View Full Version : Poll Indonesian girl asks for welfare in Australia

05-04-2020, 12:21 AM

Does anyone think she should receive money from centrelink?
or head home?

05-04-2020, 12:35 AM
Need to pay. Not much use.

05-04-2020, 12:41 AM
Need to pay.

I don't believe in welfare, but if ya gotta give, then give fairly to all that paid taxes.

05-04-2020, 12:47 AM
So WL/ML most on student visa do you think they can get social security. They don't pay tax.

05-04-2020, 01:27 AM
This is the part I don't get. Recently a friend told me there were hundreds of backpackers lying around the airport cause they ran out of money.

Most of them are Americans and British.

Isn't there a thing called embassy ?

Countries around the world are arranging flights (including Aus) to bring their people back, the 1st thing they shld do while in trouble overseas is to reach out to their embassy who has the obligation to take care of their citizens. Arrange for flights back home.

The airport is still operating daily flights for countries bringing their citizens home.

05-04-2020, 01:29 AM
Wouldn't the foreign students be more well off than local students? Poor people generally can't afford to send their kids overseas to study.

05-04-2020, 06:37 AM
Overseas seas unistudents have to pay 30k per year to study. So their family should be able to
Send them money

05-04-2020, 11:34 AM
Everything the Government is handing out comes from money that they are borrowing from overseas. To me, if you aren't a permanent resident you get nothing. If you haven't paid X amount of tax you get nothing. If your parents can't send money then go back home. The overseas student study here is a scam anyway. After all this is over a lot of money has to be repaid. Life is going to get tough

When you say if you haven’t paid x amount of tax does that include Australian citizens and permanent residents?

05-04-2020, 12:00 PM
So WL/ML most on student visa do you think they can get social security. They don't pay tax.

Yeah because it's all cash in hand. However if they are working legitimately then they have to pay tax if their income is above the threshold.

05-04-2020, 12:52 PM
Luckily you don't get to decide Pleck.
Life is gonna get tough, you said. And that doesn't mean u gotta help people based on their citizenships or residencies.
Before corona, there was bushfire. It was not as global as covid. But hell, how many countries, non Australian citizens, non Australian residents, gather to help.
How the hell that Celeste could raise 50+ M, were they from all Australian?

05-04-2020, 01:16 PM
Luckily you don't get to decide Pleck.
Life is gonna get tough, you said. And that doesn't mean u gotta help people based on their citizenships or residencies.
Before corona, there was bushfire. It was not as global as covid. But hell, how many countries, non Australian citizens, non Australian residents, gather to help.
How the hell that Celeste could raise 50+ M, were they from all Australian?

Agree 100%. It’s a real shame. When the bush fires were happening the world came together and Australians, helped each other out. It was the true spirit of mateship.

Sad that this virus really brought out the worst in people. A every man for himself mentality.

05-04-2020, 03:00 PM
PM Morrison has made it clear that international students should return home if they cannot support themselves. He has a valid point here. When people such as international students come to Australia, they are required to give a warranty that they are able to support themselves for the first 12 months of their study. Therefore, the government should not be called to assist them with tax payer funds. Our law governing Centrelink payments provides that only certain visa holders, including permanent resident holders, special category visa holders and protected special category visaholders can receive income support payments. International students are here because they gave an undertaking to support themselves. If they can't do it now, then their government should support them when they return home. If an Australian citizen is overseas, will they receive handouts from a foreign government? NO!


Alex T Bear
05-04-2020, 03:00 PM
Migrants, on a study visa have to prove they have sufficient funds to support themselves for a year, in their bank accounts at the time of applying for a study visa. it is a common practice to borrow the funds to show a bank balanced when applying for the visa then withdrawing them when the visa is granted.
Students are also required to take out health insurance, again a condition of granting the visa. Students can work up to 20 hours per week and as in the case of all the other free loaders, can claim a refund at the end of tax year. Often, particularly amongst ML’s and WL’s the proceeds of their work is sent home to support their families.
Why then should the Australian government i.e. you and I support them?
If the situation were reversed and it was you in another country I can assure you that support would not be forthcoming.

05-04-2020, 03:09 PM
Yes anyone. So you think it is fair that whether or someone works or not but does not pay tax should receive Government benefits? Don't forget the Government has no money, it's gets it from people that pay taxes. However, if you stopped personal taxation and had a consumption tax then that would be fairer as everyone would contribute therefore anyone could access benefits.

I take it then I know your stance on dole bludgers?

05-04-2020, 03:27 PM
So WL/ML most on student visa do you think they can get social security. They don't pay tax.

There are many people on welfare payments who have never worked or paid any tax at all during their lifetime. However, they are Australian citizens, permanent residents or refugees who have been given approval to reside in Australia and have the usual waiting periods set aside because of their refugee status. This is why they are entitled to receive welfare payments if they meet the qualification and payability criteria set out in the appropriate welfare payment legislation. In some overseas countries such as Singapore and Switzerland, welfare payments go to those who have contributed to society. Australia takes a different approach as the welfare system is there to support those who can't support themselves.

On the topic of MLs or WLs not paying tax, it's a fact that they don't. Will a WL or ML declare her actual income from working in a shop to the ATO? Of course not! In the case of a girl on a student visa or working holiday visa, highly unlikely that the ATO will know of her employment status. In doing so, they don't pay any tax and in some cases, many live very well. I recall seeing one Indonesian WL showing a photo of her shopping on social media just a month before the virus hit us in March and there were shopping bags from various expensive brand shops that normal Australian workers would only dream about visiting. I bet she wouldn't be declaring her income to the ATO and paying any tax at all. Therefore, don't feel sorry for these girls. Worry more about your families, kids and close friends than those girls.

05-04-2020, 04:39 PM
I have to agree that overseas students should NOT get our government support, they should go to their countries embassy and ask their own government to support them. As has been said, most all of these girls earn tax free dollars and more in a week than I can in a month (and I own my own business and the factory I work out of). Would any of you have felt sorry for them last Xmas when they were all out buying Louis Viutton, Gucci, Channel, Prada, Miu Miu and Burberry products. I had to join a queue at Gucci to get my daughters Xmas presents and most of the girls were spending upwards of $5000. If their desperate for cash they can sell their bag collections on Gumtree.

As for the dole bludgers they shouldn't get any money either. They should all be sent out to work for the dole, get them to do a 38 hour week helping nurses at hospitals they wouldn't need a degree to clean a bedpan or mop floors. Get them to do a 38 hour week helping local councils mow the verge or fill a pothole or sweep the gutters or clean the parks or paint the kids playground equipment. I'm sick of driving past housos at Blacktown or Riverwood and seeing all the mercs, mustangs, audis and beemers. These leeches need to earn our taxes just like we do.

Before any of the bleeding heart lefties inundate me with their diatribe...I do understand that there are genuine people out there who through no fault of their own are either physically or mentally unable to work for the benefit they receive. These are the people that need our help and I do not begrudge them the benefit they receive, in fact these people need an increase in their benefit to bring their standard of living up. The only way to do that is to get the bludging bastards who can work off the dole.

05-04-2020, 06:39 PM
Most international students aren’t sex workers making thousands of dollars cash free per week. Most are on minimum wage or lower doing things residents don’t want to do and propping up university funding with massive fees. Doesn’t seem fair to me to say they don’t contribute anything. Seems like you guys are just a bunch of heartless bastards.

I agree with you on this. And not all students are from rich families, Chinese parents are willing to have one meal less a day so as to give their children a good education !

05-04-2020, 08:25 PM
I agree with you on this. And not all students are from rich families, Chinese parents are willing to have one meal less a day so as to give their children a good education !

Agreed and I see some embassies are trying to organise possible chartered flights back home in the coming months should the prospects of extending lockdown be true

05-04-2020, 08:29 PM
A lot of people think that the WL/ML do not pay tax, well most of them are Foreign citizen so they are not required to have a tax file number, so if they are working in the legitimate shop without a tax file number, the shop owner will have the responsibility to take a big chunk of their money for the collection of GST and income tax purpose, only those working private can dodge the tax.

06-04-2020, 01:00 AM
Do you really believe that? Come in spinner.

They would be paying something atleast the smart operators anyway.

06-04-2020, 01:11 AM
Well... Most WLs & MLs I know are not at uni here... Those advertised as uni gals are 99% fake. They are usually at a private local English school or business study school.

Most of them who can afford the shelves of Prada, Gucci are either happily enjoying life back in China, Korea (it's interesting that I dun hear lots of the Jap gals wanting to go back now) or in the suburbs here, they send me pics of their big steak and hot pot meals.

Those that can't afford are the real students who do not part time as MLs or WLs. They probably part time as waitresses and are now laid off anyways. Those that can afford as part of their visa requirements to sustain themselves by all means stay-on. Those that can't should either choose to go pick fruits or get help from their embassy to go back for the time. Cos either way, it's either they help themselves or help themselves.

While it was nice to receive 50M donations from the world during our bushfire. If the money was from private donations for the purpose of helping these overseas students, sure give them the donated money. However these are tax money meant to sustain services like hospitals, police, education, social services for Citizens... Totally different things there.

13-04-2020, 09:58 AM
All foreign nationals registered as students, irrespective of ‘school’ ‘ ‘academy’ university, are paying indirect taxes to the benefit of all us prideful , deeply Compassionate, open armed , egalitarian, fair go ,and crack of the whip Australians.

As said before its a 39 billion per year, pay day.

Full fee paying students., are just that . Paying a lot.

There’s a curious snuff and sniff of the less desirous term ’illegals’ amongst the truffles here.

it needs to be considered , just because you managed to pay and bring yourself to Australia and perhaps 3 years ago when you said you were able to support yourself , for 12 months . 3 years on, who would imagined we are in the midst of a global pandemic ? And wht ability do people back home have to pay for a family member if they themselves have no work.

Considering the enormity of this event, Which Individual here , let alone business owner or state and federal govt adequately prepared For this scenario.

whilst laws may currently state who can or not receive govt. financial support. There are all manner of means at the disposal of law
makers and discretionary powers.

And in terms of sending them home , cast your minds back only weeks, to when you had tertiary places of study offering cash incentives up to 7k?? Per student. To please Come back to Australia

We are currently been blown by the worlds biggest HJ as govt spends 130 billion plus on a wild Melee of stimulation ... why shouldn’t we extend some More to others ?

What about those in temporary protection visas ? They are legitimate and sanctioned to be here . They get Nada ... the list is long and mighty and simplistic rote wooden comments, does not come Close To teasing out the nuance - goading perhaps...

While we are saying what undeserving people can’t have , as we are seeing them off at the docks ... should we be giving them back a refund on expensive visas and school fees due to covid

13-04-2020, 10:19 AM
Do we get help from foreign governments like money/welfare if we are in the same situation?

13-04-2020, 10:34 AM
Do we get help from foreign governments like money/welfare if we are in the same situation?

Do we or have we ever received assistance - of course

But is that really an answer to the current issues facing large groups of people in the Australian community - and remember this applies to both residents , non residents , permanent visa holders or not and by gosh Rub a dub or should I say rub
N tug citizens and those who inhabit, frequent this esteemed forum.

Had anyone including yourself made contingency for such an event. ?

18-04-2020, 04:44 PM
I don't understand, are brothels and massage shops pay tax? And the staffs? If not would it be easy to catch them? I really want to know how they operate....

18-04-2020, 05:24 PM
Who pay the rent for the shops? It is free?

What about the bullshit where crown is paying $205 million to share holders but will be getting Jobkeeper payments?

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

18-04-2020, 05:40 PM
Who pay the rent for the shops? It is free?

What about the bullshit where crown is paying $205 million to share holders but will be getting Jobkeeper payments?

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

Some shops don't pay rent because they own their premises.

As noted above, Crown has the capacity to pay its shareholders but doesn't care about its workers. It's no longer owned by Billionaire James Packer who sold a $448 million stake in Crown Resorts, reducing his ownership of the casino operator to less than 50 per cent. Virgin is 90% foreign owned (Etihad Airways (20.94%) Singapore Airlines (20.09%) Nanshan Group (19.98%) HNA Group (19.82%) Virgin Group (10.42%)) and these companies that have an interest in it don't want to bail it out. The government bailed out GMH and what happened in the end? The Americans decided to close up business in Australia. What we are seeing is the poor taxpayer being asked to support large companies that have been paying large salary packages and bonuses to their CEOs and executives and when some crisis hits, it's suddenly the government with taxpayer funds being requested to step in and keep the company trading or pay its workers.

18-04-2020, 09:36 PM
Some shops don't pay rent because they own their premises.

As noted above, Crown has the capacity to pay its shareholders but doesn't care about its workers. It's no longer owned by Billionaire James Packer who sold a $448 million stake in Crown Resorts, reducing his ownership of the casino operator to less than 50 per cent. Virgin is 90% foreign owned (Etihad Airways (20.94%) Singapore Airlines (20.09%) Nanshan Group (19.98%) HNA Group (19.82%) Virgin Group (10.42%)) and these companies that have an interest in it don't want to bail it out. The government bailed out GMH and what happened in the end? The Americans decided to close up business in Australia. What we are seeing is the poor taxpayer being asked to support large companies that have been paying large salary packages and bonuses to their CEOs and executives and when some crisis hits, it's suddenly the government with taxpayer funds being requested to step in and keep the company trading or pay its workers.

Hahaha! Capitalists quickly turn into socialists when they start making losses. LOL!

19-04-2020, 09:38 AM
If you don't pay X amount of tax then you get fuck all.

Observation , statement or, new policy?

19-04-2020, 09:52 AM
..... I'm sick of driving past housos at Blacktown or Riverwood and seeing all the mercs, mustangs, audis and beemers. These leeches need to earn our taxes just like we do..

I’m sick of large corps paying sweet fuk all or investing considerable in minimising their responsibilities to both the tax system In which. they derive benefit by means of govt.and profit.

I’m also sick of driving through double bay , toorak, Paddington etc and seeing merc beemers bentleys Lambos and Gucci Prada handbags left casually outside for hard garbage days...

these people need to earn and pay taxes just like the majority of people of any status in Australia , who currently pay tax as directed by the ATO

I’m sick of generalities ...

I’m sick of moaning

I’m sick of superfood quinoa promises ,

I’m Sick of ill fitting comments and observations ...

I’mSick of self Help IG posts..

I’m sick of men who happily visit /ML/WL thus Contributing to their obviously tax free high life status yet still need to gripe and groan

19-04-2020, 09:52 AM
Most international students aren’t sex workers making thousands of dollars cash free per week. Most are on minimum wage or lower doing things residents don’t want to do and propping up university funding with massive fees. Doesn’t seem fair to me to say they don’t contribute anything. Seems like you guys are just a bunch of heartless bastards.
theres shit load of rich chinese student here. no doubt if this is allow they will also can claim money to fund their luxury life.

19-04-2020, 09:54 AM
Observation , statement or, new policy?
Nah just some random stating his idea to get more post count 😂

19-04-2020, 09:59 AM
Nah just some random stating his idea to get more post count 😂

Ha ha

As there is no wax shops open, awhile
Back I decided to start ‘Pulling a Pube’ , for every alternate fact and rumbly rumination issued...

I’m pretty well damn near denuded

19-04-2020, 12:44 PM
And there is the opposite end of the spectrum Mr liminal...

I'm also sick of the rich end of town not paying their fair share in two ways, firstly as a taxpayer...why are they on the same tax bracket as me? They earn shitloads more than me but we're the same rate!
Then as a small shareholder...why do they put their hands up every year for pay increases and bonuses when profits have fallen or are stagnant. They NEVER forego increases if they've made a mistake and cost the company money, they just pay less dividends to the shareholders. So the shareholders have to take the cut for the boards fuck up.

The way I see it we middle class taxpayers i.e. the government are being spit roasted.
The dole bludgers are fucking us up the arse while the rich end of town is face fucking us...the sad part is we (the government) do nothing to stop it.

19-04-2020, 01:27 PM
And there is the opposite end of the spectrum Mr liminal...

I'm also sick of the rich end of town not paying their fair share in two ways, firstly as a taxpayer...why are they on the same tax bracket as me? They earn shitloads more than me but we're the same rate!
Then as a small shareholder...why do they put their hands up every year for pay increases and bonuses when profits have fallen or are stagnant. They NEVER forego increases if they've made a mistake and cost the company money, they just pay less dividends to the shareholders. So the shareholders have to take the cut for the boards fuck up.

The way I see it we middle class taxpayers i.e. the government are being spit roasted.
The dole bludgers are fucking us up the arse while the rich end of town is face fucking us...the sad part is we (the government) do nothing to stop it.
Welcome to the real world. That's why we go to a fantasy world for one hour to enjoy and have fun to forget the unequal world.