View Full Version : General talk After years of punting, sometimes a memory creeps up on you.

12-05-2020, 05:06 PM
A few years ago, I regularly saw a massage girl by the name of C. She was Taiwanese. She had a particularly seductive power, the origin of which is hard to describe. She had this slow, sultry way of moving, a depthless gaze from which emanated something capricious, and a slight over-bite that at times forced her mouth slightly ajar in the most erotic of contours and expressions; and her voice ... it was deep and honeyed. This combination was for me, cubist and pretty bewitching; and consequently, I would see her with strict regularity.
During one of our meetings she told me a story concerning her past. There was once a poor young lad who got caught in her net so to speak. But alas, his affections were entirely unreciprocated. As the dismal months drew on, his obsession with this beautiful and deadly creature reached such awesome peaks of futility and melancholy, he became completely overwhelmed and drowned himself in a river that snaked through their little town.
C. told me this story with complete indifference. But of course, I thought, how else could she relate to such a pathetic display of unrequited love? However, it wasn't her apparent and understandable indifference that gave me a slight twinge in my being, but a sly, almost devilish grin that played upon that lovely mouth of hers at the culmination of her story.
I'd like to back-track a bit, and mention that a few weeks prior to this disconcerting little display, she put that beautiful little impish face close to mine (I was prone on my back on the table, and she hovered behind and over me, so that our lips touched in duality) and promptly pushed her tongue into my mouth. In the words of the great Nordic modernist Knut Hamsun, it was like a jet of wine to the heart.
Well, friends, from that moment on I was hooked. Every week I was there like clockwork. She even gave me her personal mobile line. When she'd reply to my texts an awesome wave of well-being saturated my senses– and when she didn't, throes of despair and bitter emptiness, those inevitable and repulsive sentiments that characterise passionate Love overwhelmed me.
So every week I'd get my little fix. She'd hang over me in that yin and yang formation and we'd be blissfully tongue-tied. Well of course, I wanted to take things further. That's human nature. And when I intimated something of the sort, she replied: 'Go. Go and never come back here again'. Of course I returned, otherwise I wouldn't have been privy to what would eventually be the focal point of this story. Well in the end she moved away. Just as well. They could've been fishing me out of a river.

13-05-2020, 12:54 AM
that cautionary tale sound remarkably like a story my exgf told me, interestingly taiwanese too. i think she said something something about being a folk tale in taiwanese culture.

it's dangerous in invest in any relationship, especially one with a ML or WL. Maybe she was kind enough to give you a warning so you dont suffer the same fate, figuratively speaking.

Almost 20 years ago, I was once in a relationship with a kind hearted WL for almost 2 years. she didnt want my money - in fact she wanted to give me $100k to kick start my biz adventure at the time - obviously i didnt take it - its her hard earned money literally and business adventure can sometime go wrong (well it didnt but could have). At the end i have to end it as it as i realized I could never get over how we have met, no matter how infatuated I was with her at times. She end up marrying some other dude in a hurry and settled in NZ whilst still not over me. I checked up on her a few years later and was happy to see that she has grown to love that man deeply. Her husband is very much bigger man than i was - he knew her history although wasnt her client, but still love her deeply. I am happy for her.

13-05-2020, 08:16 AM
Ah memories. Long time ago now was with a Japanese girl who in retrospect told me her story but I would not listen. All the signs that I knew well were there but I never noticed properly. Went on with me trying to have a proper relationship with her that was never to be. Kind of came to a head when she wanted a visa extension (so marry me) but I baulked, said yes can marry but let’s wait.
Essentially was being used like she borrowed my car to take her dates out with her (again I turned other way).
Went on for a while until I got jack of it one night due to all the gaslighting going on and begun to plan how to get out (and get back an expensive phone of mine she was borrowing). By pure luck I mistakenly thought that Broncos had a home game that evening so went in another direction to what I normally would. Up near Spring Hill there she is walking down the hill hand in hand with this guy. Though f’ this pulled over and confronted them at the lights. Basically said this is over give me the phone- then this British guy starts arguing with me over it and can she keep SIM card? Or phone? Nope all mine hand over now or I call the cops and have you both charged. He then says we will delete the phone and begins to try so I grab out of his hand and back off. He tries three times to tackle me to the ground and each time he ends on his ass. Ends with him making some more threats and them leaving.
Turns out she had 9 side hustles on the go and was using the phone for her business- kept ringing with guys wanting fun time.
One night mate of mine rung her and booked her on the phone and wanted to see how far her service would stretch- bareback anal for $250 (he obviously never took her up on it) Went to get tested next day.
Was kind enough to suggest each of her side hustles do the same- 4 actually message back and thanked me as they were in same boat as me thinking exclusive relationship with her etc but had doubts which I confirmed. Should point out I didn’t message her contact bank, they kept messaging me so I told them no longer her phone and went from there.
Turns out the guy who I ran into her with that night married her and they have two kids together and still married- know this as he works in same company as my mate. Seems he was happy to turn the blind eye. Seen her a few times over the years and seems she is still hustling as I have seen her hand in hand with a few different guys.

13-05-2020, 12:48 PM
Ditto. Similar story. They must take us A99 dwellers as deadset mugs. From TW as well and sucker punched more than once. At least one of the TW tornados had the balls to confess she had a plan B. She met him at local gym. Was vacuuming both him and his wallet. She had plenty of practise at both. Good luck to them.

Kung-Fu lesson to Grasshopper: Don’t get involved with ML/WL.

13-05-2020, 03:42 PM
the unfortunate thing, for men especially, is that some of us confuse emotional intimacy with physical intimacy. some are skilled at ruthless exploiting that. My own tale wasnt like that, but even then nothing long term came out it. So pay for physical intimacy but dont get confused - keep your eyes wide open - well at least make that your aspiration

16-05-2020, 06:18 PM
Good to be able to look back at it all with humility.

17-05-2020, 12:34 PM
Good to be able to look back at it all with humility.

Really it comes down to live and learn and don’t make same mistake again and again