese... OMG, daily cover on every media outlet for at least 2 weeks.

I mean India military removed democracy from Kashmir. Same time as the HKG issue. Guess which only got like 1min news blip while the other was the front page sensation for weeks...

All the rest is just business. I mean, if India, Saudi, France leased our ports or bought some Aussie business... So what... But lord forbid if it's the Chinese. This deliberate posturing is like they want some race riots before they are satisfied. We had Cronulla to teach us the history lesson to stir race riots is a very very bad outcome.

Back to our main point. Agree. If you want to punt, get a punting phone to use ur WeChat on [emoji106]

26-11-2019, 09:05 PM
Just like how Google home, Amazon echo, Apple Siri records every users conversation. Do we hear the media slamming them on a daily basis for that.

Same as the marketing that this Chinese spy that is plastered all over the papers and TV in Australia. I mean seriously, even the Russian spy who went out of his way to hide himself in the UK got hit by the Russian. This dude is seriously dumb to advertise his face on every media possible... Really ??

All I'm saying we need to take media stories with a pinch of salt.

Many of my friends have been using wechat for years... Talking about everything from life in China or what's happening in HKG. Nothing happened. Alot of it is blown out of proportion.

Here we just going to use it for punting. Not discuss world politics...

I agree with you. The western media is largely anti China. Look at how the local media is rabidly demonizing china and their biased coverage of HK as compared to the much worse situation in kashmir. Dun let it get to you. I should stay away from discussing politics though in a sex forum. Ruins the mood

26-11-2019, 09:46 PM
Lets all enjoy punting. Its a free country

26-11-2019, 10:01 PM
Agreed. All the stories about China and its infiltration into Australian government, proven bribing of Senator Dastyari, leasing Darwins major port, major property and farm purchases, recent purchase of a major dairy corporation, is a media creation and beatup

People invariably will use WeChat for more than punting, especially if it links up with others contacts on your phone

The other problem with spying is that governments can track why you are using WeChat and which contacts you have. You then lose social points for dealing with brothels or private ladies, which means you are restricted in using public transport and many other privileges are lost. Facial recognition CCTV will also track which brothels citizens are visiting.

Part of the deal as that Chinese politicians and thousands of government officers will be treated differently and have their social crimes record erased every year, so to maintain unfair advantages over the general population. To think the whole tracking and spying intrusion is good for the society, is dangerous naivete. Unless you are an insider who can exploit the system for your family, you will be exploited

Whenever you have a rat-race, you will always find a corrupt layer of society who will follow their own rules

We target our regional superpower for good reason.
The countries you mentioned havent shown interest in buying strategic Australian assets like Darwins port. No other country has built military territory which threatens major international shipping routes.
India is the next world superpower but not for another 40 years.
Russia does not have a large population in Australia it can secretly infiltrate, although it too is a rogue superpower. Its a dangerous world, and if a country ignores the security risks, it will lose its democracy, its food and economic securityThere are double standards everywhere. A bank CEO gets fired he gets millions, a bank staff gets fired he gets nothing. This is not something specific to China.

There is just way too much sensationalisation of whatever China is doing. Media say they threaten the shipping routes but no commercial ships have been kidnapped by them vs what Iran has done to oil tankers...

India's Queensland mine promised thousands of jobs shld AU approve their mining licence, until today they only hire a few hundred. So are we putting them on the front page everyday ? That affects AU ppl more than China building bridges and ports in Fiji.

The constant need for the media to create conspiracy theories may help them sell, but we as a better informed generation shld make our own judgement base on what we can really see instead.

I agree with Germany's Angela Merkel, instead of all the media claims that Huawei is full of spyware, let them be tested with other Telco equipment on the same tests. Let everyone have a fair-go [emoji38]

26-11-2019, 10:06 PM
I agree with you. The western media is largely anti China. Look at how the local media is rabidly demonizing china and their biased coverage of HK as compared to the much worse situation in kashmir. Dun let it get to you. I should stay away from discussing politics though in a sex forum. Ruins the moodYes apologies for the long rant. Let's punt and be happy [emoji106]

26-11-2019, 10:06 PM
There are double standards everywhere. A bank CEO gets fired he gets millions, a bank staff gets fired he gets nothing. This is not something specific to China.

There is just way too much sensationalisation of whatever China is doing. Media say they threaten the shipping routes but no commercial ships have been kidnapped by them vs what Iran has done to oil tankers...

India's Queensland mine promised thousands of jobs shld AU approve their mining licence, until today they only hire a few hundred. So are we putting them on the front page everyday ? That affects AU ppl more than China building bridges and ports in Fiji.

The constant need for the media to create conspiracy theories may help them sell, but we as a better informed generation shld make our own judgement base on what we can really see instead.

I agree with Germany's Angela Merkel, instead of all the media claims that Huawei is full of spyware, let them be tested with other Telco equipment on the same tests. Let everyone have a fair-go [emoji38]
The Adani mine issue had the newspaper front page for months. That issue lost Labor the election, it was massive news. The media knew an important story and they let everybody know about Adani
The latest news is that Germany's Angela Merkel has blocked a Chinese companies attempts to buy a German metal technology company.


And our neighbours New Zealand have a Chinese born politician in parliament who didnt disclose he worked with China intelligence for 10 years, so may well be a security risk. He said 'He said he was not a spy, but conceded he was involved in training spies to assess intercepted communications'


Now the world is awake, this news is not a beat up, but a wake up. A line has now been crossed

26-11-2019, 11:31 PM
The Adani mine issue had the newspaper front page for months. That issue lost Labor the election, it was massive news. The media knew an important story and they let everybody know about Adani
The latest news is that Germany's Angela Merkel has blocked a Chinese companies attempts to buy a German metal technology company.


Now the world is awake, this news is not a beat up, but a wake up. A line has now been crossedLabour was too focus on trying to sing about Malcolm and Peter but didn't have any proper fiscal policies Adani or not, they weren't gonna win...

Blocking one business deal doesn't mean everything from the country is evil... If so, Amazon, google and Microsoft who avoids paying millions of tax dollars would make America evil...

Media is still absolutely bias and tilts reporting to its agenda...

We will have to agree to disagree[emoji38]

27-11-2019, 06:52 AM
I respect your opinion. I also treasure the way we can express our thoughts and not face government threats or punishment

27-11-2019, 11:01 AM
I've been using WeChat for a couple of years now. I have the phone related options turned off. None of my friends, including my wife, have ever queried why I am using it, and none of my anonymous contacts have ever called or msged direct to my phone number or email address.

The Chinese government has never complained to me about bonking its citizens, and the girls don't seem too concerned about losing points. I feel reasonably unaffected by it all. Maybe us elderly Aussies are off their radar.

27-11-2019, 06:29 PM
Yes apologies for the long rant. Let's punt and be happy [emoji106]

No need to apologize. I agree let's be happy. I've long past the stage of trying to debate with the anti china crowd when in the past I've wasted so much time. the western mainstream media narrative has conditioned them to be China naysayers. Life is too short.

27-11-2019, 09:11 PM
The Chinese government has never complained to me about bonking its citizens


Classic! Dont jinx it.

Tomorrow your screen will read:

Cease bonking our citizens immediately. You have been warned.

27-11-2019, 09:20 PM

Classic! Dont jinx it.

Tomorrow your screen will read:

Cease bonking our citizens immediately. You have been warned.

The fun starts when you try to get through Customs in China. My colleague would be stuffed if I barraged him with texts about all the China news, just before he goes back for holidays. Who knows what records are kept about you. Matched with facial recognition officials can keep track of exactly where you go on your trip, who you visit, and what your WeChat thoughts are. Many people do cash transactions through WeChat, so even where people spend money is tracked centrally

27-11-2019, 11:52 PM
If you add people using QR codes or Wechat ID it doesn't show you their mobile number. Otherwise I would've been harassed by Coco from 22 Rydalmere everyday for promising to see her once a week at work and ending up not turning up ever since.

Isn’t there an option to hide your phone number? You can also disable people adding you via your phone (so they can’t search) that way you’re only exposed via your QR Code or WeChat ID.

27-11-2019, 11:57 PM
Oh forgot to mention

I tested it with two phones (search via number, search via contacts etc) hidden ;)