View Full Version : General talk Finding a wife partner in a shop

06-11-2020, 09:01 PM
I am curious has anyone got the feeling with some of these girls that they like you so much that they are
Interested in a life long partner places like massage shops etc as I have come across that trying not to get too much emotionally involved

07-11-2020, 08:15 AM
I am curious has anyone got the feeling with some of these girls that they like you so much that they are
Interested in a life long partner places like massage shops etc as I have come across that trying not to get too much emotionally involved

I find it interesting how you use the term "life long partner" in the message but "wife partner" in the title.

Make me wonder whether you are thinking of a "love" match or a "convenience arrangement" ?

I know of a number of convenience arrangements, some involving the thought of love but most not. A number involve the exchange of $$'s on a regular basis as well.

Do they work ? Depends upon the individuals involved and what their aims (both short and long term) are.

There are many threads here which if you browse thru the titles going back, you'll find plenty of previous discussions.

07-11-2020, 08:17 AM
Why this topic so popular people ask same question 1 a week.

07-11-2020, 08:19 AM
A brothel is probably not the best place to go looking for a wife.
But you never know. Stranger things have happened.

07-11-2020, 09:10 AM
Why this topic so popular people ask same question 1 a week.

Some people have short attention spans, or don't bother to read back a bit to see what get discussed.

07-11-2020, 09:47 AM
Because OP is a Baby!!!!

07-11-2020, 10:49 AM
It only ever ends in heart break (for you)

07-11-2020, 03:57 PM
I was frequently seeing a lady ( I won’t name or mention the shop ) for the past 5 months, amazing set on her I just couldn’t stay away!
Toward the end of the last visit she started going on about how she has a visa to live here, likes me and wants to start dating. Haven’t seen her since.
I think 9 times out of 10 it’s gonna end bad.
I really do miss those tits though 😂

07-11-2020, 04:22 PM
Can't you just tell her you are not interested in dating her, and continue being her customer?

You are probably not the only guy she has propositioned like this.

07-11-2020, 11:25 PM
Can't you just tell her you are not interested in dating her, and continue being her customer?

You are probably not the only guy she has propositioned like this.

Your probably right but it was getting to the point where I had to listen to her during the massage where I just wanted to relax. Was getting over it and I guess this is the excuse to get out of there.

08-11-2020, 02:44 PM
A brothel is probably not the best place to go looking for a wife.
But you never know. Stranger things have happened.


Why would you want to meet your future wife at a brothel? You would be faced with knowing that she had slept with hundreds or thousands of men while working as a WL. If she delivered amazing service, she may have some regulars or stalkers who want to know where she is even after she has left the industry. If you're in public to have someone recognise her or attempt to say hi to her. Someone leaking news to friends or children that she was a 'whore' in a brothel that could haunt or embarrass you and your children in the future. Overall, it is best to find someone outside the industry.

08-11-2020, 03:01 PM
i would not marry a wl knowing see has slept with a lot of men.

08-11-2020, 08:55 PM
Girls now have sex at 16, 17 and at the time they get married around 30 they may get bang a thousand times by their boyfriends. Some girls worked as a WL for a couple of years then got married. Let take me as example, I had a few ex-girlfriends, the last one, lasted for 3 years. During that time we had sex for almost 500 times, sex at night, day, on the beach, in car, in bathroom, on the boat, almost everywhere, before me she had one or two boyfriends, it means she got bang by other boyfriends for at least 500 times or more and then she got married, has a happy life with her husband now. I wonder her husband would question her how many times you have sex with men before me, did you CIMWS, did you lick their ass, etc. Nowadays, sex is everywhere, on the ads, on TV, on internet, etc. Unless, you married a virgin, you never know whether or not your wife used to be a Wl or she has been fucked by many boyfriends before.
Ok, back to the topic, it’s true brothel is not a place where you can find your future wife but men where on earth you can find a lot of gorgeous women other than beauty pageant or brothels, massage parlours. So the temptation is very high, especially if you are single. But if you love her and she wants to commit and truly love you and you don’t worry much about her past (well it’s just a job anyway) and you’re unable to find a wife elsewhere then why not? Your decision!

08-11-2020, 10:01 PM
So what does the rest of her life look like after her current life choice?

Who said she will have to let the world know of her profession?
She will leave it in her past and move on. It will be part of her past life that never happened.

I wonder what your future wife would think knowing you've "slept" with many women after payment.

Again, Who said he will have to let his wife know of his past hobby?

Geese and gander are two sides of the same coin, are they not?

No they are not. They look like the same to simpleton like you (or those born yesterday) but they are not.

But what about your conscience? isn't this hypocrisy?
Fuck the conscience. Fuck hypocrisy.
People will always do what they want to in the name of self-preservation.

08-11-2020, 11:23 PM
Why respond to me about it? He was the one that wouldn't or indeed couldn't apply the same standards to a potential partner that he himself practices!

The hypocrisy on display is an example of the basic lack of respect shown to woman who choose to do this job.

Your outburst is puerile and fails to acknowledge the complexity of human relationships and their consequences.

Come on man!
Get off your high horse.

Basic lack of respect to woman?
He chooses not to marry someone who has slept with many men (WL or otherwise).
That's his right to choose.
Just like many WL who would choose not to marry a guy who pays for sex. By your logic, we all should be offended by that.

A basic lack of respect would be if he starts bad-mouthing them and calling them names!
Are you that sensitive?
If you are, why are you even on this forum?
You will hear guys doing worst things to a girl if you read a review.

Your outburst is puerile and fails to acknowledge the complexity of human relationships and their consequences.
Outburst?...Where did you get that from?...Use of some swear words is outburst to you.
Why would I want to acknowledge the complexity of human relationships?
It's a simple statement: "Someone doesn't want to marry a promiscuous woman". His choice.
Whose feelings are you fighting for? promiscuous women? WL?

09-11-2020, 11:27 AM
I still don't understand why you are responding to me?

My response was to a poster that is apparently not you!

Your defence is meaningless because you may hold the same opinion, but within a different contextural framework which, if articulated, may have invited a different response.

(btw being on a high horse can give you a better view and therefore a greater understanding! ((he/she says arrogantly)). See what I did there, got in before you can respond).

What the fuck is this thread about?? Once you start using big words (put away that thesaurus) you have lost most of the forum anyway.....rots of ruck.........

09-11-2020, 12:46 PM
I was frequently seeing a lady ( I won’t name or mention the shop ) for the past 5 months, amazing set on her I just couldn’t stay away!
Toward the end of the last visit she started going on about how she has a visa to live here, likes me and wants to start dating. Haven’t seen her since.
I think 9 times out of 10 it’s gonna end bad.
I really do miss those tits though ��

Maybe, just maybe... its a ploy to get rid of you as you were getting to much for her ??

09-11-2020, 01:36 PM
I still don't understand why you are responding to me?

My response was to a poster that is apparently not you!

Your defence is meaningless because you may hold the same opinion, but within a different contextural framework which, if articulated, may have invited a different response.

(btw being on a high horse can give you a better view and therefore a greater understanding! ((he/she says arrogantly)). See what I did there, got in before you can respond).

Of course I share the same view as him on this one. Why would I defend him in the first place?

Sure it can give you a better view on your high horse but not if the guy on the horse has blinkers on.
See what I did there. No you did not because you have blinkers on.

Don't wanna derail this thread. So enjoy your white knighthood in peace.

09-11-2020, 02:12 PM
Maybe, just maybe... its a ploy to get rid of you as you were getting to much for her ??

Haha maybe! It worked well if that’s what’s she was going for!

09-11-2020, 07:30 PM
Maybe, just maybe... its a ploy to get rid of you as you were getting to much for her ??

Ha ha Nice suggestion though!

Another way to get rid of punters to become a regular of particular girl is changing her attitude from friendly to cool at a second visit, it’s like ‘Ok, you’re not my type so please do not see me again’.:shout:

09-11-2020, 09:31 PM
Ha ha Nice suggestion though!

Another way to get rid of punters to become a regular of particular girl is changing her attitude from friendly to cool at a second visit, it’s like ‘Ok, you’re not my type so please do not see me again’.:shout:

Is it not the colour of money that determines kind in shops...😉

10-11-2020, 07:13 PM
WLs are human just like us, while punters have options to choose which girls they like, WLs don’t have that, so they use their attitude to reflect their choice, most of them treat all customers the same, so to make all of their customers happy, but some are not, if they don’t like particular customers even on the first visit, they just display stand offish, uninterested, no smiling, no talking, etc. Some punters just shrug it off and call it as a no connection, dud punt, others get angry and produce a so called negative AR. If Wls have many positive ARs or they are much sought after ones at the shop then 1 or 2 negatives do not bother them at all, but if they have many negative ARs then things would be different. Anyway, No WL is a cup of tea for everyone.

Sneaky castro
13-11-2020, 06:40 PM
Who goes to a brothel to find a wife?

13-11-2020, 09:16 PM
I am curious has anyone got the feeling with some of these girls that they like you so much that they are
Interested in a life long partner places like massage shops etc as I have come across that trying not to get too much emotionally involved
Go for it Buddy. No more paying being one of the benefits. If your smart enough, you'll go on job seeker and push her to do more shifts. It won't last long....but what a ride.

14-11-2020, 11:31 PM
If any of you do get married tell us how it goes after a bit

20-11-2020, 09:18 AM
To lighten it up a bit, a true story from many years ago. Back when I first came to Sydney, was young, single, and into FS. Now am strictly only RNT. After a lunchtime quickie was chatting with this gorgeous Indo Girl in a brothel in Pitt St. we seemed to be getting along great so I just asked if she wanted to join me for lunch. She looked horrified and said of course not as she could never go out with the type of guy who visits prostitutes! Hmm she really was a good fuck, but a bit lacking in self awareness there.

20-11-2020, 10:56 PM
There was a line in a Marx Brothers movie years ago, when Groucho was talking about joining clubs and he quipped he wouldn't want to join one that would accept him as a member.

21-11-2020, 04:18 PM
.....She looked horrified and said of course not as she could never go out with the type of guy who visits prostitutes!

Hmm she really was a good fuck, but a bit lacking in self awareness there.

Id beg to differ and suggest she was very aware of what was important (to her) and a clear boundary.

Jeez how many guys here married partnered wishing they weren’t and constantly visiting sex

As punters we are at times very blindside and blindsided. Further complicated by age , cultural backgrounds demographics etc .

IME most ml’s and WL’s I’ve known enough to have ‘fairly’ transparent conversation have said while a drink and fun with a customer might on occasion be ok . They would not or could not see themselves seriously dating let alone marry a punter .

Always an exception and of Course there are plenty ACA worthy stories of sham visa marriages gold diggers and others . And there are the beautiful love partnerships . But the majority I’ve known couldn’t see it happening .

21-11-2020, 04:45 PM
You can maybe meet a good wife in a brothel, but I think there are at least 3 better options. I think Brothel comes in at number 4.
My top 20 in order are:
1. Laundromat
2. Casino
3. Church/Temple etc
4. Brothel
5. A relative, but not too close, maybe like a 2nd or 3rd cousin.
6. An arranged marriage. Mamma and Aunty always knows best
7. Pub or club.
8. Online
9. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting
10. NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting
11. GA (Gamblers Anonymous) meeting
12. SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) meeting
13. Gym
14. Bunnings
15. Coles
16. Aldi
17. IGA
18. Woolies
19. Emergency Ward
20. Your best mate's sister

Life is an adventure and a mystery. You never know where you will meet you life partner or soul mate or the mother of your children, and maybe you will never meet her but you will still live a very happy fun crazy and fulfilled life.
Enjoy! Whatever direction your life takes. Enjoy!

21-11-2020, 08:57 PM
You can maybe meet a good wife in a brothel, but I think there are at least 3 better options. I think Brothel comes in at number 4.
My top 20 in order are:
1. Laundromat
2. Casino
3. Church/Temple etc
4. Brothel
5. A relative, but not too close, maybe like a 2nd or 3rd cousin.
6. An arranged marriage. Mamma and Aunty always knows best
7. Pub or club.
8. Online
9. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting
10. NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting
11. GA (Gamblers Anonymous) meeting
12. SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) meeting
13. Gym
14. Bunnings
15. Coles
16. Aldi
17. IGA
18. Woolies
19. Emergency Ward
20. Your best mate's sister

Life is an adventure and a mystery. You never know where you will meet you life partner or soul mate or the mother of your children, and maybe you will never meet her but you will still live a very happy fun crazy and fulfilled life.
Enjoy! Whatever direction your life takes. Enjoy!

You forgot Dan Murphy’s - a good place to pick up chicks. Look for the depressed looking MILF in the fortified wine section- always a good and easy root.

21-11-2020, 09:11 PM
The check out chicks in supermarkets can be a good source. Find one you fancy, and make a point of using her each time you go shopping. If she notices you are a regular and gets friendly, it is a good opening

21-11-2020, 11:06 PM
You forgot Dan Murphy’s - a good place to pick up chicks. Look for the depressed looking MILF in the fortified wine section- always a good and easy root.

The check out chicks in supermarkets can be a good source. Find one you fancy, and make a point of using her each time you go shopping. If she notices you are a regular and gets friendly, it is a good opening

Agree. Both very good tips.
This is a work in progress.
More suggestions very welcome.

21-11-2020, 11:46 PM
You can maybe meet a good wife in a brothel, but I think there are at least 3 better options. I think Brothel comes in at number 4.
My top 20 in order are:
1. Laundromat
2. Casino
3. Church/Temple etc
4. Brothel
5. A relative, but not too close, maybe like a 2nd or 3rd cousin.
6. An arranged marriage. Mamma and Aunty always knows best
7. Pub or club.
8. Online
9. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting
10. NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting
11. GA (Gamblers Anonymous) meeting
12. SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) meeting
13. Gym
14. Bunnings
15. Coles
16. Aldi
17. IGA
18. Woolies
19. Emergency Ward
20. Your best mate's sister

Life is an adventure and a mystery. You never know where you will meet you life partner or soul mate or the mother of your children, and maybe you will never meet her but you will still live a very happy fun crazy and fulfilled life.
Enjoy! Whatever direction your life takes. Enjoy!

Gym below brothel? And been to emergency twice and some of those nurses are hot. Alot of staff in emergency are young trainee!!

22-11-2020, 12:01 AM
You can maybe meet a good wife in a brothel, but I think there are at least 3 better options. I think Brothel comes in at number 4.
My top 20 in order are:
1. Laundromat
2. Casino
3. Church/Temple etc
4. Brothel
5. A relative, but not too close, maybe like a 2nd or 3rd cousin.
6. An arranged marriage. Mamma and Aunty always knows best
7. Pub or club.
8. Online
9. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting
10. NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting
11. GA (Gamblers Anonymous) meeting
12. SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) meeting
13. Gym
14. Bunnings
15. Coles
16. Aldi
17. IGA
18. Woolies
19. Emergency Ward
20. Your best mate's sister

Life is an adventure and a mystery. You never know where you will meet you life partner or soul mate or the mother of your children, and maybe you will never meet her but you will still live a very happy fun crazy and fulfilled life.
Enjoy! Whatever direction your life takes. Enjoy!

I think you missed 2 big ones:

1) Uni
2) Office (although OfficeWork might be one too. Hang out at the photo printing section next time)

Also Cafes (some of the Baristas at Gumption were hot; I had a great connection with 2 Japanese barista girls but never made my move)

22-11-2020, 11:01 PM
Agree. Both very good tips.
This is a work in progress.
More suggestions very welcome.

To be more specific

Point 18. Woolies - deli section

22-11-2020, 11:39 PM
To be more specific

Point 18. Woolies - deli section

I wonder if Annie is still there??

23-11-2020, 08:08 AM
lol you should also rank as the level difficulty of meeting your dream wife at each of these places you suggested . it's take a lot skills. like how you approach the girls with openers. Not afraid of getting rejected .

23-11-2020, 06:45 PM
Just remembered another one.
Dog Parks. There are a lot of hot chicks with dogs.
General rule ... the bigger and uglier the dog the more lesbian the girl, it is a clear and obvious man substitute.
The cuter and smaller the dog, the more she is up for a good licking and good fucking.
And think about it, a girl who is OK with picking up someone else's shit can't be too bad right. LOL!

23-11-2020, 07:45 PM
And think about it, a girl who is OK with picking up someone else's shit can't be too bad right. LOL!
Reminds me of a saying when I was much younger. If she was a glamour, then "she could shit in the corner and I would guard it for a week". PC brigade would be all over you for that now🙃

24-11-2020, 01:25 AM
Just remembered another one.
Dog Parks. There are a lot of hot chicks with dogs.
General rule ... the bigger and uglier the dog the more lesbian the girl, it is a clear and obvious man substitute.
The cuter and smaller the dog, the more she is up for a good licking and good fucking.
And think about it, a girl who is OK with picking up someone else's shit can't be too bad right. LOL!

Is this another one of your assumptions again ? Or you have actually personal experiences on this.

24-11-2020, 06:15 AM
Just remembered another one.
Dog Parks. There are a lot of hot chicks with dogs.
General rule ... the bigger and uglier the dog the more lesbian the girl, it is a clear and obvious man substitute.
The cuter and smaller the dog, the more she is up for a good licking and good fucking.
And think about it, a girl who is OK with picking up someone else's shit can't be too bad right. LOL!

Getting a little off topic again, a question, who picks up guide dog shit??

24-11-2020, 07:06 AM
Getting a little off topic again, a question, who picks up a guide dogs shit??

One of the great mysteries of life!

24-11-2020, 02:03 PM
lol you should also rank as the level difficulty of meeting your dream wife at each of these places you suggested . it's take a lot skills. like how you approach the girls with openers. Not afraid of getting rejected .

Now you’re got onto something now... Definitely a column that Mr spoonful should add to the definitive list

24-11-2020, 04:55 PM
I notice that massage shops didn't make the list?

Does this mean I have to spend more time at Bunnings? Timber? Paint? Fasteners? or just looking confused in the tool shop?

Look for a leaf blower or line trimmer:grimace:

24-11-2020, 06:26 PM
How about beaches? Many bikini babes walking around or getting a tan.

There are no singles bars and no real dance clubs at this stage. There is only the supermarket for interacting at distance with people one does not live with. In some places, since only a certain number of people can enter at once, they are like exclusive clubs. Being in the produce section these days is a bit like getting behind the velvet rope and into the VIP section.


24-12-2020, 12:05 AM
If your the kind of guy who is into your partner fucking other guys then you'll probably love it until it all gets tiring.

24-12-2020, 08:15 AM
it’s be doomed to fail.

No life partners from the shops man

24-12-2020, 02:03 PM
If your the kind of guy who is into your partner fucking other guys then you'll probably love it until it all gets tiring.

Let's hope she is not doing diamond service including rimming and DFK and then arrives home to kiss you on your lips after having many cucumbers in her mouth and licking out guys' asses.:surprise:

24-12-2020, 03:21 PM
Let's hope she is not doing diamond service including rimming and DFK and then arrives home to kiss you on your lips after having many cucumbers in her mouth and licking out guys' asses.:surprise:

Some people live off stuff like that...:shout:

26-12-2020, 07:47 AM
I am curious has anyone got the feeling with some of these girls that they like you so much that they are
Interested in a life long partner places like massage shops etc as I have come across that trying not to get too much emotionally involved
Ummm.... Let's say you're planning to rob a bank. Would you buy all your bank-robbing gear from the police station?
That's what you're doing... Life-long partner = wife/defacto = cannot let her know you punt (or at least, not let her know you know she knows...think about it for a moment), no sir!
Now you want to "source" the wife/defacto from the place of punting! That's crazy talk... I know, they all look the same, a woman is a woman and all that shit. BUT, they are not the same. Knowledge is everything and because you met her in the shop, it's game over from there buddy. Game over from a courtship perspective at least!

26-12-2020, 08:14 AM
A lot of guys are just weak, or naïve, or simple, or immature (regardless of their age).
You get young guys, or inexperienced guys, or lonely guys, or old guys, or shy guys, or average guys, or guys with low self esteem or whatever and actually even smart confident guys can delude themselves, and they have a girl sucking their dick and telling them how wonderful they are and they think they have found heaven on earth, that god has sent them an angel.
And they think they can date the girl or even marry her and life will always be like this.
These guys need to wake up and remind themselves of the bloody obvious thing - YOU ARE PAYING THE GIRL TO DO THAT!!!!
This is not reality. Life does not work like that.
Enjoy the fantasy of the punt and then go back into the real world and get on with your life - get a girlfriend, get married, enjoy being single, whatever works for you.

26-12-2020, 09:00 AM
Let's put this another way. You're out at a restaurant and a cute waitress is doing a stellar job of serving you and making sure your needs are catered to. This does NOT mean anything other than she's good at her job and knows that tips are a big part of her livelihood. You don't roam from cafe to cafe looking for the next Miss Right. Now occasionally you MAY find a regular who you genuinely feel you hit it off with, but 50 other guys get their coffee there too and maybe 10 or so of them flirt with her Just as you do. Of course she's not going to tell you that and she might like the attention (and generous tips), and MAYBE she does like a couple of the guys, but she is so used to the attention etc that she knows better than to shit on her own doorstep. Besides what do you have that the other 50 guys who hit on her a day don't? We all have self bias and so many will believe we are 'better' than we perhaps really are, and she is not going to flat out reject you because you are her income source. I have my favourite cafe and whwn I go the owner, who is very cute and sassy, and I have a flirty game which is fun, but I'm under no disillusion as to its nature. I am a customer who orders a latte and an occasional chocolate mousse cake and cracks jokes. That's it.
Anyway you get the idea. Exchange coffee for sex and you start to see the folly of the notion of finding a life partner in a shop. Yes it happens, but especially if you go in to cafes hoping to find a waitress to date you're going to come off creepy, desperate, and so on.

This post is brought to you by a fairly savage Xmas hangover..

26-12-2020, 09:04 AM
One of WL friends has been in Australia for over 10 years, has a boyfriend (Aussie born Chinese) and they have been together for around 5 years. He doesn't mind her working because he sees her job as just a job. I guess it's possible but I don't know. Most of the girls would prefer to meet someone outside the shop and that's been the same for most WL's I know. Once they are finished in the industry, they want to leave that life behind and start fresh.

26-12-2020, 09:07 AM
One of WL friends has been in Australia for over 10 years, has a boyfriend (Aussie born Chinese) and they have been together for around 5 years. He doesn't mind her working because he sees her job as just a job. I guess it's possible but I don't know. Most of the girls would prefer to meet someone outside the shop and that's been the same for most WL's I know. Once they are finished in the industry, they want to leave that life behind and start fresh.

Exactly. One girl I knew said her dream was to earn enough extra money to have plastic surgery on her face to totally change how she looks so no guy will ever recognise her again.

26-12-2020, 09:25 AM
Asiafever's post reminded me of this scene from Adaptation.
It's even better and makes more sense if you see a previous scene where you see the guy's fantasy of how it goes, but I couldn't find it on youtube.


26-12-2020, 09:58 AM
Post reminds me more of faceoff... great movie

26-12-2020, 11:12 AM
Let's put this another way. You're out at a restaurant and a cute waitress is doing a stellar job of serving you and making sure your needs are catered to. This does NOT mean anything other than she's good at her job and knows that tips are a big part of her livelihood. You don't roam from cafe to cafe looking for the next Miss Right. Now occasionally you MAY find a regular who you genuinely feel you hit it off with, but 50 other guys get their coffee there too and maybe 10 or so of them flirt with her Just as you do. Of course she's not going to tell you that and she might like the attention (and generous tips), and MAYBE she does like a couple of the guys, but she is so used to the attention etc that she knows better than to shit on her own doorstep. Besides what do you have that the other 50 guys who hit on her a day don't? We all have self bias and so many will believe we are 'better' than we perhaps really are, and she is not going to flat out reject you because you are her income source. I have my favourite cafe and whwn I go the owner, who is very cute and sassy, and I have a flirty game which is fun, but I'm under no disillusion as to its nature. I am a customer who orders a latte and an occasional chocolate mousse cake and cracks jokes. That's it.
Anyway you get the idea. Exchange coffee for sex and you start to see the folly of the notion of finding a life partner in a shop. Yes it happens, but especially if you go in to cafes hoping to find a waitress to date you're going to come off creepy, desperate, and so on.

This post is brought to you by a fairly savage Xmas hangover..
The difference here is that being a waitress does not have the same "social stigmas" as being a WL.

26-12-2020, 11:52 AM
No. You pay for a service.

Proceed at your own risk mate.

26-12-2020, 01:19 PM
Exactly. One girl I knew said her dream was to earn enough extra money to have plastic surgery on her face to totally change how she looks so no guy will ever recognise her again.

I think the financial incentive is so strong that most of the girls will remain. They can earn anywhere between $2000 - $5000 per week.

I can't remember if I said it before but my regular told me "sucking dick for a living is a shit thing". I felt so bad along with a crapload of guilt for seeing her if that makes sense ? She made it very clear that she hates the job and does want to change. I just don't know when that will be, maybe in a year or so.

I really do feel for the WL's out there. It would destroy me mental health something shocking but I would be willing to sit down with them and support them either financially or emotionally. I don't consider myself a push over or a sponge, but I just feel for all WL's and ML's. Haven't done that much massage but still, its a similar situation.

When I see my WeChat moments and see a old regular is working in another industry, it makes me so proud to see they finally made the switch to working outside of shops and massage parlours. Sure the money is less but they don't have to put up with all the shit that WL's go through.

I don't know anymore, no idea why I care so much for WL's.

26-12-2020, 02:23 PM
The difference here is that being a waitress does not have the same "social stigmas" as being a WL.

My point was to show that you are paying to be served, nothing more.

27-12-2020, 01:19 PM
The difference here is that being a waitress does not have the same "social stigmas" as being a WL.

She has her clothes on and does no engage in sex with customers in the restaurant unlike a WL who does the opposite for money.

27-12-2020, 03:32 PM
I have alot of friends, and know lots of ladies in the massage industry. Most of them already have husbands, partners and boyfriends and truly have no interest in the customer except for the cash you have. Many say they are single just to get you interested and keep coming back to give them more money. The few that are really single, especially chinese girls who do show "interest" are only focused on one thing that is a PR without having to pay for it. Don't be fooled to thinking they have interest in a relationship if you meet them in a shop. Another of times they do sit there laughing at customers once they have left. Treat it just as a transaction nothing more.

27-12-2020, 07:48 PM
Hey guys

I never really post but perhaps my experiences might be of interest to some of you. Apologies if I dont use the correct lingo. I'll keep it short and simple...

Began seeing a Chinese WL in the shops a long time ago. I "followed" her all over Sydney and used to have 1, 2, sometimes 3 hour sessions (most of it was just "hanging out"). We began to see each other outside of work (she continued to work as WL however). She took me to China to meet her family. I had a blast! It was awesome. Sadly, a year or so later we mutually decided not to get married. No regrets at all.

A couple of years later began seeing a Korean WL. Same pattern as above but with some differences. We went to Korea 3 times to see family and we got married. She was still a WL right up till a month or so before the wedding. I look back and think that was pretty F'ed up. Stayed married for a number of years but my salary couldn't keep up with the "i want that $2000 bag" lifestyle, especially after quitting the WL work. The marriage ended. Oh the stories I could tell but wont. I was devastated but in the end, it was a blessing.

Stopped using WL services for a number of years and now just use ML services. Been seeing this ML lady exclusively lately. I should just be $$ to her but I can sense its moving beyond that. I thought I was safe but I can feel its beginning again...

28-12-2020, 08:05 AM
Hey guys

I never really post but perhaps my experiences might be of interest to some of you. Apologies if I dont use the correct lingo. I'll keep it short and simple...

Began seeing a Chinese WL in the shops a long time ago. I "followed" her all over Sydney and used to have 1, 2, sometimes 3 hour sessions (most of it was just "hanging out"). We began to see each other outside of work (she continued to work as WL however). She took me to China to meet her family. I had a blast! It was awesome. Sadly, a year or so later we mutually decided not to get married. No regrets at all.

A couple of years later began seeing a Korean WL. Same pattern as above but with some differences. We went to Korea 3 times to see family and we got married. She was still a WL right up till a month or so before the wedding. I look back and think that was pretty F'ed up. Stayed married for a number of years but my salary couldn't keep up with the "i want that $2000 bag" lifestyle, especially after quitting the WL work. The marriage ended. Oh the stories I could tell but wont. I was devastated but in the end, it was a blessing.

Stopped using WL services for a number of years and now just use ML services. Been seeing this ML lady exclusively lately. I should just be $$ to her but I can sense its moving beyond that. I thought I was safe but I can feel its beginning again...
Thanks for posting your experiences, Syd.
I couldn't tell from what you've written whether you enjoy being in relationships with working girls (and therefore you seek it out) or you just happen to get into those situations.

I think one of the biggest problems with being in a committed relationship with a working girl is the term "living within your means" because the potential of the "means" part for them is different from what it is for someone who has never been in the industry.
They've seen all the money that they can get from the work, they know they can do the work, so they will always use that level of income as the watermark for their "means". If you marry them, get them to stop working, and you cannot / will not provide anything close to that level of spending power, then it is not good enough.
Letting them continue working (and let's assume you can handle the cuckolding) is not a solution either. She will eventually see you as not up to her wants and needs. A husband that lets her wife get fucked by other guys for money so he doesn't have to pay that same amount of money... That's a pimp!
So let's be realistic here. What kind of person can successfully pull it off from a financial point of view? I mean, to be able to take a WG as a wife and still be able to provide the same "good life" to her and not go broke in the process. I reckon even if you were a single professional, like a specialist doctor or lawyer, with $500k/annum gross income, you'd still struggle to sustain it.

28-12-2020, 08:32 AM
I have alot of friends, and know lots of ladies in the massage industry. Most of them already have husbands, partners and boyfriends and truly have no interest in the customer except for the cash you have. Many say they are single just to get you interested and keep coming back to give them more money. The few that are really single, especially chinese girls who do show "interest" are only focused on one thing that is a PR without having to pay for it. Don't be fooled to thinking they have interest in a relationship if you meet them in a shop. Another of times they do sit there laughing at customers once they have left. Treat it just as a transaction nothing more.

Yes I agree. I have mainly been seeing Chinese girls over the past 3 years and can say that most are looking at getting PR. One WL I know has no interest in getting into a relationship at the moment for the purposes of getting PR as she is just enjoying her single life right now.

Her plan is to leave the industry, meet someone outside of the industry, hopefully it is true love, get married then start the process of PR. I agreed with her and said that is probably a better idea because honestly, meeting someone in a shop like myself is not good start. Don't know how to explain it but I think it's because the girls want to disassociate themselves from ever working in a brothel once they leave. I mean think about it. I am a punter having sex with different girls and then you start a relationship with a WL. Hope I make sense lol.

28-12-2020, 09:18 AM
Hey guys

I never really post but perhaps my experiences might be of interest to some of you. Apologies if I dont use the correct lingo. I'll keep it short and simple...

Began seeing a Chinese WL in the shops a long time ago. I "followed" her all over Sydney and used to have 1, 2, sometimes 3 hour sessions (most of it was just "hanging out"). We began to see each other outside of work (she continued to work as WL however). She took me to China to meet her family. I had a blast! It was awesome. Sadly, a year or so later we mutually decided not to get married. No regrets at all.

A couple of years later began seeing a Korean WL. Same pattern as above but with some differences. We went to Korea 3 times to see family and we got married. She was still a WL right up till a month or so before the wedding. I look back and think that was pretty F'ed up. Stayed married for a number of years but my salary couldn't keep up with the "i want that $2000 bag" lifestyle, especially after quitting the WL work. The marriage ended. Oh the stories I could tell but wont. I was devastated but in the end, it was a blessing.

Stopped using WL services for a number of years and now just use ML services. Been seeing this ML lady exclusively lately. I should just be $$ to her but I can sense its moving beyond that. I thought I was safe but I can feel its beginning again...

An actual marriage with a WL, that’s dramatic!

And coming from a foundation member’s first post too, thanks for sharing sydcj!

Hope you found peace, happiness and love, wherever it might be !


28-12-2020, 09:21 AM
WLs face many dilemmas when looking for a serious relationship.
They want to meet someone who is NOT a punter for a serious relationship.
They generally don't respect punters (they see them as either losers or not being loyal to one woman) and want to avoid a serious relationship with them because a relationship that starts off by someone paying to use your body is contaminated from the start and they know that.
The problem is that because of their lifestyle it's hard for them to meet "normal" guys in "normal" situations and locations.
Also a punter knows their current or past job and they don't like that.
But a non-punter will most likely not want them if they know their current or past job, so they have to keep it secret and that is stressful because they are in constant fear that their past will be exposed at some stage.
So sometimes yes, they end up with punters, simply because there are not many other options, but 90% of the time these relationships fail.
Of course if they just want a sugar daddy, Permanent Residency etc then they will probably just settle for any naïve sucker who comes along.

28-12-2020, 10:26 AM
WLs face many dilemmas when looking for a serious relationship.
They want to meet someone who is not a punter for a serious relationship.
They generally don't respect punters (they seem them as either losers or not being loyal to one woman) and want to avoid a serious relationship with them because a relationship that starts off by someone paying to use you is contaminated from the start and they know that.
The problem is that because of their lifestyle it's hard for them to meet "normal" guys in "normal" situations and locations.
Also a punter knows their current or past job and they don't like that.
But a non-punter will most likely not want them if they know their current or past job, so they have to keep it secret and that is stressful because they are in constant fear that their past will be exposed at some stage.
So sometimes yes, they end up with punters, simply because there are not many other options, but 90% of the time these relationships fail.
Of course if they just want a sugar daddy, Permanent Residency etc then they will probably settle for any naive sucker who comes along.Couldn't have said this better my self

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

28-12-2020, 10:33 AM
Loving the insight everyone is providing. Its bringing me back to reality.

28-12-2020, 11:12 AM
It's all a fucking nightmare.
Don't get into it if you can.
If you're in, just be prepared.
But sometimes you can't control what your emotions want, so just enjoy the ride.

28-12-2020, 11:46 AM
Her plan is to leave the industry, meet someone outside of the industry, hopefully it is true love, get married then start the process of PR. I agreed with her and said that is probably a better idea because honestly, meeting someone in a shop like myself is not good start. Don't know how to explain it but I think it's because the girls want to disassociate themselves from ever working in a brothel once they leave. I mean think about it. I am a punter having sex with different girls and then you start a relationship with a WL. Hope I make sense lol.

I've heard this from a WL I liked and wanted something more.

She told me that after the leaves the job she will bury her past and will not look back.

She's done it, totally left that life, doesn't talk to anyone from those years.

I saw her in the city a few years back and she was unrecognisable, different hair, hat, sunglasses and no makeup. I was like wow that's her. She didn't see me look at her trying to figure out how I knew this girl.

This girl also told me she doesn't want a guy, she had three dogs at the time.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

28-12-2020, 12:19 PM
I've heard this from a WL I liked and wanted something more.

She told me that after the leaves the job she will bury her past and will not look back.

She's done it, totally left that life, doesn't talk to anyone from those years.

I saw her in the city a few years back and she was unrecognisable, different hair, hat, sunglasses and no makeup. I was like wow that's her. She didn't see me look at her trying to figure out how I knew this girl.

This girl also told me she doesn't want a guy, she had three dogs at the time.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

That's really good Riff she managed to escape.

The thing is bro my regular was telling me about all the married men that see WL's for sex. She knows the guys that see her are not relationship material because of what they do and I know its hard to say, and despite myself being single, how could she date someone like me if she does decide that ? The relationship is basically tainted from the get go. I mean I don't have a problem with it and totally understand her point of view but if it really did come down to dating, and she was willing to quit, I would definitely quit punting.

If for whatever reason she decides to go back to China or leave the industry, that is my punting career done and dusted. I'm at the point where I'm just tired of punting but not when I see my regular in a weird way. Currently at the moment, we are just friends. There is a lot of personal stuff going on with her that I won't talk about. Basically her life right now is very complicated.

28-12-2020, 02:10 PM
Any relationship from this start is doomed for failure

28-12-2020, 08:22 PM
A WL I've been seeing a bit of lately has been telling me a bit of her story.
She met a guy a number of years ago through her work. He was a client but they fell in love and married. He was 20yrs older than her and accepted her past history.
She left her WL career and settled into married life. Unfortunately after a few years of marriage the guy suffered a heart attack and died.
So due to financial pressure she has resumed her past career. A very sad story really.
If the guy was still alive she would still be happily married and not back on the job.

28-12-2020, 08:45 PM
A WL I've been seeing a bit of lately has been telling me a bit of her story.
She met a guy a number of years ago through her work. He was a client but they fell in love and married. He was 20yrs older than her and accepted her past history.
She left her WL career and settled into married life. Unfortunately after a few years of marriage the guy suffered a heart attack and died.
So due to financial pressure she has resumed her past career. A very sad story really.
If the guy was still alive she would still be happily married and not back on the job.It is a sad story but didn't he have any assets to pass on to her like a house, car or super?

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

28-12-2020, 09:10 PM
It is a sad story but didn't he have any assets to pass on to her like a house, car or super?

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

Haven't got the full story, but it sounds like his assets were divided amongst some of his other family members. They were only married for about 4 yrs before he died.
She did get something but not enough to support herself for the rest of her life. She is only in her 40s now so working hard now to build a nest egg.

28-12-2020, 11:35 PM
lol. of course you should only date the girls who connect with you. And make sure she like you as well. After 2 years you still haven't fuck her. I would have gone mad. you have to fucked her to be close to her. Her culture. what nationality is she a Muslim.

29-12-2020, 11:03 AM
If you really want a girlfriend I'd say go for whoever you connect with, be it WL, ML or normal girls not from these industries. However, remember that all women have similar traits - if they really like you they may open up to you at first then slowly test your patience for a long time before allowing you to progress towards the next step. Those ones I'd avoid are:

- Kisses you on the lips/DFK so passionately even though you've only met for the first time
- non-WLs (MLs & normal girls) that invites you over for sex in a very short period of knowing each other
- talks about sex 80% of the time
- questions your job & income level rather than income stability
- looks down on men who lack some sort of status

That's some quality advice there.
Glad your current relationship is going well.

29-12-2020, 11:38 AM
I think it’s time they do a re run or even better a re make of the TV series: Satisfaction !!

29-12-2020, 12:46 PM
Some people are well known liars, saying a lie in order to try and make people think highly of them.

Some people however, do experience things in life like a typical TV drama but choose not to tell it to the world.

I dated a WL a while back. She used to work in a popular shop but wasn't really a popular girl. The problem with her is that because of the amount of money she's making, and this job being her first and only job here in Australia she couldn't grasp the reality that not everyone in this country earns enough money to afford seeing WLs on a daily basis. Her spending habits had also changed from the first day she got into this country so that was the motivating factor for me to end the relationship.

I haven't been in contact with her for a while but I was surprised that although her ads were around (she was doing private during lockdown) but the phone number is inactive. And she actually deactivated her personal WeChat account as well.

It doesn't really matter to me anymore if she still exist or not as I am seeing someone whom I've known for almost 2 year now. If I knew that we're meant for each other at that time I wouldn't have dated that WL.

Dating WLs is probably something I wouldn't repeat if I become single again in the future. WLs are very complicated in nature due to their line of work.

If you really want a girlfriend I'd say go for whoever you connect with, be it WL, ML or normal girls not from these industries. However, remember that all women have similar traits - if they really like you they may open up to you at first then slowly test your patience for a long time before allowing you to progress towards the next step. Those ones I'd avoid are:

- Kisses you on the lips/DFK so passionately even though you've only met for the first time
- non-WLs (MLs & normal girls) that invites you over for sex in a very short period of knowing each other
- talks about sex 80% of the time
- questions your job & income level rather than income stability
- looks down on men who lack some sort of status

My current partner is someone I would call a hidden gem. Till today she wouldn't let me have sex with her but she compensates towards our relationship by giving me NHJ whenever we're together. She may have been an ex-ML, not sure about it though I care less about her past. And for the past year and a half of receiving her special care she actually learned edging - something I will never experience in shops (unless I wasn't lucky enough to find a shop with such service). I'm not sure if she's still a virgin, didn't get the chance to stick my finger in her although she'd let me touch her labia but it's probably her culture to not have sex before marriage just to make sex a special thing only to be enjoyed during marriage.

Mate, you've had no action for 2 years with this girl and you don't even know whether she is a virgin or not or what is the reason for not letting you in. What are you thinking? She sounds like some goodie goodie girl who is really wearing you out with the long wait of celibacy. As Stiffler in American Pie said 'it sounds like a lot of work' keeping her happy and interested while she does nothing to please you.


carmen farquis
29-12-2020, 05:22 PM
Fuck some guys are gullible, no wonder they keep taking the piss out of you.

29-12-2020, 07:39 PM
Fuck some guys are gullible, no wonder they keep taking the piss out of you.

Oh they do big time.

29-12-2020, 09:28 PM
Yes I agree. I have mainly been seeing Chinese girls over the past 3 years and can say that most are looking at getting PR. One WL I know has no interest in getting into a relationship at the moment for the purposes of getting PR as she is just enjoying her single life right now.

Her plan is to leave the industry, meet someone outside of the industry, hopefully it is true love, get married then start the process of PR. I agreed with her and said that is probably a better idea because honestly, meeting someone in a shop like myself is not good start. Don't know how to explain it but I think it's because the girls want to disassociate themselves from ever working in a brothel once they leave. I mean think about it. I am a punter having sex with different girls and then you start a relationship with a WL. Hope I make sense lol.

Lol maybe you should do them a favour by stopping going to a brothel to support Girls working in Brothel. No one person is the same . Since you said have you know know so much about the WLs . Have you heard from the other side like from the WL point of view . Some punters lies all they wanted to have free sex outside the shop no intention being in a relatioship with them . They pretend they are rich with money and the Some WL believed it. But it's BS at end they got no money can't even support themselves .

29-12-2020, 09:30 PM
Hey guys

I never really post but perhaps my experiences might be of interest to some of you. Apologies if I dont use the correct lingo. I'll keep it short and simple...

Began seeing a Chinese WL in the shops a long time ago. I "followed" her all over Sydney and used to have 1, 2, sometimes 3 hour sessions (most of it was just "hanging out"). We began to see each other outside of work (she continued to work as WL however). She took me to China to meet her family. I had a blast! It was awesome. Sadly, a year or so later we mutually decided not to get married. No regrets at all.

A couple of years later began seeing a Korean WL. Same pattern as above but with some differences. We went to Korea 3 times to see family and we got married. She was still a WL right up till a month or so before the wedding. I look back and think that was pretty F'ed up. Stayed married for a number of years but my salary couldn't keep up with the "i want that $2000 bag" lifestyle, especially after quitting the WL work. The marriage ended. Oh the stories I could tell but wont. I was devastated but in the end, it was a blessing.

Stopped using WL services for a number of years and now just use ML services. Been seeing this ML lady exclusively lately. I should just be $$ to her but I can sense its moving beyond that. I thought I was safe but I can feel its beginning again...

Wonder why you didn't marry the Chinse WL and marry the big spending korean WL.

29-12-2020, 09:39 PM
A lot of guys are just weak, or naïve, or simple, or immature (regardless of their age).
You get young guys, or inexperienced guys, or lonely guys, or old guys, or shy guys, or average guys, or guys with low self esteem or whatever and actually even smart confident guys can delude themselves, and they have a girl sucking their dick and telling them how wonderful they are and they think they have found heaven on earth, that god has sent them an angel.
And they think they can date the girl or even marry her and life will always be like this.
These guys need to wake up and remind themselves of the bloody obvious thing - YOU ARE PAYING THE GIRL TO DO THAT!!!!
This is not reality. Life does not work like that.
Enjoy the fantasy of the punt and then go back into the real world and get on with your life - get a girlfriend, get married, enjoy being single, whatever works for you.
A lot of guys weak, or naïve, or simple, or immature (regardless of their age). young guys, or inexperienced guys, or lonely guys, or old guys, or shy guys, or average guys, or guys with low self esteem or whatever are NOT stupid . Yes you pay for the serivce while you're in the Shop but if you can get them to do without paying outside the shop then you got it . But still you should give them money .These girls don't have the abillities to get a proper job or get the dole like you due to visa or whatever reason. Just like you dating in your real life in the real world It's not perfect and you do get fuckups as well

29-12-2020, 10:00 PM
Lol maybe you should do them a favour by stopping going to a brothel to support Girls working in Brothel. No one person is the same . Since you said have you know know so much about the WLs . Have you heard from the other side like from the WL point of view . Some punters lies all they wanted to have free sex outside the shop no intention being in a relatioship with them . They pretend they are rich with money and the Some WL believed it. But it's BS at end they got no money can't even support themselves .

Yes goodbloke. I'm seriously considering not punting anymore purely based on information Ive heard from the WL's. I'm be honest. If I'm thinking about going for a punt, I would usually be aroused and keen to go. For the past hour, Ive been trying to get myself aroused but I can't. I'm not actually thinking about going to the brothel but the fact that feeling is gone is probably the hard reality setting in. WL's usually have other regulars that see them, they choose who they want to see and those who they don't want to see. Based on my experience, there is no way I'll be getting involved in a relationship with a WL. I'm even considering if friendship is worth it as well because it just seems WL's have their preferred regulars for the mood they are in if that makes sense.

I'm a nice guy and genuinely like to help someone if they are in assistance. But sometimes when you try to help for whatever reason, you just get turned away or burnt. I know WL's want to leave the industry and ultimately it's their decision. But when they ask for help and you provide yet they turn it down and tell you no thanks, it's just really confusing. It's like they want to change but they don't. I don't know. I want to help and always willing to help regardless of WL or not.

I guess ultimately it's their decision to leave.

30-12-2020, 12:11 AM
Yes goodbloke. I'm seriously considering not punting anymore purely based on information Ive heard from the WL's. I'm be honest. If I'm thinking about going for a punt, I would usually be aroused and keen to go. For the past hour, Ive been trying to get myself aroused but I can't. I'm not actually thinking about going to the brothel but the fact that feeling is gone is probably the hard reality setting in. WL's usually have other regulars that see them, they choose who they want to see and those who they don't want to see. Based on my experience, there is no way I'll be getting involved in a relationship with a WL. I'm even considering if friendship is worth it as well because it just seems WL's have their preferred regulars for the mood they are in if that makes sense.

I'm a nice guy and genuinely like to help someone if they are in assistance. But sometimes when you try to help for whatever reason, you just get turned away or burnt. I know WL's want to leave the industry and ultimately it's their decision. But when they ask for help and you provide yet they turn it down and tell you no thanks, it's just really confusing. It's like they want to change but they don't. I don't know. I want to help and always willing to help regardless of WL or not.

I guess ultimately it's their decision to leave.

Even with a non WL . It's still hard to be friend with them if you're not in a relationship with them. you can be the best friend with a girl but as soon they get a boyfriend they'll forget about you. Most of the foreigner WLs are here for financial reason. They're trying to make as much money as they can while they are in Australia. Some are sending money back home to support their parents. Hopefully make enough money to buy a house back in their country. without a proper qualifications and proper English. Getting a good paying job is impossible. They have to pay for school fees, visa fee, rent and living expenses. No way they could have survive with a normal job without any support. Not all WL are doing it to buy a $2000 handbag. I know what you mean some WL I'll never want to be friend or see them again. No connection.some are just too crazy.

30-12-2020, 07:39 AM
Yes goodbloke. I'm seriously considering not punting anymore purely based on information Ive heard from the WL's. I'm be honest. If I'm thinking about going for a punt, I would usually be aroused and keen to go. For the past hour, Ive been trying to get myself aroused but I can't. I'm not actually thinking about going to the brothel but the fact that feeling is gone is probably the hard reality setting in. WL's usually have other regulars that see them, they choose who they want to see and those who they don't want to see. Based on my experience, there is no way I'll be getting involved in a relationship with a WL. I'm even considering if friendship is worth it as well because it just seems WL's have their preferred regulars for the mood they are in if that makes sense.

I'm a nice guy and genuinely like to help someone if they are in assistance. But sometimes when you try to help for whatever reason, you just get turned away or burnt. I know WL's want to leave the industry and ultimately it's their decision. But when they ask for help and you provide yet they turn it down and tell you no thanks, it's just really confusing. It's like they want to change but they don't. I don't know. I want to help and always willing to help regardless of WL or not.

I guess ultimately it's their decision to leave.
Niceguy, sometimes it is not good enough to always be a "nice guy".
I don't know if you're being a nice guy in order to be liked by others, or is it to satisfy your inner "good guy". If it is the latter, then go for broke, nobody stopping you.
However, seeing as you are questioning why the girls don't accept your help, I suspect it is more likely you do it because you want to be liked. That's fine, nothing wrong with it, but beware of girls in general in this regard. A lot of girls, working or not, love to whinge but it does NOT mean they want the audience of that whinging to do anything to help them with the problem. Most of them, not all, just need someone to be a good listener.
Another type of girl just wants someone to agree with her and support whatever decision she's making even if it is clearly wrong (to you).
Yet another type are those that think anyone who isn't selfish is a mug. You selflessly help those type, the only thing they will do is laugh at you "sucker".
Girls are so complex, bro. If you want all of them to like you, then you've got to be more flexible and alter the "niceness" you throw at them based on what type of girl they are.

30-12-2020, 08:43 AM
Niceguy, sometimes it is not good enough to always be a "nice guy".
I don't know if you're being a nice guy in order to be liked by others, or is it to satisfy your inner "good guy". If it is the latter, then go for broke, nobody stopping you.
However, seeing as you are questioning why the girls don't accept your help, I suspect it is more likely you do it because you want to be liked. That's fine, nothing wrong with it, but beware of girls in general in this regard. A lot of girls, working or not, love to whinge but it does NOT mean they want the audience of that whinging to do anything to help them with the problem. Most of them, not all, just need someone to be a good listener.
Another type of girl just wants someone to agree with her and support whatever decision she's making even if it is clearly wrong (to you).
Yet another type are those that think anyone who isn't selfish is a mug. You selflessly help those type, the only thing they will do is laugh at you "sucker".
Girls are so complex, bro. If you want all of them to like you, then you've got to be more flexible and alter the "niceness" you throw at them based on what type of girl they are.

Definitely not doing it to be liked. But I think what your said about listening to them is probably the biggest thing I'm doing ATM. I'm all ears and if they want to chat about their problems outside of the shop, that's cool. I'm happy to listen.

Basically I was asked to help out with a problem they were having. I provided advice and that was that. But yeah chatting turned into a bit of a argument. It's ok now but that's basically what happened.

I have a few female friends outside of the shops and we all get along fine. I'm just finding having normal female friends compared to a WL is much more easier. The other night I had dinner with a Chinese friend and she cooked me dinner.

But yeah, it's hard. I'll always support someone is they are having troubles or need to chat.

30-12-2020, 09:11 AM
Definitely not doing it to be liked. But I think what your said about listening to them is probably the biggest thing I'm doing ATM. I'm all ears and if they want to chat about their problems outside of the shop, that's cool. I'm happy to listen.

Basically I was asked to help out with a problem they were having. I provided advice and that was that. But yeah chatting turned into a bit of a argument. It's ok now but that's basically what happened.

I have a few female friends outside of the shops and we all get along fine. I'm just finding having normal female friends compared to a WL is much more easier. The other night I had dinner with a Chinese friend and she cooked me dinner.

But yeah, it's hard. I'll always support someone is they are having troubles or need to chat.

Some girls create drama, I used to see a girl who seemed as though she thought life should be like one of those shit awful Korean dramas. Drama queen doesn't even begin to describe her...
With girls in the industry some make a drama as a way of keeping an emotional gap. Whether they realise they're doing it or not I dont know.
You seem to be discovering the other side a little more, as I have said being in a relationship with a working girl is a rollercoaster mind fuck. Be close but not close. Be friendly but not too friendly. Be nice but be wary too. Not just in the industry but in general, a lot of people are users.

30-12-2020, 09:50 AM
Some girls create drama, I used to see a girl who seemed as though she thought life should be like one of those shit awful Korean dramas. Drama queen doesn't even begin to describe her...
With girls in the industry some make a drama as a way of keeping an emotional gap. Whether they realise they're doing it or not I dont know.
You seem to be discovering the other side a little more, as I have said being in a relationship with a working girl is a rollercoaster mind fuck. Be close but not close. Be friendly but not too friendly. Be nice but be wary too. Not just in the industry but in general, a lot of people are users.

Yeah man I've definitely been exposed alot more than my previous regular. She was good but never really discussed how it's like in industry.

But yeah, I've taken your words of advice. I'll still be there for her but I think I'm just going to step back for a bit. In terms of punting, I don't think I can punt again as the thoughts of the industry have really messed up my thoughts.

I'm still keen to punt but the thought of thinking about the reality of it is turning me off.

30-12-2020, 10:42 AM
A lot of girls, working or not, love to whinge but it does NOT mean they want the audience of that whinging to do anything to help them with the problem. Most of them, not all, just need someone to be a good listener.
Another type of girl just wants someone to agree with her and support whatever decision she's making even if it is clearly wrong (to you). .

Wow u had nailed Mr gold fish man. Had one girl long time a ago is exactly like that !!! Yes yes haha have agree with her most the time :p

But I totally understand her nd always hsppy to listen to her whinge nd rant. End of the days they do deal with lots weirdo nd creeps out there. After the whinge she would feel better nd thanks me for listening nd support etc

30-12-2020, 10:45 AM
Wow u had nailed Mr gold fish man. Had one girl long time a ago is exactly like that !!! Yes yes haha have agree with her most the time :p

But I totally understand her nd always hsppy to listen to her whinge nd rant. End of the days they do deal with lots weirdo nd creeps out there. After the whinge she would feel better nd thanks me for listening nd support etc

Women love to vent and get it off their chest. They have a bit of a cry and then they feel great and they live to a ripe old age.
Men keep it bottled up inside and then get strokes and heart attacks :)

30-12-2020, 10:53 AM
Yeah man I've definitely been exposed alot more than my previous regular. She was good but never really discussed how it's like in industry.

But yeah, I've taken your words of advice. I'll still be there for her but I think I'm just going to step back for a bit. In terms of punting, I don't think I can punt again as the thoughts of the industry have really messed up my thoughts.

I'm still keen to punt but the thought of thinking about the reality of it is turning me off.

Best to take a break then. Like many things when you see what goes on behind the scenes it alters your perceptions. Remember too that each girls experience of what goes on is unique to them. When a girl lets you in to their personal life, the reality beyond the facade they put up, it can endear them to you more.

I dated a stripper for a while many years ago and truth be told, you can count on a butcher's left hand how many times I've been to the rippers since, so I get where you're coming from.

30-12-2020, 11:17 AM
Best to take a break then. Like many things when you see what goes on behind the scenes it alters your perceptions. Remember too that each girls experience of what goes on is unique to them. When a girl lets you in to their personal life, the reality beyond the facade they put up, it can endear them to you more.

I dated a stripper for a while many years ago and truth be told, you can count on a butcher's left hand how many times I've been to the rippers since, so I get where you're coming from.

It's the first time I've experienced this type of honesty as well bro. In actually fact, she has not lied to me once. Everything that has been said is true.

She's a top chick and really cool outside the shop. As I said, no feelings of love but a sense of friendship that has been created. Such a confusing fucking time if I just be honest myself.

30-12-2020, 11:16 PM
Even with a non WL . It's still hard to be friend with them if you're not in a relationship with them. you can be the best friend with a girl but as soon they get a boyfriend they'll forget about you. Most of the foreigner WLs are here for financial reason. They're trying to make as much money as they can while they are in Australia. Some are sending money back home to support their parents. Hopefully make enough money to buy a house back in their country. without a proper qualifications and proper English. Getting a good paying job is impossible. They have to pay for school fees, visa fee, rent and living expenses. No way they could have survive with a normal job without any support. Not all WL are doing it to buy a $2000 handbag. I know what you mean some WL I'll never want to be friend or see them again. No connection.some are just too crazy.

2000$....mate Thier bags are upward of 4000$...I know of a few who have got house and few other things paid off back home and now keep selling their bodies so that they can own expensive accessories. It's a habit they won't be able to grow out off...

31-12-2020, 08:28 AM
Non wl/ml uses retail therapy as a means of stress relief and a way to forget about the current circumstances in life.

For wl/ml, this is probably a way to keep them sane

I know some do it for buying a home and alot do it for their kid at home overseas

31-12-2020, 06:24 PM
Yes goodbloke. I'm seriously considering not punting anymore purely based on information Ive heard from the WL's. I'm be honest. If I'm thinking about going for a punt, I would usually be aroused and keen to go. For the past hour, Ive been trying to get myself aroused but I can't. I'm not actually thinking about going to the brothel but the fact that feeling is gone is probably the hard reality setting in. WL's usually have other regulars that see them, they choose who they want to see and those who they don't want to see. Based on my experience, there is no way I'll be getting involved in a relationship with a WL. I'm even considering if friendship is worth it as well because it just seems WL's have their preferred regulars for the mood they are in if that makes sense.

I'm a nice guy and genuinely like to help someone if they are in assistance. But sometimes when you try to help for whatever reason, you just get turned away or burnt. I know WL's want to leave the industry and ultimately it's their decision. But when they ask for help and you provide yet they turn it down and tell you no thanks, it's just really confusing. It's like they want to change but they don't. I don't know. I want to help and always willing to help regardless of WL or not.

I guess ultimately it's their decision to leave.

How old are you Niceguy11?
You sound so young and naive.

These girls are in the industry of sex. Their daily experience is men wanting nothing but sex from them. 10 times a day, years on end.
They may feel special to you, but you're just a number to them.

To you, it may feel like wanting to help them no strings attached.

But to them. They're conditioned to think; if they take your help (even if you say no strings attached) that you expect something in return from them. And they probably don't want that or feel in debt to you, to owe you anything. Hence turning down your offer to help. maybe? Who knows.

or... Maybe you're creepy. A lot of people are not aware that they come off as being creepy. They think they're normal, when in fact they're creepy as hell to a lot of women out there.

I'm not saying you're creepy. Maybe you are maybe you're not.

Someone who's truly a catch, rich famous whatever. Will have women naturally drawn to them. WL or not they all women with similar wants... in that case.

If you find yourself being rejected from mere fact of offering help? Maybe reassess the situation. Just imagine the man of their dreams or the crush of their life come and offer help in their situations. They wouldn't just jump at the chance??

Like a wise man once said.

I don't pay these women to have Sex with me. I pay them to leave. - Charlie Sheen

The whole advantage of WL is you pay for the Sex only. And not have to deal with the women problems.

If you wanted to deal with women problems, there are no shortage of single women all over the internet, with a crap ton of issues. Why WL?

I don't know. I want to help and always willing to help
Hey if it's not gender specific. I have lawn that needs mowing, Car that need washing. Wanna help a brother out?

31-12-2020, 07:19 PM
Understatement of the year that creepy guys dont realise they are creepy

31-12-2020, 08:04 PM
You are only creepy to a woman if they don't like you.

31-12-2020, 09:25 PM
You are only creepy to a woman if they don't like you.
Took the words right out of my mouth. The word "creepy" originally meant "causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease", but has now been weaponised by women to use against anyone they don't like.

Frankly, anyone who uses the word indiscriminately is just displaying their own insecurities.

06-01-2021, 09:23 PM
The whole advantage of WL is you pay for the Sex only. And not have to deal with the women problems.

If you wanted to deal with women problems, there are no shortage of single women all over the internet, with a crap ton of issues. Why WL?

As a wise man once said "Just remember, no matter how hot a girl is, somewhere, some guy is sick of putting up with her shit."

06-01-2021, 11:14 PM
As a wise man once said "Just remember, no matter how hot a girl is, somewhere, some guy is sick of putting up with her shit."

I thought it went
Show me a beautiful woman and I’ll show you a guy who’s tired of fucking her.

But I believe what you wrote is the original saying.

07-01-2021, 03:30 PM

Like a wise man once said.

I don't pay these women to have Sex with me. I pay them to leave. - Charlie Sheen

For a man who supposedly had over 10,000 encounters with hookers that he paid to have sex with and then found himself with HIV, who would want to have sex with him now?

08-01-2021, 03:11 AM

Like a wise man once said.

I don't pay these women to have Sex with me. I pay them to leave. - Charlie Sheen

For a man who supposedly had over 10,000 encounters with hookers that he paid to have sex with and then found himself with HIV, who would want to have sex with him now?

That wasn't the point of the comment.

But maybe other ppl with HIV?

19-01-2021, 05:23 PM
Again, wouldn’t recommend it. But if you do have issues with self esteem or confidence, it’s good to get them up with talking
To some of them and playing around.

28-01-2021, 04:01 PM
get ready to lose everything....

28-01-2021, 04:41 PM
We have all been there.
Step 1 - Do you see her out of the shop?
If yes, go to step 2
If No, Its an illusion. She probably does the same with most guys. Stop seeing her or accept what her job is

Step 2 -:Are you paying her out of the shop?
If No, go to step 3
If Yes, its an illusion. Sure she likes you more than most, but you are still a customer. Accept that or move on

Step 3 - Will she stop working to be with you?
If No, just imagine the oldest, fattest, smelliest ugly guys doing what you do to her, but for half the price. If you still love her seek help or stop seeing her
If Yes, look at the No answer above, Can you live with a woman who did this for money? What if things get tight? Do you think she trusts a guy who goes to massage shops?

Good luck

Great quote from the QLD thread. haha

23-10-2023, 12:16 PM
i would not marry a wl knowing see has slept with a lot of men.


What if the shoe was on the other foot?

23-10-2023, 03:49 PM
Absolutely OP. But why be modest and settle for just one, when you can have dozens in countries elsewhere? That way, you offset your risk…just in case one or several decide to leave you.

23-10-2023, 04:13 PM
Like insurance. The only thing is, insurance gives you peace of mind.

23-10-2023, 10:09 PM
They almost always revert to type. The frog and the scorpion. Have lost the soft affection and respect for men; it’s hard to regain and keep through the ups and downs of life.

23-10-2023, 10:13 PM
They almost always revert to type. The frog and the scorpion. Have lost the soft affection and respect for men; it’s hard to regain and keep through the ups and downs of life.

Perhaps why some are secretly gay?

24-10-2023, 11:31 AM
I was involved with a ML a while back. She spoke great english seemed very intelligent, softly spoken and behaved like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth!
After a period of time I found out she had another bf, plus multiple customers that she had picked up from the shop she worked at. She also had a pimp/security guy that drove her around to her different customers when needed. When I confronted her about this the softly spoken girl instantly changed to “crazier than a pit bull that just had a ghost chilli shoved up its arse” The language and the threats coming out of her mouth was unbelievable. Of course I made the mistake of laughing at her which sent her to another level of abuse lol.
So after this experience would I date another ML, NO way!
Would I make one my wife, NO fucking way in the world lol.

Of course not every ML is like this one!
And probably some people have met a ML/WL and made it work!

24-10-2023, 11:37 AM
Don't kid yourself they just want pr I get it all the time

24-10-2023, 11:39 AM
I was involved with a ML a while back. She spoke great english seemed very intelligent, softly spoken and behaved like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth!
After a period of time I found out she had another bf, plus multiple customers that she had picked up from the shop she worked at. She also had a pimp/security guy that drove her around to her different customers when needed. When I confronted her about this the softly spoken girl instantly changed to “crazier than a pit bull that just had a ghost chilli shoved up its arse” The language and the threats coming out of her mouth was unbelievable. Of course I made the mistake of laughing at her which sent her to another level of abuse lol.
So after this experience would I date another ML, NO way!
Would I make one my wife, NO fucking way in the world lol.

Of course not every ML is like this one!
And probably some people have met a ML/WL and made it work!

It’s not unusual for the top end working girls to run with three or four boyfriends. They’re super hot and the moths are attracted to the flame.

They show me their txt chats. Guys wanting to fly them anywhere, guys volunteering to leave their wives, ha ha. Imagine reading a punter’s messages at a party and commenting on them in a group discussion!

The girls boast about it.

24-10-2023, 11:51 AM
It’s not unusual for the top end working girls to run with three or four boyfriends. They’re super hot and the moths are attracted to the flame.

They show me their txt chats. Guys wanting to fly them anywhere, guys volunteering to leave their wives, ha ha. Imagine reading a punter’s messages at a party and commenting on them in a group discussion!

The girls boast about it.

There would be some very interesting reading on a working girls phone!
I recon it would be bloody hilarious and fascinating to read them and see exactly what they get up too!

24-10-2023, 12:26 PM
I was involved with a ML a while back. She spoke great english seemed very intelligent, softly spoken and behaved like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth!
After a period of time I found out she had another bf, plus multiple customers that she had picked up from the shop she worked at. She also had a pimp/security guy that drove her around to her different customers when needed. When I confronted her about this the softly spoken girl instantly changed to “crazier than a pit bull that just had a ghost chilli shoved up its arse” The language and the threats coming out of her mouth was unbelievable. Of course I made the mistake of laughing at her which sent her to another level of abuse lol.
So after this experience would I date another ML, NO way!
Would I make one my wife, NO fucking way in the world lol.

Of course not every ML is like this one!
And probably some people have met a ML/WL and made it work!
You are lucky not been burn later on. WL/ML have many secrets how are you going to knows their lives and their pass. Some off the stories are convincing but can be made up.

24-10-2023, 08:45 PM
Took the words right out of my mouth. The word "creepy" originally meant "causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease", but has now been weaponised by women to use against anyone they don't like.

Frankly, anyone who uses the word indiscriminately is just displaying their own insecurities.

Lol .. the comment is about your insecurity and measure if what should be

The very definition you cite is accurate. And of course if you are called creepy you'll claim it indiscriminate

25-10-2023, 12:40 AM
Wow, this thread is still going... I wonder thou if I should be surprised.

The simple answer, dream on. nothing is ever permanent with an ML/WL unless you are proven to be the father of her kid and then you'll have a relatively permanent drain from your wallet.

I sometimes wonder the long term effects of some of the rejectee for permanent residency candidates who purposely get pregnant during their appeal process and drop the kid, whether married or not.
Actually considering how many do this when effectively their marriage scam is known by immigration.

25-10-2023, 12:49 AM
There would be some very interesting reading on a working girls phone!
I recon it would be bloody hilarious and fascinating to read them and see exactly what they get up too!

I thought some things were private? Obviously she didn’t think so. Perhaps it was a boast?

From a punter’s perspective it’ll be interesting to see if she ever marries and how long that lasts.

25-10-2023, 12:53 AM
Wow, this thread is still going... I wonder thou if I should be surprised.

The simple answer, dream on. nothing is ever permanent with an ML/WL unless you are proven to be the father of her kid and then you'll have a relatively permanent drain from your wallet.

I sometimes wonder the long term effects of some of the rejectee for permanent residency candidates who purposely get pregnant during their appeal process and drop the kid, whether married or not.
Actually considering how many do this when effectively their marriage scam is known by immigration.

Do you think a WL who is banging twenty plus guys a week year after year is going to get pregnant?

I think the girls new to the industry may, but the seasoned pros?

25-10-2023, 06:39 AM
If it was my first punt and I was her first customer/guest/client and I was instantly in love and knew what I knew now - in a heartbeat - but reality doesn’t work that way.

Just dream - it is much cheaper.

Admittedly I have been badly smitten - ouch it fucking hurts.

25-10-2023, 06:52 AM
I think it’s the chase that gets the guys returning. That is what guys do… chase pussy.

The WL’s give just enough non commital illusion to keep you coming back. Yet not enough to make them actually yours.

Guys get smitten and want to go further. Hence they become regulars. Hoping for more.

Sometimes I think “getting” the WL committed to a punter would invariably lead to loss of sexual appetite for the punter.

Thus a stale relationship and the end of it. Which from a business perspective is not what the WL wants.

Are WL’s really the players here?

I think so.

25-10-2023, 07:01 AM
It’s not unusual for the top end working girls to run with three or four boyfriends. They’re super hot and the moths are attracted to the flame.

They show me their txt chats. Guys wanting to fly them anywhere, guys volunteering to leave their wives, ha ha. Imagine reading a punter’s messages at a party and commenting on them in a group discussion!

The girls boast about it.

Based on experience this is true.
The list on contacts is their key to regular support.
While waiting heard by ML give over her phone number to a random.

You would love my text exchanges with this ML - they are extensive - intense -,detailed - currently after several months - in silence - it’s a story.

Just before my session started an ML volunteered she had a guy who said he was in love with her and consequently had promised certain help but reneged on this promise on/off - she was frustrated.

Later on another occasion same ML looked at me and said about this particular punter “not in love with me, in love with my pussy” I responded “were all in love with your pussy” and there you have it - the punters “mess of life”.

25-10-2023, 07:06 AM
A lot of posts on this forum say punters promise the world to a WL but never deliver. Are there any stories of punters delivering?

25-10-2023, 07:07 AM
Here’s a question.

Why wouldn’t a WL want to be in a relationship with a punter? From their side, what stops them?

25-10-2023, 10:27 AM
Here’s a question.

Why wouldn’t a WL want to be in a relationship with a punter? From their side, what stops them?

Nice question.
Divorce rates (rates vary according to length of marriage)
1st marriage - 50% (40%)
2nd marriage - 65%
Mixed marriages - 40%
Divorce rate with an ML - odds don’t look good.

Note - most of the MLs are Asian so communication is a problem - and even then with a translator you’re back to the “basics” due to the cultural gaps and nuances of the Aussie culture.

Note any ethic group gravitates to the their own ethnic group. Current MLs have extensive ML networks that they remain attached to. How does the song go “always something there to remind me”.

How do you accommodate the past sexual history - HJ, BJ, FS - so for each year of service - 2000/1500/500 - your guess as good as mine!!

An ML is probably supporting an extended family and may want to import family etc

Complexities of life are tenuous at best in a perfect relationship and I guess many here would attest to that - otherwise they would not be here punting and posting in these forums.

And I guess there are those that just survive in a marriage.

25-10-2023, 10:28 AM
Here’s a question.

Why wouldn’t a WL want to be in a relationship with a punter? From their side, what stops them?

Would you play poker with all the cards open on the table?

25-10-2023, 12:46 PM
Would you play poker with all the cards open on the table?

Nice reflection - especially if the cards are all Jokers

25-10-2023, 12:58 PM
Would you play poker with all the cards open on the table?

I thought we all held our cards close?

25-10-2023, 01:18 PM
Nice question.
Divorce rates (rates vary according to length of marriage)
1st marriage - 50% (40%)
2nd marriage - 65%
Mixed marriages - 40%
Divorce rate with an ML - odds don’t look good.

Note - most of the MLs are Asian so communication is a problem - and even then with a translator you’re back to the “basics” due to the cultural gaps and nuances of the Aussie culture.

Note any ethic group gravitates to the their own ethnic group. Current MLs have extensive ML networks that they remain attached to. How does the song go “always something there to remind me”.

How do you accommodate the past sexual history - HJ, BJ, FS - so for each year of service - 2000/1500/500 - your guess as good as mine!!

An ML is probably supporting an extended family and may want to import family etc

Complexities of life are tenuous at best in a perfect relationship and I guess many here would attest to that - otherwise they would not be here punting and posting in these forums.

And I guess there are those that just survive in a marriage.

Regarding divorce rates. I’ve noticed it is intergenerational. For example if the grandparents get divorced then their children tend to have divorces and their grandchildren also. I’ve even seen people get married and predicted a future divorce and I’ve seen it come to fruition. The last time was because the husband openly played around. Loose lips sink ships and he went down like the titanic.

Ethnicity is also another disrupter. That needs no extrapolation.

We all have a past sexual history. Maybe not on as big a scale as some WL’s but it’s still there.

As regards supporting an extended family. That comes with the territory and compassion for other people goes a long way. Like I’ve said in another post. My mate paid for a village bridge to be constructed in Burma. It was no skin off his nose either.

There are those that only just survive in anything they do, not just marriage.

25-10-2023, 01:19 PM
I thought we all held our cards close?

Exactly. There's no point in playing the game if all everyone's cards are known. It becomes a game of pure luck.

It's the same thing with dating a WL. The moment you met her in that setting, all notion of a normal relationship would've gone out the window. You both know each other's secrets and perhaps more importantly, you each know that the other party has that knowledge. Game over before you even started.

25-10-2023, 01:23 PM
Exactly. There's no point in playing the game if all everyone's cards are known. It becomes a game of pure luck.

It's the same thing with dating a WL. The moment you met her in that setting, all notion of a normal relationship would've gone out the window. You both know each other's secrets and perhaps more importantly, you each know that the other party has that knowledge. Game over before you even started.

That’s just it. It’s basically smoke and mirrors on both sides till one gets serious. Usually the punter. Does any punter ever reveal the truth?

Maybe it should be show me a card and I’ll show you one of mine. I don’t see anyone laying out a full hand on either side. Why would they? It’s too risky for any number of reasons.

25-10-2023, 07:44 PM
You both know each other's secrets and perhaps more importantly, You each know that the other party has that knowledge. Game over before you even started.

I never thought about it that way, very well said
She also knows how to rock my socks off and that’s why I go back!!

25-10-2023, 08:15 PM
I never thought about it that way, very well said
She also knows how to rock my socks off and that’s why I go back!!

That’s a sex secret and probably if you have a parter one that you might not share with?

But what about the punters real life, the life outside the massage shop or brothel?

What about those secrets?

25-10-2023, 08:37 PM
That’s a sex secret and probably if you have a parter one that you might not share with?

But what about the punters real life, the life outside the massage shop or brothel?

What about those secrets?

I am single, but I still like to keep it to myself. Play time and personal life must be kept well apart from each other. That’s a no brainer

25-10-2023, 08:41 PM
I am single, but I still like to keep it to myself. Play time and personal life must be kept well apart from each other. That’s a no brainer

Do you boast about it to your mates?

26-10-2023, 01:18 AM
Do you boast about it to your mates?

It depends on how fucked up you are. One of my mates is a punter and I tell him everything I do, but he has a limit on what he tells me cos he’s into some fucked up shit that he won’t share. The furthest he told me is that he’s got a mental problem and must play out his fantasies. He can’t do it here in Oz so he travels every few months to Thailand and Vietnam and does it there.

26-10-2023, 05:58 AM
It depends on how fucked up you are. One of my mates is a punter and I tell him everything I do, but he has a limit on what he tells me cos he’s into some fucked up shit that he won’t share. The furthest he told me is that he’s got a mental problem and must play out his fantasies. He can’t do it here in Oz so he travels every few months to Thailand and Vietnam and does it there.

A surgeon I was talking to this week brought up mental health. It was a discussion about life in general. She told me a lot of people have issues.

I thought life’s good, why bring up the topic?

Obviously things around her are not so good.

You never know what the person next to you is going through. Another guy I crossed paths with for a while this year was an “A grade asshole”. Not to me but just to business in general. I kept thinking what’s his problem. It got to the stage where I thought to stay away from him.

Anyhow next interaction he tells me he has ADHD and is now on medication and he’s a completely different person. So nice now.

In the past mental health issues were not discussed.

05-11-2023, 01:24 PM
I am curious has anyone got the feeling with some of these girls that they like you so much that they are
Interested in a life long partner places like massage shops etc as I have come across that trying not to get too much emotionally involved

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who has experienced this, but it is definitely something to be aware of. It can be difficult, because you don't want to lead someone on or hurt their feelings in any way. On the other hand, if you feel like there is a genuine connection and that both parties would benefit from a long-term relationship

05-11-2023, 01:32 PM
The number of Australians being prescribed medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has more than doubled in five years, with new figures showing more than 400,000 people now take drugs for the common neurodevelopmental disorder as awareness rises among doctors and the public.


Is it being over diagnosed? Is this a new trend? I think we are all somewhere in the spectrum but not sure if prescribing medication is the answer.

05-11-2023, 02:36 PM
A surgeon I was talking to this week brought up mental health. It was a discussion about life in general. She told me a lot of people have issues.

I thought life’s good, why bring up the topic?

Obviously things around her are not so good.

You never know what the person next to you is going through. Another guy I crossed paths with for a while this year was an “A grade asshole”. Not to me but just to business in general. I kept thinking what’s his problem. It got to the stage where I thought to stay away from him.

Anyhow next interaction he tells me he has ADHD and is now on medication and he’s a completely different person. So nice now.

In the past mental health issues were not discussed.

Very interesting Vincent. I also have a friend who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Not sure if those medications can affect the body though

05-11-2023, 07:00 PM
i do attracted to some of these WL especially those owner but nothing more than fuck...married is a no but in alternative universe where i'm rich as those athletics then could see my self having relationship with benefits.,,by saying that gonna be wise won't bankrupt myself.

some really open up about being SB even few that is not WL..

05-11-2023, 07:56 PM
Finding a partner in a shop.

It was in the bottle shop. She had gotten into the Sepelts para port and had drunk half a flagon. That’s where I found her, crashed out behind the cheap wine section.

I found her and left her there.