View Full Version : Question "Boyfriend" type cock

07-05-2020, 09:21 AM
Just reminiscing about past experiences and remembered one punt where the WG commented after the sex "I like your cock, it's a boyfriend type". I asked her what that's supposed to mean, and she said the size is not preferable on a customer because it makes her sore, but it's perfect on a boyfriend. She might very well be just trying to make me feel good, but what an incredible way to do it, haha!
Anybody had this comment thrown their way before?

07-05-2020, 10:37 AM
Just reminiscing about past experiences and remembered one punt where the WG commented after the sex "I like your cock, it's a boyfriend type". I asked her what that's supposed to mean, and she said the size is not preferable on a customer because it makes her sore, but it's perfect on a boyfriend. She might very well be just trying to make me feel good, but what an incredible way to do it, haha!
Anybody had this comment thrown their way before?

haha. The girls know how to stroke our egos, as well as other things. I think most of us got similar comments. The comment directed to me was "your cock is perfect. not too big. not too small". So that would make me "good customer type" :-)

07-05-2020, 10:49 AM
haha. The girls know how to stroke our egos, as well as other things. I think most of us got similar comments. The comment directed to me was "your cock is perfect. not too big. not too small". So that would make me "good customer type" :-)
That the same comment I got. It could be true because It go inside her pussy easy and comfortable.

07-05-2020, 12:32 PM
haha. The girls know how to stroke our egos, as well as other things. I think most of us got similar comments. The comment directed to me was "your cock is perfect. not too big. not too small". So that would make me "good customer type" :-)

Yeah this line seems very common. I've got it so many times too. Even from western girls but after I initiated a chat.

07-05-2020, 12:39 PM
WLs usually say to me "Is that your penis or do you have two belly buttons?" or "Your penis is the same size as my nipple" or "is it inside me? I can't feel it"

07-05-2020, 02:03 PM
Just reminiscing about past experiences and remembered one punt where the WG commented after the sex "I like your cock, it's a boyfriend type". I asked her what that's supposed to mean, and she said the size is not preferable on a customer because it makes her sore, but it's perfect on a boyfriend. She might very well be just trying to make me feel good, but what an incredible way to do it, haha!
Anybody had this comment thrown their way before?

Sounds like she wants you to BBFS with CIP .....

07-05-2020, 02:37 PM
Yes similar. One girl said "omgg u lasted a long time " good for gf or wife only....she be happy etc

07-05-2020, 02:59 PM
Moral of the story is that no matter how special you think you are. You are just a wallet to the WL. The only thing they strike better than a cock is your ego

07-05-2020, 03:09 PM
WLs usually say to me "Is that your penis or do you have two belly buttons?" or "Your penis is the same size as my nipple" or "is it inside me? I can't feel it"


Like everyone has said, the only thing they stroke better than your dick is your ego. Call me a sucker but I love it. It’s like WWE wrestling, you know it’s fake but it’s still fun

07-05-2020, 04:34 PM
WLs usually say to me "Is that your penis or do you have two belly buttons?" or "Your penis is the same size as my nipple" or "is it inside me? I can't feel it"

WL: "what a small dick! Who you gonna satisfy with that?"

AG: "Me."

07-05-2020, 06:42 PM

Like everyone has said, the only thing they stroke better than your dick is your ego. Call me a sucker but I love it. It’s like WWE wrestling, you know it’s fake but it’s still fun
Exactly this. Who cares if it's fake or real, I'll gladly take it all in. If I had a tail, it would've been standing up all day that day, haha.

07-05-2020, 06:44 PM
WL: "what a small dick! Who you gonna satisfy with that?"

AG: "Me."
No WL worth her salt would ever say that. Maybe a few accidental "is it in yet?", but not the above. That's just brutal, hahaha

07-05-2020, 07:01 PM
I have a "dad" type belly.

07-05-2020, 07:04 PM
I was told a few time mine is not too small not too big and rock hard. I just smile and think is she putting me on.

07-05-2020, 07:51 PM
Whenever I get a compliment from WL, I don't even think twice...goes right in the bin.
I don't wanna have a wrong impression about myself or seem too delusional.
Next thing I know I am big headed walking into dark rooms with sunglasses on. Don't wanna be that person :smile:

07-05-2020, 10:49 PM
never take compliments from wls at face value

08-05-2020, 01:28 AM
never take compliments from wls at face value

Why not? If you know what those compliments are and you play the game accordingly, game play is optimal. It's all a game after all.

Back to the op, I have had WLs say I have a big one and it ain't. A lot of WLs and MLs (and women for that matter) are fascinated by big cock, don't necessarily want to be fucked by a big one though.

08-05-2020, 12:37 PM
Just reminiscing about past experiences and remembered one punt where the WG commented after the sex "I like your cock, it's a boyfriend type". I asked her what that's supposed to mean, and she said the size is not preferable on a customer because it makes her sore, but it's perfect on a boyfriend. She might very well be just trying to make me feel good, but what an incredible way to do it, haha!
Anybody had this comment thrown their way before?
What gets me over the line is when they're stroking your cock and their lips are so close to the head that you can feel their breath on it as they say " oooh! You have big one" or something along that line. Gets me everytime.

08-05-2020, 12:56 PM
I've had a few Asian GFs and ONSs over the years, and "ooh, it's big" has been a common opening line.

But considering some of these girls had previous encounters with western men, and I don't consider myself "big", I shrug it off as some form of cultural flattery.

08-05-2020, 06:18 PM
Theres only one time where it felt legit...rest of the times who remembers. They need to pick the moment lol
It was the start of the sesh, semi limp, and she was stroking while licking the balls/base for a good minute or so without ever seeing it.
Now rock hard, suddenly she stopped, looked up, eyes widened and said 'oh! my god!'

08-05-2020, 06:35 PM
I have a "grandpa" type arsehole. It has hemorrhoids.

08-05-2020, 07:02 PM
I have a "grandpa" type arsehole. It has hemorrhoids.

Too much info mate. Do get much of DD device?

09-05-2020, 08:35 PM
Tapered ones go down well

16-05-2020, 05:19 PM
I have a "grandpa" type arsehole. It has hemorrhoids.

Those poor Ginza girls do a lot of rimming for their customers. Do you give them a warning beforehand that you have haemorrhoids or just let them find out for themselves?:shout:

16-05-2020, 08:55 PM
"Wao, so much cum!!" = under-average, better praise his cum
"Wao, so big!" = average size
"Sorry, cannot see, pick someone else/I'm on period" = big size

17-05-2020, 08:53 PM
How does what these girls say matter? Youre paying them to fuck you , and honesty most of us probably would have a snowballs chance in hell to hit that ass without the transaction of money for sex. If you really want them to say youre too big? go for the ass.

18-05-2020, 01:59 AM
The flat chested girls are jealous of my man boobs. They say to me “Your boobs are bigger than mine!”

18-05-2020, 03:13 AM
This question makes me recall the time i was in a FKK club near Frankfurt.
This African guy who was talking to me at the bar whilst we looked on at what was on offer.
He was lamenting to me how being black was the worst for punting as girls just assumed they had a large one. It really reduced the choices for him and he would have to approach girls.
On the opposite assumption he said for the girls they would actively approach asian clients so silver lining eh
His theory was though practical, there was this really exotic sulty middle eastern WL he tried to ask but she declined him twice during the night
He was pretty interesting to talk to just to get a different POV in a vastly different punting setting

19-05-2020, 11:06 AM
Had a WL once say she liked my hair. I wasn't so sure what to make of that. Is it that there was nothing else that she felt the need to compliment?
Especially when I have the typical man haircut that 90% of us have. Lol

19-05-2020, 12:33 PM
nothing to comment really

19-05-2020, 07:05 PM
The bitches are crazy about my pinkies. Toes and fingers. Drives the bitches fucking crazy!
What is it about bitches and pinkies?

20-05-2020, 09:30 AM
Too much info mate. Do get much of DD device?
I didn't even know grandpa had hemmorhoids. Now that image is burnt into my head...

20-05-2020, 09:57 AM
How does what these girls say matter? Youre paying them to fuck you , and honesty most of us probably would have a snowballs chance in hell to hit that ass without the transaction of money for sex. If you really want them to say youre too big? go for the ass.
Whatever floats your boat. I get turned on by stuff they say or do as a direct result of having my dick in them, can't help it.
Some like the girl to be moaning and groaning, or similar reactions to what you see in porn... I just prefer something different and a bit more subtle.
Like, the C girl telling me she could feel me on her cervix and pointing to a spot below her navel when we're in mish. Or the J girl taking me in her ass and saying "big" after a few thrusts. Even having girls try to limit the depth of my thrusts by pushing back on me saying "too deep" in Chinese turns me on!

21-05-2020, 05:08 PM
My earlobes drive the bitches crazy too! LOL!
Is there any part of my body that isn't fucking crazy sexy and a massive turn on for the bitches? I don't think so!
I am a fucking sexy beast! LOL!