View Full Version : Question WFH and I realise a girl in my apartment complex...

02-04-2020, 11:16 PM
So I have been working from home for several weeks new.
My apartment is designed in a U shape, so my window looks out onto basically a set of bedrooms.
One floor below, there's one particular bedroom - it's blinds were up, and approx at 2pm I see this Eurasian girl, completely naked, probably in her 20s with C cup. I see her for about 10 seconds, and then she goes into another room. The way she walked naked was full of confidence.

I kept an eye out on this bedroom - and realise its blinds up for the rest of the afternoon and night. Apparently no one is sleeping in this bedroom, even though it has a large king sized bed with pillows and cushions. (I can only see 20% of the bed)

The next day, I kept an eye out, but saw no movement at all.

And today at around 2pm, I see the same girl and she's getting out of bed. This time there's a man with her. This lasts a few seconds, and they're out of the bedroom.
Later at 3pm, she comes back and spends approximately 20-30mins doing her make-up. I couldn't see her face clearly, but her hair and dress makes me believe she's probably East Asian.
After that, the room remained empty with no activity.

I'm beginning to think there's some underground activity.

03-04-2020, 12:13 AM
Pictures or it didn’t happen !!

03-04-2020, 12:27 AM
Good stories when u stay at home too long and stress out lol

03-04-2020, 12:29 AM
Invest in a Samsung s20 ultra, take advantage of the 100x zoom and 108 megapixels

03-04-2020, 09:57 AM
realised there's also a cat in the room. From what I gather its a 1 bedroom apartment, but the bedroom is not in use... weird.

03-04-2020, 11:45 AM
A naked cat? :-)

03-04-2020, 01:38 PM
A naked cat? :-)

From what mkkid has described, it appears the Eurasian naked pussycat is still working her trade despite the virus warnings and bringing clients to her apartment.

03-04-2020, 01:50 PM
its' almost 2 and still no activity ...

03-04-2020, 01:53 PM
its' almost 2 and still no activity ...

Well business might be slow during these times due to the virus but if she can get a few clients during the week, then she will be doing ok in comparison to other workers who have lost their jobs and are waiting for Centrelink payments.

03-04-2020, 01:57 PM
well, more power to her

03-04-2020, 03:10 PM
well, more power to her

Are you interested in meeting her? If so, did you try getting her attention by using a mirror that could reflect bright sunlight into her bedroom and then see if she invites you over?

03-04-2020, 03:20 PM
Great suggestion! I am keen, because I'd rate her at least a 8.5-9/10 for body and looks, though I didn't really get a close look. But body I can be sure of - is top material.
Unfortunately, I do not live alone - so its not possible.

03-04-2020, 05:31 PM
Or.... maybe she is just a normal person, and you plus others have overactive imaginations?
Sure, its good to have a perv... but fml dude, why you gotta peep so hard?
It's almost as if there is an internal diary going on inside your mind.

God I swear, the level of creep here never ceases to amaze me.

03-04-2020, 06:02 PM
Or.... maybe she is just a normal person, and you plus others have overactive imaginations?
Sure, its good to have a perv... but fml dude, why you gotta peep so hard?
It's almost as if there is an internal diary going on inside your mind.

God I swear, the level of creep here never ceases to amaze me.

With many high rise apartments around and more people in self-isolation and having nothing to do, many will be looking outside and trying to get some fresh air. However, if you have a telescope then that may be creepy if you're not looking at the stars.

By the way, did anyone see movie 10 with the telescope and the topic of women or broads? A funny scene with Dudley Moore and Julie Andrews!


03-04-2020, 06:25 PM
Or.... maybe she is just a normal person, and you plus others have overactive imaginations?
Sure, its good to have a perv... but fml dude, why you gotta peep so hard?
It's almost as if there is an internal diary going on inside your mind.

God I swear, the level of creep here never ceases to amaze me.

Why have such a moral high ground?
I mean, if you see a girl with big boobs walking down the street, won't you check her out?
That is perving too.
As long as OP does it within limits and make it seem less obvious.

All we guys are wired that way. Otherwise, why be in this sex forum?
We read reviews and perv over WL/ML and their photos all the time.

03-04-2020, 07:45 PM
With many high rise apartments around and more people in self-isolation and having nothing to do, many will be looking outside and trying to get some fresh air. However, if you have a telescope then that may be creepy if you're not looking at the stars.

By the way, did anyone see movie 10 with the telescope and the topic of women or broads? A funny scene with Dudley Moore and Julie Andrews!


Mate , there’s only one reason of watching 10, and it sure ain’t looking at Dud or Julie

03-04-2020, 07:47 PM
Why have such a moral high ground?
I mean, if you see a girl with big boobs walking down the street, won't you check her out?
That is perving too.
As long as OP does it within limits and make it seem less obvious.

All we guys are wired that way. Otherwise, why be in this sex forum?
We read reviews and perv over WL/ML and their photos all the time.

When you are insinuating that random people that pop up in your life are WLs, then that's borderline (I believe this topic was discussed in a similar thread, albeit the lady was a co worker, and OP was considering approaching her on the topic).

But to show a pattern of behaviour, recognizing times and constantly focusing on a woman and her private residence, is creepy.
One hour photo creepy.

I am not taking a moral high ground at all.
I pay money to have sex with women, and unashamedly so. Some of the greatest reviews ever posted on this forum, have come from my very own minds eye.
But..... I keep a leash on my imagination (all reviews legit btw).
As if left unchecked, next thing you know, you are living in an unused closet or attic, in the object of your desires home.

03-04-2020, 10:17 PM
I wish I'm in your shoes.
Bored AF atm.

Need some excitement that's for sure.

03-04-2020, 11:40 PM
geez, get off your high horse for a moment, and think for a second on what forum you're on.

04-04-2020, 07:21 AM
https://www.facebook.com/unamedicomx/videos/246853729804894/?__tn__=kCH-R&eid=ARBjZ0g29cq9x4A2zIydPAYhqcXsQuDzpIMGgH5TnPef4-PXLPhw1Dh7FT3GxHn2bUoaNVTJVj3PsKV0&hc_ref=ARQXHc1TXyzIL73wuSDAN_wyLa-Wrym9_W9wxvKlICuJZ0-2o15iMJm0GpmTet5Hw10&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARALDPtASOPNk1FxeHnORlFeW_bCWSI8VIGxeGEtGKidBg fgkrmnfGWJC9fhJlkXSAxygtm1QARtGioZOE73PewljYNgrc0v 9K_vkI0OdFTzFZ4KlHm9f5rcbT2EV3FsCeMtI97WibYqKwLF7D 5qtnDVJt84Ze40ea4BhhJgwSY4jCLYqhheXoqG0HYmxA4NXtFN N5On6yp5sLMUKnpgY6XAdbNk5LkjdDTgw7SuuaPT_A0iybKlwZ TcU2ry3rRK_QIqdXSIOqVob97DI1X3h7uLZ2kjMvQ-PgK4LytL3e3_GPr34bzmmrN-4o55-xrOvMztz_VecG6_CWv465o1MJWXM7niPAxis1cF5MVfkfjzrEp ZStf6OX5WQnQUWnzXsmbm

04-04-2020, 07:32 AM
And all i ever get is the 70 yo. granny walking around in her undies.. damn.

04-04-2020, 10:27 AM
https://www.facebook.com/unamedicomx/videos/246853729804894/?__tn__=kCH-R&eid=ARBjZ0g29cq9x4A2zIydPAYhqcXsQuDzpIMGgH5TnPef4-PXLPhw1Dh7FT3GxHn2bUoaNVTJVj3PsKV0&hc_ref=ARQXHc1TXyzIL73wuSDAN_wyLa-Wrym9_W9wxvKlICuJZ0-2o15iMJm0GpmTet5Hw10&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARALDPtASOPNk1FxeHnORlFeW_bCWSI8VIGxeGEtGKidBg fgkrmnfGWJC9fhJlkXSAxygtm1QARtGioZOE73PewljYNgrc0v 9K_vkI0OdFTzFZ4KlHm9f5rcbT2EV3FsCeMtI97WibYqKwLF7D 5qtnDVJt84Ze40ea4BhhJgwSY4jCLYqhheXoqG0HYmxA4NXtFN N5On6yp5sLMUKnpgY6XAdbNk5LkjdDTgw7SuuaPT_A0iybKlwZ TcU2ry3rRK_QIqdXSIOqVob97DI1X3h7uLZ2kjMvQ-PgK4LytL3e3_GPr34bzmmrN-4o55-xrOvMztz_VecG6_CWv465o1MJWXM7niPAxis1cF5MVfkfjzrEp ZStf6OX5WQnQUWnzXsmbm
Good one she really pumping him. She is a pro.

04-04-2020, 02:43 PM
Half your luck, keep the day interesting

04-04-2020, 04:28 PM
This is the most boring fucking useless post ever. Do fucks sake man, mind your own business. If someone is naked in the first place, don't keep perving.. and definitely don't write about it on here.

You want attention right? Writing it here. Stfu and keep this shit to yourself.

04-04-2020, 07:18 PM
Good one she really pumping him. She is a pro.

The person making the bed the next floor up is the funniest thing....coincidence?

04-04-2020, 09:56 PM
The person making the bed the next floor up is the funniest thing....coincidence?
Looks like a hotel with white sheet and same beds arrangement.

05-04-2020, 02:47 PM
Mate , there’s only one reason of watching 10, and it sure ain’t looking at Dud or Julie

You're right there. 10 was a funny movie about a man in middle age who becomes infatuated with a young woman whom he has never met, leading to a comic chase and an encounter in Mexico. His fantasy does comes true in the end.



George Webber played by Dudley Moore had everything but he discovered that he didn't have everything. There's nothing more exciting than a fantasy and it can give life a new meaning. It can make a grown up man act like a child. This is what happened to George. He becomes obsessed with a beautiful young girl. He had never met her, knew nothing about her or where she came from but he set out to do everything to make his dream come true. I'm sure many guys or punters have done this too. LOL

He finally tracks his '10' in Mexico with her husband where they are on their honeymoon. Although George is initially elated to find all of his fantasies being fulfilled, he is horrified when Jenny played by Bo Derek takes a call from her husband while in bed with him and casually informs him of George's presence. He is even more confused when David (Jenny's husband) responds with a complete lack of concern (he had called to thank George for saving his life). When Jenny explains their open relationship and mutual honesty, and that they only got married due to pressure from her conservative father, George is appalled. He realises that in contrast to the complete infatuation he has had with her, Jenny sees him as nothing more than a "casual lay", so poor George loses interest. This has surely happened to many punters who had a crush on WLs or MLs.

George reconciles with his partner Sam played by Julie Andrews by apologizing and demonstrating a new maturity. His neighbor, watching this through his telescope, complains that he has had enough of providing erotic entertainment to George and getting nothing in return. He walks away from the telescope in disgust. George takes an idea from Jenny. He starts Boléro on his phonograph, and he and Sam make love—ironically, in full view of the neighbor's telescope.

An interesting and entertaining movie to see. :smile:

God Member
05-04-2020, 06:27 PM
At some point at the beginning of this ^ I stopped reading. I'm sure watching the movie will be more entertaining if you don't know the entire plot!

05-04-2020, 09:47 PM
There’s a movie called Three !

It probably meant threes a crowd.

But it’s the very first time we get to see Kelly Brook Nude and fucked on the beach ! Better than 10 and Lady in Red I reckon!

Well, if you love big tits !

05-04-2020, 10:38 PM
Good one she really pumping him. She is a pro.This COVID-19 isolation sure is resulting in some strange behaviour from people. Behavioural Scientists will probably look at this period and discuss how it changed human behaviour permanently.

Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

06-04-2020, 08:47 PM
This is the most boring fucking useless post ever. Do fucks sake man, mind your own business. If someone is naked in the first place, don't keep perving.. and definitely don't write about it on here.

You want attention right? Writing it here. Stfu and keep this shit to yourself.

Thank you!
Finally, another voice of reason.

Viva la resistance against being a creepy cunt!

07-04-2020, 09:53 AM
Thank you!
Finally, another voice of reason.

Viva la resistance against being a creepy cunt!
BS... You fuckers are just in a really bad mood because you can't get any action. Go watch some porn and stop taking it out on fellow punters.

07-04-2020, 09:54 AM
This is the most boring fucking useless post ever. Do fucks sake man, mind your own business. If someone is naked in the first place, don't keep perving.. and definitely don't write about it on here.

You want attention right? Writing it here. Stfu and keep this shit to yourself.
Stfu and go watch some porn.

07-04-2020, 10:02 AM
So I have been working from home for several weeks new.
My apartment is designed in a U shape, so my window looks out onto basically a set of bedrooms.
One floor below, there's one particular bedroom - it's blinds were up, and approx at 2pm I see this Eurasian girl, completely naked, probably in her 20s with C cup. I see her for about 10 seconds, and then she goes into another room. The way she walked naked was full of confidence.

I kept an eye out on this bedroom - and realise its blinds up for the rest of the afternoon and night. Apparently no one is sleeping in this bedroom, even though it has a large king sized bed with pillows and cushions. (I can only see 20% of the bed)

The next day, I kept an eye out, but saw no movement at all.

And today at around 2pm, I see the same girl and she's getting out of bed. This time there's a man with her. This lasts a few seconds, and they're out of the bedroom.
Later at 3pm, she comes back and spends approximately 20-30mins doing her make-up. I couldn't see her face clearly, but her hair and dress makes me believe she's probably East Asian.
After that, the room remained empty with no activity.

I'm beginning to think there's some underground activity.
She's either a private WL or she's just an exhibitionist (probably this.... Big room is for the cat).
Not many people would walk around naked with the blinds up in the middle of the day. Especially when there's a lock-down.... everyone in apartments facing her would be at home!

07-04-2020, 10:37 AM
A naked cat? :-)

definitely a shape shifter

07-04-2020, 06:40 PM
BS... You fuckers are just in a really bad mood because you can't get any action. Go watch some porn and stop taking it out on fellow punters.

Lol, another member of The Creepy Cunt Club.
I am far from in a bad mood, I am quite happy tbh.
I've got a few FB's to keep me occupied if I need some pussy too.

It would appear that you are the one that is butthurt.
Or are you and OP one in the same?
Maybe just mentally.

09-04-2020, 03:15 PM
She's either a private WL or she's just an exhibitionist (probably this.... Big room is for the cat).
Not many people would walk around naked with the blinds up in the middle of the day. Especially when there's a lock-down.... everyone in apartments facing her would be at home!

I think you're spot on. The blinds are always up.

10-04-2020, 09:32 PM
Lol, another member of The Creepy Cunt Club.
I am far from in a bad mood, I am quite happy tbh.
I've got a few FB's to keep me occupied if I need some pussy too.

It would appear that you are the one that is butthurt.
Or are you and OP one in the same?
Maybe just mentally.

Sorry but I don't agree with you.

Come on! Who are you kidding?
We all are pervs here.
If you think you are not, you need a reality check.

The OP is neither going out of the way to pry on her nor is he stalking her. She happens to be his neighbor.
Now, if he let a drone loose to capture images of her or face a video camera towards her window, that's a No No!

OP probably thought this is a safe space to talk about it because all the forumers are like him, a sex hound.
But some punters might be cumming in a WL's mouth at one point and then, draw the line on morality when they hear that a guy is curious about a naked girl he sees through his window.
Slam him all you want if he actually acts on it but till now, it's just a harmless fun, which he will forget about when IDK new series of Mandalorian comes on TV or something.

There are way creepier guys out there!
Like this one middle-aged gentlemen in my train line who always watches K-Pop videos.
Does one labelled it as creepy?...yeah, because he is doing that in public in front of girls.
He is not venting his perversion by coming to a sex forum and sharing his thoughts on K-Pop models. Now, that would have been way more reasonable.

10-04-2020, 11:21 PM
Sorry but I don't agree with you.

Come on! Who are you kidding?
We all are pervs here.
If you think you are not, you need a reality check.

The OP is neither going out of the way to pry on her nor is he stalking her. She happens to be his neighbor.
Now, if he let a drone loose to capture images of her or face a video camera towards her window, that's a No No!

OP probably thought this is a safe space to talk about it because all the forumers are like him, a sex hound.
But some punters might be cumming in a WL's mouth at one point and then, draw the line on morality when they hear that a guy is curious about a naked girl he sees through his window.
Slam him all you want if he actually acts on it but till now, it's just a harmless fun, which he will forget about when IDK new series of Mandalorian comes on TV or something.

There are way creepier guys out there!
Like this one middle-aged gentlemen in my train line who always watches K-Pop videos.
Does one labelled it as creepy?...yeah, because he is doing that in public in front of girls.
He is not venting his perversion by coming to a sex forum and sharing his thoughts on K-Pop models. Now, that would have been way more reasonable.

Watching a naked woman who parades around nude in her home is kind of creepy unless she waves back & tells him to come over.

As for the K Pop guy yeah maybe he’s creepy too. However here is a comparison. I do watch female Pop Videos on public transport cause I like Pop music. Sure Taylor Swift is beautiful but she doesn’t make sexy videos like say Beyoncé or Ariana Grande. In fact people especially girls would jump to the conclusion I’m gay if they saw me watching that on trains before thinking I’m creepy.

11-04-2020, 02:38 AM
Watching a naked woman who parades around nude in her home is kind of creepy unless she waves back & tells him to come over.

As for the K Pop guy yeah maybe he’s creepy too. However here is a comparison. I do watch female Pop Videos on public transport cause I like Pop music. Sure Taylor Swift is beautiful but she doesn’t make sexy videos like say Beyoncé or Ariana Grande. In fact people especially girls would jump to the conclusion I’m gay if they saw me watching that on trains before thinking I’m creepy.

Yeah, but this was a 60 year old white guy. Do you really think he was that much into K-pop?
I would think he is creepy before thinking he is gay.
But who knows! May be girls think differently.
But again, you prove my point: Creepiness lines/extremes are quite blurred here.

I never said "Watching naked woman" walking around in her home is not little creepy.
But I am saying where do you draw the line of morality on this?
If someone is naked, I just caught a glimpse of her and leered a bit because you know as a guy you can't help but look. Does this deserve the full wrath of the punters?...He saw her, shared the story just for kicks...That's about it!
I am pretty sure even if the girl saw him watching, she would just close the blinds from next time onward...And that's that!

Sorry mkkid!
I am fighting your battles here for God knows why...may be I am bored or something...
But I guess the consensus of some punters is it is super creepy and inexcusable.
Take it however you will!

I have an old chinese woman as my neighbor so I have no such problem.
In fact, she might be leering on me.
All good! I will let her live a little.

11-04-2020, 07:08 PM
Yeah, but this was a 60 year old white guy. Do you really think he was that much into K-pop?
I would think he is creepy before thinking he is gay.
But who knows! May be girls think differently.
But again, you prove my point: Creepiness lines/extremes are quite blurred here.

I never said "Watching naked woman" walking around in her home is not little creepy.
But I am saying where do you draw the line of morality on this?
If someone is naked, I just caught a glimpse of her and leered a bit because you know as a guy you can't help but look. Does this deserve the full wrath of the punters?...He saw her, shared the story just for kicks...That's about it!
I am pretty sure even if the girl saw him watching, she would just close the blinds from next time onward...And that's that!

Sorry mkkid!
I am fighting your battles here for God knows why...may be I am bored or something...
But I guess the consensus of some punters is it is super creepy and inexcusable.
Take it however you will!

I have an old chinese woman as my neighbor so I have no such problem.
In fact, she might be leering on me.
All good! I will let her live a little.

We all are here to write and read reviews.... therefore all of us are creepy. Why be on a high horse and deny obvious.

11-04-2020, 08:09 PM
We all are here to write and read reviews.... therefore all of us are creepy. Why be on a high horse and deny obvious.

Well, that was my point exactly.

But some punters seem to take the high road on the matter.
And some even pointed out (through private message) that I was being racist when I said "60+" year old white guy.
I was talking about that particular white guy and was saying "stereo-typically" 60+ year old white guys are not into K-Pop videos.
Just to be clear, I never claimed my words are set on stones. These are just opinions and may be I am wrong.

People are really getting antsy because of the isolation. I better lay off these threads; otherwise, next thing I know people will be cussing like crazy (similar to what PornHunter dude did before he was banned).

12-04-2020, 12:05 AM
thanks yug (guy in reverse?) for your support. Any old guy 60+ still interested in K-Pop is creepy.

12-04-2020, 12:45 AM
Mr yug. If my neighbor is like that nd walking around naked( oh i don't care if shes a pork chop any female will.do atm) :shout:.. i will move my dining table over to the window:cool2:

12-04-2020, 10:35 PM
It's fun to imagine.

15-04-2020, 09:49 PM
Hey I found it interesting, and made me a bit more curious about my neighbours as well haha

25-04-2020, 08:01 PM
Mr yug. If my neighbor is like that nd walking around naked( oh i don't care if shes a pork chop any female will.do atm) :shout:.. i will move my dining table over to the window:cool2:

Well you need to exercise your eyes or you will go blind if you masturbate too much (just old myth). LOL

25-04-2020, 08:59 PM
To the OP.
Good on ya bro.
You are a lucky man to have such a show every day.
Never stop perving and fantasising.
My view from my window is a brick wall.

28-04-2020, 11:24 AM
Using rented apartment for massage or sex business during covid lockdown is a no no. Just report to police or building manager. Everything will be revealed sooner or later.

Let me know when you’re in attendance 🙄....

03-05-2020, 01:44 AM
Wowww only shady thing happening is you pervibg

11-05-2020, 05:22 PM
Was that you mkkid ??


So I have been working from home for several weeks new.
My apartment is designed in a U shape, so my window looks out onto basically a set of bedrooms.
One floor below, there's one particular bedroom - it's blinds were up, and approx at 2pm I see this Eurasian girl, completely naked, probably in her 20s with C cup. I see her for about 10 seconds, and then she goes into another room. The way she walked naked was full of confidence.

I kept an eye out on this bedroom - and realise its blinds up for the rest of the afternoon and night. Apparently no one is sleeping in this bedroom, even though it has a large king sized bed with pillows and cushions. (I can only see 20% of the bed)

The next day, I kept an eye out, but saw no movement at all.

And today at around 2pm, I see the same girl and she's getting out of bed. This time there's a man with her. This lasts a few seconds, and they're out of the bedroom.
Later at 3pm, she comes back and spends approximately 20-30mins doing her make-up. I couldn't see her face clearly, but her hair and dress makes me believe she's probably East Asian.
After that, the room remained empty with no activity.

I'm beginning to think there's some underground activity.

15-01-2024, 12:04 AM
the things we did back during covid!

15-01-2024, 07:52 AM
the things we did back during covid! i know right, it seems a lifetime ago

15-01-2024, 08:59 AM
I blew a lot of secret loads during covid that were against the rules

15-01-2024, 09:59 AM
I blew a lot of secret loads during covid that were against the rules

Apparently those rules can be challenged in court with a high win rate if you had been issued a fine back then.

15-01-2024, 10:00 AM
the things we did back during covid!

Some WLs resorted to private gigs to stay afloat but I can't imagine what's it like for those who refused to do private gigs because they're MLs who won't go past part 2.

15-01-2024, 05:36 PM
I blew a lot of secret loads during covid that were against the rules

It was punting nirvana for me. Fuck the tyrannical geofencing.