View Full Version : General talk Punting solo or take a friend

22-09-2020, 09:08 PM
So long time lurker occasional poster, have been going to knockos on/off last couple years . My mate got me into it and I became addicted. Only went with me once to show me the light, but no more .. he’s a veteran of wan chai etc but doesn’t seem to feel the urge anymore.. so question is do you go hans solo or with a friend?

22-09-2020, 09:25 PM
hans solo... too many times been waiting outside only to find out they extended for another hour

22-09-2020, 09:46 PM
First time I went to a popular place in the city, went to a pub afterwards to share war stories. We were in the the main bar and he’s talking loudly how good it was he got sucked off and blew in her gob. I went bright red in shock that everyone nearby could hear everything.

23-09-2020, 10:58 AM
When you are with your mate and find this nice girl in a lineup, do you guys flip coin? Lol

23-09-2020, 12:35 PM
Went with a mate one time, he was shouting as he got his commissions from a massive sale. We were shown 5 girls and of course we both liked the same one! Of course, I let him have her and I settled for an Aussie Filipino lass. Still, pretty erotic massage and a lot of fun. And yes, he extended so I left on my own!

I am pretty tight with my boss, he trusts me with very sensitive information, both professionally and personally, as do I. I have been his right hand man for many years now. He knows that I punt. He has hinted recently that he could be keen, especially after we have been out on business lunches and drinks. I am really in 2 minds whether to take him or not.

23-09-2020, 12:39 PM
Went with a mate one time, he was shouting as he got his commissions from a massive sale. We were shown 5 girls and of course we both liked the same one! Of course, I let him have her and I settled for an Aussie Filipino lass. Still, pretty erotic massage and a lot of fun. And yes, he extended so I left on my own!

I am pretty tight with my boss. He knows that I punt. He has hinted recently that he could be keen, especially after we have been out on business lunches and drinks. I am really in 2 minds whether to take him or not.

Definitely you should! From the money footprint perspective, he will then have problems in hiding his trails of punting. You can then offer him to pay you through your salary and you can cover his trail. You will have a job guaranteed for life! 😉

23-09-2020, 12:46 PM
Definitely you should! From the money footprint perspective, he will then have problems in hiding his trails of punting. You can then offer him to pay you through your salary and you can cover his trail. You will have a job guaranteed for life! 😉

i edited after you responded. Can't do that, but I don't think money trail is a concern with him, he goes alright, very well in fact and his missus can't see all the bank statements. He has a couple of personal accounts already that his missus has no idea about.

I think I am in 2 minds because punting for me has evolved into an alter ego, a 2nd life if you will. An escape from the day to day grind. Not sure I want to share that with anyone else. No issues sharing on anonymous forum, but mixing that life and my real life could have consequences.

23-09-2020, 03:03 PM
I understand Raybo. Personally I think you should not include your boss in your punting life. But if he explicitly ask or invite you (even better if hes shouting), you can accept. Dont let it happen to often.

Problem is if he starts to use you as a cover for his missus, he will keep asking you for favour like convince his wife, send fake invite for meetings etc.

23-09-2020, 03:21 PM
Problem is if he starts to use you as a cover for his missus, he will keep asking you for favour like convince his wife, send fake invite for meetings etc.

Yeah. I know his sex life at home ain't peaches and cream and I know how hard the punting bug bites. I don't want to be the guy that got him into it.

23-09-2020, 04:14 PM
The last thing you need is a mate opening his mouth about your punting after a few beers or being jealous about some girl. This is why punting solo is usually the better way.

23-09-2020, 05:13 PM
Solo is the best. Without your friends accidental outing you on punting. When young years ago going with friends was fun and good laugh after the punt. But not now become more wise and secretive.

23-09-2020, 05:44 PM
when I first started, I had to go with a friend or friends. now I wanna ghostwrited by myself. this ensures I get first pick ;)

23-09-2020, 08:56 PM
friend introduced me to punting/ massage- we used to do rock paper scissors to decide who gets first pick

24-09-2020, 06:27 PM
Solo. Always solo.
I'm not a "pack animal" anyway. Dont get me wrong I love spending time with mates and people I care about, but I just never saw the appeal of doing literally everything together. I do enjoy time to myself as well. Have travelled alone. Don't mind eating alone in a restaurant either.
Punting is purely my time. It's my escape.
I have mates who go together and that's all good. It works for them. When we're together we share stories but always in a private setting. They have invited me to go with them but I always decline.

26-09-2020, 03:12 PM
You wouldn't want your best man spilling the beans on you just before your wedding.

Alan's wedding speech to Stu in The Hangover Part II.


26-09-2020, 03:31 PM
Solo is the best way !

26-09-2020, 11:53 PM
Have punted many times with my good mate...

Always be a gentleman and let him choose firsr...

27-09-2020, 03:27 PM
Gee, I think the only time I ever went punting with a friend, I met his ex-wife for the 1st time, the same night.

28-09-2020, 01:57 PM
agency - i go solo
brothel- solo or with a 2nd mate (not going to punt with more than 2 people)

28-09-2020, 05:14 PM
nothing to comment really

29-09-2020, 07:17 PM

So no problem going alone.

What I DO want is a mate to go get tattooed with.
And then swap artists half way through.
Like an Ink Master challenge.
Or that time when Brothelcreeper double teamed with A&L.

29-09-2020, 07:39 PM

30-09-2020, 09:55 PM
Solo for sure. Punting for me is an alter ego. New name, number, phone, email, bank account. Sometimes wish I could share stories (top / bad punts and just some of the funny shit that goes down) with my mates but I'm not going there

01-10-2020, 12:05 AM
Solo, in a group can be fun as well. But generally when I go, I tend to book and plan ahead. Whereas in a group its harder to plan.