View Full Version : General talk Risk of meeting someone from a dating app

22-10-2020, 10:10 PM

Stick to the good shops, never let down your guard and play fire with strangers.

22-10-2020, 10:54 PM

With all due respect to the deceased, desi guys have an odd obsession with (any) white girls.
As a white guy, I would not go near Jamie Dolheguy with a ten-foot pole. The thirst was real with this one. May he rest in peace.

I understand that bros want to taste the various cuisines available in our wonderful city. I personally am fond with having pad thai, Pho and sushi on the occasion. They go down so well and there is a growing amount of curry available at shops. But... I can tell when the sushi isnt fresh & maybe was over curry.

This bro either had beer goggles, white fever or couldn't tell the prawn was rancid. Maybe he hadn't eaten Western food it before.


22-10-2020, 10:57 PM
With all due respect to the deceased, desi guys have an odd obsession with (any) white girls.
As a white guy, I would not go near Jamie Dolheguy with a ten-foot pole. The thirst was real with this one. May he rest in peace.

I understand that bros want to taste the various cuisines available in our wonderful city. I personally am fond with having pad thai, Pho and sushi on the occasion. They go down so well and there is a growing amount of curry available at shops. But... I can tell when the sushi isnt fresh & maybe was over curry.

This bro either had beer goggles, white fever or couldn't tell the prawn was rancid. Maybe he hadn't eaten Western food it before.


Maybe, like so many punters that do privates, he was catfished by sexypics. When he got there he thought fuckit I already made it all this way.

24-10-2020, 01:46 PM
Many disturbed crazy and weird people out there. People need to be careful when using dating apps and meeting strangers. Having a private girl visit you can also pose a risk too.

26-10-2020, 10:15 AM
I feel bad for the bloke .... but that’s probably one chance in a million and he struck a date with a killer.

26-10-2020, 11:05 AM
nothing to comment really

26-10-2020, 03:15 PM
There is the same risk from meeting people in bars or other "social" events, or even riding in cabs.

Has been many reported cases of rape, and worse, over the years.