View Full Version : General talk Smoke free?

01-10-2020, 02:49 AM
Hi All

Long time lurker first time poster

Does anyone have any recommendations for FS on north shore at a smoke free establishment, open up to midnight? Or basically anywhere that I can come out of smelling neutral.

I live under the same roof as separated partner. She knows I don’t smoke or go to pub so I can’t use those as covers, she’ll know I’ve been punting if I come home late smelling like ciggies.

Closest establishment to me is 42G which has huge ciggie smell, I’ve been there when the ex has been out of town but that’s not happening atm with COVID :-(

01-10-2020, 11:24 AM
Hi All

Long time lurker first time poster

Does anyone have any recommendations for FS on north shore at a smoke free establishment, open up to midnight? Or basically anywhere that I can come out of smelling neutral.

I live under the same roof as separated partner. She knows I don’t smoke or go to pub so I can’t use those as covers, she’ll know I’ve been punting if I come home late smelling like ciggies.

Closest establishment to me is 42G which has huge ciggie smell, I’ve been there when the ex has been out of town but that’s not happening atm with COVID :-(

As an ex-smoker I feel your pain !!

Your best bet it probably to find a private who fits your requirements.

Funny really, the permeating smell tends to be a permeating taste as well which can be quite off putting.

01-10-2020, 11:39 AM
Been to Chatswood 60 a few times, don't recall it smelling of ciggies and I'm a nonsmoker

01-10-2020, 01:23 PM
As a ex-smoker I hate the smell on me too and even worse on the WL. If I can taste it on her breath its a massive turn off, best thing you could do is keep a set of clothes with you to change into.

01-10-2020, 01:28 PM
42g smells like ciggies? Really? I've never noticed. I know there are ashtrays in the waiting rooms but never smelt anything or seen any ash. Just ask to be seated in a non smoking room/non smoking girl. Doesn't seem that hard.

01-10-2020, 01:37 PM
I was in room 3 at 42 last night and the smoke smell was so bad when I stepped in.

I left the door open while waiting for like 10-15mins and it got clear up pretty quick. The over all ventilation is actually good in the building.

I do prefer if shops can separate non-smoking rooms that'll be perfect. But I guess that may be impractical.

carmen farquis
01-10-2020, 04:50 PM
can go to pure massage or the Thai rnts at Lindfield or any of the massage shops that do extras

01-10-2020, 04:56 PM
can go to pure massage or the Thai rnts at Lindfield or any of the massage shops that do extras

Second this. MPs don't tend to allow smoking.

Pure Massage smells quite good and will get you what you need (standard services at an FS shop unless you're lucky). I also don't remember 6 Alexander smelling too smoky.

01-10-2020, 04:57 PM
Ah I just saw your midnight thing. If you're looking to go late, try the MPs on Pitt St. It's not North Shore but just pay the bridge toll and you're there in 5 minutes.

01-10-2020, 10:17 PM
Thanks gents, sounds like a private or a city massage parlour is the go

02-10-2020, 11:54 AM
Let us know if you find a winner