View Full Version : General talk Mandatory digital registration as of the 23rd of November

11-11-2020, 03:06 PM
Digital registration will be mandatory for the following venues from 23 November.

Its a massive list but these stand out.

- Business premises that are used for nail salons, beauty salons, hairdressing salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, spas, tattoo parlours and massage parlours.

- Sex on premises venues.

- Sex services premises.

I know that these measures have been taken before but now being mandatory its a different story, I have visited some locations both sexual related and not who haven't taken details.

If they use the service nsw app its tied to your licence.

11-11-2020, 03:09 PM
I guess there will be a spike with privates

11-11-2020, 03:19 PM
So, does it any means to you?

Yes, who wants there details linked to a sexual venue.

Any places like a pub or restaurant that uses a QR code, once registered sends a sms from experience.

Using fake details will send a random person the sms and its is linked to that venue, if i got a sms by mistake i would action it.

Do you think that people who visit sexual services actually provide their legit details and I wonder how many of these places are going to push customers.

Labia Vortex
11-11-2020, 03:26 PM
As with most of these things someone will come up with a work around
Certainly slow things down at the bordellos and massage parlors

11-11-2020, 03:32 PM
I have scanned QR code at plenty of places, non-sexual of course. Never got a return sms like you.. a lot of them just ask for your name and number. Some a first name is fine. This information is confidential and would only be used in contract tracing efforts should the need arise, which is a good thing. I am not really worried about it.

11-11-2020, 03:35 PM
I have used these in pubs and other venues plenty of times.
You scan your phone and can then put a false name in the form if you want.
It accepts whatever name you put in.
You can put Mickey Mouse in there if you want.
The details you put in do not go to the venue.
All you do is show them the screen that comes up after you submit your details that just has today's date on it.
I have never received an SMS.
The only time you would get a SMS would be if there was an outbreak at that venue, which is not gonna happen as covid in NSW is pretty much at zero and non existant,.
Even if you got an SMS it just goes to your phone and only you see it.
You shouldn't be showing your phone to anyone else anyway, certainly not your wife.

11-11-2020, 03:41 PM
I think there will be a lot of Mr Smith, Mr Chan, and Mr Patel :)

11-11-2020, 03:43 PM
The SMS i got was to confirm my scanning of the code, this was at one place i went to. When I visit pubs etc I actually provide legit details because I dont want to potentially spread etc due to false details.

Guess for me its best to wait to the 23rd and see how my go to handles it.

11-11-2020, 03:46 PM
23rd?? What do you mean?

When the mandatory QR kicks in..and I will :D

11-11-2020, 07:11 PM
It's all sensational reporting based on a "statement" from Berejiklian. It's just a typical flag waving exercise to judge how the public will react.

It wont get up, it will be impossible to implement. It will be consigned to the big bin in the sky of "useless" apps, just like Covid Safe.

In the meantime, anybody that chooses to submit to this (apparent) violent assault on civil rights and personal privacy deserves the government they elect.

Are you for real. I can't see a problem at all.

11-11-2020, 08:43 PM
I have been using a 2nd phone since the beginning of QR codes. I have it as a dormant work phone at present, so I just started using it. Flipped my name around and use work address and have had no problems, no SMS from anyone and no contact from authorities. If they are going to contact me by using the phone then I will answer as that person. Think the QR code is much more efficient than the Covid Safe app BS. I actually want it used widespread. I book using that phone and have signed in using the false name. At the end of the day I want to know if there is any Covid issues wherever I have been. Don't we all or is secrets better than safety😎

11-11-2020, 09:16 PM
It's all sensational reporting based on a "statement" from Berejiklian. It's just a typical flag waving exercise to judge how the public will react.

It wont get up, it will be impossible to implement. It will be consigned to the big bin in the sky of "useless" apps, just like Covid Safe.

In the meantime, anybody that chooses to submit to this (apparent) violent assault on civil rights and personal privacy deserves the government they elect.

The was a brief mention of it in the Herald earlier today, but it seems to dropped off the news feed.

11-11-2020, 09:45 PM
Some places are now using the Service NSW app QR solution which automatically has your name and details. It's faster and more convenient but has all your details.....

Notice a few restuarents in city starting to use this one. Previously was the QR solution with a form you fill in the name etc.

11-11-2020, 10:26 PM
More work for independent girls.

12-11-2020, 06:38 AM
I have been using a 2nd phone since the beginning of QR codes. I have it as a dormant work phone at present, so I just started using it. Flipped my name around and use work address and have had no problems, no SMS from anyone and no contact from authorities. If they are going to contact me by using the phone then I will answer as that person. Think the QR code is much more efficient than the Covid Safe app BS. I actually want it used widespread. I book using that phone and have signed in using the false name. At the end of the day I want to know if there is any Covid issues wherever I have been. Don't we all or is secrets better than safety😎
Isn't every sim card and hence phone number registered? Even prepaid

12-11-2020, 07:52 AM
What's all this worry about getting a "return SMS"? First, I've never got one after registering in a restaurant/bar/pub etc. Second, so what if you get it, just fucken delete it... Not so hard is it?

What you should be worried about is when the shop you went to gets a positive case and they start the contact tracing. How are you going to explain to your wife/gf that you have to go into iso?
I guess this risk was always there for peeps who use their phones to book girls, so no change for them. Walk-ins are more affected, I reckon.

12-11-2020, 08:35 AM
Some places are now using the Service NSW app QR solution which automatically has your name and details. It's faster and more convenient but has all your details.....

Notice a few restuarents in city starting to use this one. Previously was the QR solution with a form you fill in the name etc.

I think brothels etc will opt for a non service nsw option because they know their customers won't like the app option.

12-11-2020, 10:39 AM
Which is why this ridiculous idea has zero validity. Data that has no validity is just noise. Just another bunch of so called "IT Professionals" trying to flog a "Public Health" measure to gullible politicians who then try to foist it on the public to make it look like they are doing something "advanced" and "high tech". The idea behind this is to aid in contact tracing, good luck with that!

I wish I'd thought of the Covid Safe app. I'd be a million bucks (or 5) richer with very little responsibility for ongoing support and maintenance (except to keep billing the government for it), which is what will happen with this bit of fluff.

I can see the big deal. They still have your phone number so they will still contact you if there is an outbreak.

12-11-2020, 01:37 PM
Using a QR code when interacting with a government authority is likely more efficient as they have all your details anyway but using it when interacting with third party business's, in my mind, is a bridge too far, especially if you're a Centrelink customer.

Really, what are trying to hide???

12-11-2020, 02:12 PM
From the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep, and maybe even when you are sleeping your life is being monitored, data is being collected, video is being taken, algorithms are calculating ... that's just life in the 21st Century.
Yeah, it sucks, but that's just the way it is.
The left wingers blame big business, the multinationals, the military industrial complex etc.
The right wingers blame the UN, the one world government, the welfare state etc.
But whichever way you look at it we are being spied upon and manipulated.
What can you do.
You just live you life as best you can, try and be a good person, enjoy a pleasure, help out a brother or sister, and try and stay under the radar as best you can, and one day you die, and that's it.
But for fuck's sake have a bit of fun when you get the chance.
That fleeting moment where time stops and all is good, that's fucken awesome!

12-11-2020, 03:20 PM
This seems like a weird timing. It would have made sense months ago when shops just reopened and we still had many cases, but now? Seems really weird.

12-11-2020, 03:26 PM
This seems like a weird timing. It would have made sense months ago when shops just reopened and we still had many cases, but now? Seems really weird.

NSW, and actually all of Australia, now that Victoria is safe again, is a covid free zone.
Covid is not out there. There is nothing to fear.
The only way it can come back in is from overseas, so as long as the international borders are closed to tourists, visas, migrants etc and we have strict hotel quarantine regimes we have nothing to fear.
The only way it can come back is if we fuck up with the hotel quarantine like Victoria did.
Otherwise we are totally safe.
Basically we just have to control entry into the country until the vaccine and we are 100% safe.

16-11-2020, 01:45 PM
I use a real first name or Donald Duck with a real phone number in case there is an outbreak. I have started to use a land-line phone number in case someone wants to use the paper list for marketing SMS's etc. I get annoyed when a QR code site asks for more information than is necessary.

There are many QR services that seem to be just modified marketing tools but some are genuine. The service NSW QR service looks impressive but connects your visit with your driving identity.

There's a chap in Melbourne who feels like Spoonful does about surveillance. So he made his own QR service. It is open-source so "IT professionals" can check that it is not doing anything it should not be doing and it is free until the shop gets above 5000 customers in a month. If any shops you visit are worried about compulsory electronic registration you could point them to https://www.covidvault.com.au/ . I guess that there must be other minimal data collection QR services. If you know of one you could be a good citizen and help your favorite "remedial massage" shop get legal.

What I don't like is the Google system where the business gets a spreadsheet of visitors updated in real time. I entered D. Duck at a pub last week. When I came out of the gents the woman told me they needed my full first name. Lucky I remembered I was traveling as Donald that day.

16-11-2020, 01:57 PM
I've been wondering why venues can't just pair up with the CovidSafe on my phone, and keep track of me while I'm there?

16-11-2020, 02:08 PM
I've been wondering why venues can't just pair up with the CovidSafe on my phone, and keep track of me while I'm there?
That would be ideal, but not everyone has the app. Also polite girls keep their phones in their locker in the staff room so as not to interrupt the massage. I'd be happy to make an exception during these Covid times if they put their phone on silent and it saved the issue of signing in at the front counter.

16-11-2020, 02:59 PM
Enter false details at your own risk.

If Covid is detected there and they really want to find you, smile your on camera.

The last thing you need is a bulletin out with your picture on it.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

16-11-2020, 03:00 PM
I was thinking more of a "tap-on" (and maybe "tap-off") system on a single venue owned phone/terminal at reception (like an Opal card), rather than relying on pairing up with a girl's phone.
Just make the match-up instantaneous, rather than waiting 15 minutes for a recording

16-11-2020, 03:42 PM
nothing to comment really

16-11-2020, 05:38 PM
if people keep on giving out fake details and there are other outbreaks where people can't be traced because of that expect stricter controls
I use a silly name but a real phone number. If someone calls my phone asking for Mr. Duck I know that it is either the Health Dept and I shall listen to their advice carefully, or a shopkeeper who is not following the rules, in which case Mr. Duck would be quite rude. Quack Quack.

16-11-2020, 05:45 PM
and people are seriously ok with this???

To start off with, any information you supply is between you and the the "app". To request any further info or to ask you to prove who you are is a beach of civil rights and your privacy. Business's that can legally request ID when dealing with them are those authorised by legislation e.g. Liquor Act, Financial Act etc. If they legislate this bit of nonsense it'll be the final surrender of whatever civil rights you have left.

Be aware that IF this happens it won't be illegal to not provide the info. The business can simply refuse entry but then they risk loss of revenue when they need it most. Put it back on them for signing up to this.

You mention the Liquor Act. I said the place using Google was a pub. So not necessarily illegal but I shall avoid that place on principle in future.

16-11-2020, 07:15 PM
No one can detect Covid "there". It will only become apparent if some one tests positive in the next 3 to 7 days. Pinning it down to that particular venue only is impossible, more likely many venues will be candidates and by that time there may have been hundreds of people who need to be contacted. Trying to identify "Donald Duck" by a still picture would be a colossal waste of time.

I don't think this actually happens does it?

Registering a date/time stamp upon entry without closing the loop by doing the same on exit renders the whole process worthless. It's not for days (maybe less now) before a location and time can be established with any accuracy. A large number of people may be contacted, ask to get a test, self isolate, cause unknown trauma to family, friends and co-workers when they were nowhere near the positive case in the first place. Tracking the exit time along with entry time is mission critical but as far as I know it isn't done.

I'll say it again, this nonsense is window dressing trying to puff up the government's public image. They tried with the CovidSafe app but that particular farce isn't mentioned any more. None of these things have worked anywhere.

If you don't like the conditions of entry then don't enter. It's a free world. Simple really.

16-11-2020, 07:44 PM
Which is why this ridiculous idea has zero validity. Data that has no validity is just noise. Just another bunch of so called "IT Professionals" trying to flog a "Public Health" measure to gullible politicians who then try to foist it on the public to make it look like they are doing something "advanced" and "high tech". The idea behind this is to aid in contact tracing, good luck with that!

I wish I'd thought of the Covid Safe app. I'd be a million bucks (or 5) richer with very little responsibility for ongoing support and maintenance (except to keep billing the government for it), which is what will happen with this bit of fluff.

Data with no immediate validity or context is actually termed fact. Its the representation of a transaction in its simplest form. Add some dimensions to that, throw in some aggregations and what you have is the basis of an analytical model. Data mining or its latest iteration, machine learning, is the process of feeding / training a system to find patterns and anamolies amongst huge volumes of data and react to certain events. With more human intervention in looking for insights, born is the era of data-driven decisions. Ever wondered why items commonly bought together in a supermarket are relatively close together? That's determined by purchasing patterns, based off millions of receipts, not hunches. I've been in this field for 20+ years, the real life applications of this are extremely far reaching.

17-11-2020, 09:55 AM
By the way, if you fill out your QR details that are not factual you risk a fine and a bigger picture in the media if you are caught out.

17-11-2020, 11:23 AM
Care to share the legislation or regulation that confirms this?

Authorised officers are currently visiting businesses to assess their compliance with COVID Orders. If a breach of the COVID-19 Orders is found, a Penalty Infringement Notice may be issued for non-compliance. This on-the-spot fine is $1,000 for individuals or $5,000 for a business. There are much larger penalties for repeat offences.

Obligations for businesses collecting customer details
If required to collect details, the business or organisation must:

record the name and contact details (date, a phone number, entry time) for every person including staff, patrons and contractors entering the premises
collect personal details in a way that protects them from disclosure to other customers
maintain these records for a minimum period of 28 days
ensure details are accurate - allocate a staff member to oversee that patrons are providing the required information
deny entry to patrons who will not provide valid contact information
ensure the information recorded is stored confidentially and securely and only used for the purpose of COVID-19 contact tracing
digitise records collected on paper within 24 hours e.g. take a readable digital photo
provide appropriate cleaning and/or access to sanitiser between customer use for shared items such as pens
provide the information to an Authorised Officer immediately or as soon as practicable if requested.
Premises have an obligation to ensure they have provisions in place to ensure all patrons provide their details. Leaving an unsupervised log at one of many entry points is likely to fail, and is not a reasonable excuse for not collecting contact details.

Records are not required for customers or visitors collecting takeaway items or dropping off goods.

18-11-2020, 11:59 PM
NSW, and actually all of Australia, now that Victoria is safe again, is a covid free zone.
Covid is not out there. There is nothing to fear.
The only way it can come back in is from overseas, so as long as the international borders are closed to tourists, visas, migrants etc and we have strict hotel quarantine regimes we have nothing to fear.
The only way it can come back is if we fuck up with the hotel quarantine like Victoria did.
Otherwise we are totally safe.
Basically we just have to control entry into the country until the vaccine and we are 100% safe.

You jumped the gun early. It ain't all over yet as discovered in South Australia with a new outbreak of the virus.

For those who are worried about giving out their details or where they go, just remember big brother Google knows everything about you.

19-11-2020, 09:00 AM
This is part of my post #35.

In SA one case gets to 17 and now to 34.

Adelaide is now in meltdown mode. 6 day lock down. 4000 people in quarantine.

Given the extent of Covid in the rest of the world our borders probably won't be open for general international travel for 3 to 5 years.

Mate, stay positive and be hopeful, and wait for that magical vaccine !!

My bet , if it’s available through Sportsbet is that China will be the major supplier and at least saving Asia if not the world.

23-11-2020, 10:42 AM
Would love to know if anyone has been to a RnT/FS place today that wasn't previously taking details but now is!

23-11-2020, 12:50 PM
The shop I went to this morning certainly didn't bother.

23-11-2020, 02:38 PM
I am sure the flying squads will be doing the rounds as easy money for the Government to pick up with the fines involved.

23-11-2020, 03:12 PM
I got stopped at my local Woolworths this morning. This is gonna need a lot of education or it is doomed to follow the Covid Safe app. And the local RnT has no clue about it. I hope the rangers start with multiple warnings, not just fines.

23-11-2020, 04:14 PM
We do a great job of preventing local transmissions but it's going to be a problem when people outside Australia bring it in. Look at US they surpassed 12 MILLION cases, they don't lock down they don't give a fuck

23-11-2020, 05:43 PM
Just been to my local Woolies, hahaha, not a QR code in sight.

They don't have to and why would they as it would only create queues to get in while everyone scanned in.

23-11-2020, 06:06 PM
Went to a local pub last night. I was already half pissed when I walked in so lining up my phone camera with the barcode was a kind of sobriety test in itself. Anyway somehow managed to do it.
Then the young cute bar staff girl asked "have you got a tick?"
I squinted, winked, did a click click sound with my mouth ... she didn't get the joke.
So I just showed her the tick on my phone and she let me in.
Us dad joke comedians are the last of the mohicans.
Maybe that's a good thing for society.

23-11-2020, 06:42 PM
They don't have to and why would they as it would only create queues to get in while everyone scanned in.
Yep, 2nd time around the "doorperson" says, it not compulsory if you don't want to. And the queue this morning was the problem. For some the scan and acknowledge is a breeze. For some the phone is a problem. Bought a coffee for the drive home. Ask do I scan. For takeaway is ok. Seat down in shop must scan. Yesterday at another coffee shop, different suburb, must scan for takeaways. The brothels and RnT must be confused. This will just become to hard😎

23-11-2020, 08:41 PM
Yep, 2nd time around the "doorperson" says, it not compulsory if you don't want to. And the queue this morning was the problem. For some the scan and acknowledge is a breeze. For some the phone is a problem. Bought a coffee for the drive home. Ask do I scan. For takeaway is ok. Seat down in shop must scan. Yesterday at another coffee shop, different suburb, must scan for takeaways. The brothels and RnT must be confused. This will just become to hard��

Brothels, RNT and other designated businesses could risk up to a $55,000 fine if they don't comply. That sort of $ would make sure I wasn't confused.

23-11-2020, 08:48 PM
Nothing confusing about that. Big and plenty of zero's in any language. Let's hope they get a warning first🤞

24-11-2020, 12:45 AM
What is there to comply with? Stick a QR code on a wall. If the customer doesn't want to use it they can leave! Who's gonna prove that they had more customers through than those that actually scanned? The information is yours and no one can access it except the health department (supposedly).
Insightful reply...

24-11-2020, 07:53 AM
I really hope they comply for some bastard will report them and the smaller shops would probably go bust.

24-11-2020, 06:03 PM
I think brothels etc will opt for a non service nsw option because they know their customers won't like the app option.

Before entering any RNT shops and brothels, is everyone being asked to comply with the mandatory digital registration?

24-11-2020, 10:49 PM
Not in my local shops

25-11-2020, 04:52 AM
Not in my local shops
Been to a couple of restaurants over the weekend with mates, such as Nandos, Paparich, etc. We have to scan the QR mosaic with our mobile to dine-in. Hmm...... would be a concern if this is implemented in the punting scenes.

25-11-2020, 09:08 AM
Helpful to know thanks!

25-11-2020, 10:07 AM
Been to a couple of restaurants over the weekend with mates, such as Nandos, Paparich, etc. We have to scan the QR mosaic with our mobile to dine-in. Hmm...... would be a concern if this is implemented in the punting scenes.
By law, it is supposed to be?

25-11-2020, 10:08 AM
Been to a couple of restaurants over the weekend with mates, such as Nandos, Paparich, etc. We have to scan the QR mosaic with our mobile to dine-in. Hmm...... would be a concern if this is implemented in the punting scenes.

Even if the shops would have installed a QR code at the door, whether they will police and enforce it is a different matter ? Just like in my local Thai restaurant, if you are dining in, you must scan and register via the QR code but if you are just picking up some takeaways you don’t have too. Last weekend they were so busy, while I was waiting outside to pick up, at least 10 Uber Eats or Deliveroo people were going in ahead of me, and none was scanning the code.

25-11-2020, 11:03 AM
The rules do not require check-in for take away; only for eating in

25-11-2020, 11:08 AM
Went to my local shop. No , Just ask for first name nd numbers. Of cus I gave them fake details. Lucky or otherwise I would just walk straight out with blue balls. Lucky haha . Hope it doesn't changed in near future. Fingers crossed - damn she was a very good fck not had one like that for a very long time ...she even told me she cum hehe :miao:

25-11-2020, 11:18 AM
Australia’s spy agencies caught collecting COVID-19 app data


25-11-2020, 12:18 PM
The rules do not require check-in for take away; only for eating inso no daty if you don't want to scan

25-11-2020, 02:38 PM
I've tracked down the Public Health Order, updated on 20/11 to reflect the recent changes. It's a PDF

https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/file/Public%20Health%20%28COVID-19%20Restrictions%20on%20Gathering%20and%20Movemen t%29%20Order%20%28No%205%29%202020_201123.pdf

Note Part 3 Records and exchange of information on page 18 and Schedule 3 Premises requiring electronic entry records Item 4, 17 and 18 on page 25.

Part 3, 28(1) wording implies that a person might be in breach if not providing contact details and is on the premises but I've yet to track down any penalty associated with it (or anything else for for that matter).

As for the people able to access and/or collect this data the PHO allows for the following (Part 3, 29, 2(2)). Drilling down it appears that the following agencies can get it:-

(a) the Public Service,
(b) the Teaching Service,
(c) the NSW Police Force,
(d) the NSW Health Service,
(e) the Transport Service of New South Wales,
(f) any other service of the Crown (including the service of any NSW government agency),
(g) the service of any other person or body constituted by or under an Act or exercising public functions (such as a State owned corporation), being a person or body that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.

The statement that only the Health Department will have access appears to be a blatant lie and effectively allows free exchange to any government department.

I doubt this will ever go away, they'll make every excuse to keep it in place and after a while the public will get so used to it that it'll become second nature.

A golden egg from a golden goose and all the ducks are lining up.I think you are correct.

People will just live with it like when petrol prices were close to $2 per litre.

I still have the CovidSafe app, don't even know why.

I was a gaming place last night and a few older gentlemen were not allowed entry because they said they didn't have a mobile phone. Some of them for angry and argued and few others magically found a mobile phone. The excuse, oh the other hotel let me in doesn't work anymore.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

25-11-2020, 05:49 PM
so no daty if you don't want to scan

That made me laugh out loud!

25-11-2020, 08:14 PM
Then there will be the cashless society etc etc. Just move on, live and enjoy your life

26-11-2020, 01:36 AM
So, it seems like this is actually being enforced in a lot of place? I had imagined they would pay lip service as it is quite imposing on customers and might put them off. This seems like further bad news for the scene here in Sydney :-(

26-11-2020, 07:01 PM
The shops will have to trade off the risks of alienating customers or getting fined.

26-11-2020, 07:07 PM
The shops will have to trade off the risks of alienating customers or getting fined.
Pretty much nails it.

26-11-2020, 08:08 PM
I went to a business today (nothing to do with what's on this forum) and after trying trying to cope with a queue of people finally caved in and didn't bother with it for the rest of the day.

The business owner complained bitterly about the extra work and the crap his staff had to go through.

Now SA is trying the same thing and telling the public how much "safer" they'll all be. It's all a waste of time.

All it will take is someone to complain and see the lack of use for them to cop a massive fine, serves them right to be honest.

Reminds of people who continue to use their phones while driving then have a massive winge when they get a fine.

Feel for the shops here who are torn between keeping their customers happy and also being some what discretionary at the same time.

I can't see myself going with it the way it is.

26-11-2020, 08:41 PM
Why not say no and turn to leave, they might have just shrugged and not bothered to collect details anyway. Try it next time when you're not so desperate lol.

This is my MO and no-one gets my details. They need me more than I need them.

The boss normally let me walk straight in no need to sign;)
But she was not there .

Hmmm just say we need other other !!
Good relationship = good time with the boss nd the girls.

26-11-2020, 08:46 PM
The boss normally let me walk straight in no need to sign;)
But she was not there .

Hmmm just say we need other other !!
Good relationship = good time with the boss nd the girls.

Won't end up well for the boss if shop gets inspected though. This is a great way for the Government to get info on shops

26-11-2020, 08:59 PM
I get a laugh when I go to the Dungeon at Maroubra. Two massage rooms. so two girls and the boss on duty. A "lounge room" for the girls, but quite a large storage area, laundry, bathroom etc,

Sign on the door says "maximum 29 people".

26-11-2020, 11:08 PM
What happens if we scan then we fill in the details wrong. Are we already automatically recorded us on our phone even it is wrong details?

27-11-2020, 12:35 PM
Joint I went to today had the Service NSW qr code on the wall but they didn't mention it as I was walked to the room, so I didn't bring it up either! But I'm guessing as soon as the first check is done they'll get a lot more strict about it

27-11-2020, 02:09 PM
"Oh dear, sorry, I'll try to do better next time."
I like the way you think... but can the shop be penalised for this?

27-11-2020, 08:26 PM
I like the way you think... but can the shop be penalised for this?

Yes they can, up to $55,000. Good reason to do better next time

27-11-2020, 10:40 PM
Only if they are a corporation. Since you don't know what business structure is in place for any particular shop you cannot possibly predict what penalties might apply.

Having a Covid plan in place is simple, fill out a couple of forms, stick a QR code on the wall and your done. Proving the lack of customer registrations is another matter but the onus is on the inspecting agency.

Penalties for breaching public health orders can have businesses fined up to $55,000

27-11-2020, 11:52 PM
CCTV. Time in. Time out

28-11-2020, 12:20 AM
CCTV. Time in. Time out
"Oh dear, that hard disk is corrupted and we didn't make any backups, sorry!" ?

28-11-2020, 07:57 AM
Mandatory Digital Registration isn't that bad.
It could be a lot worse, it could be Mandatory Digital Penetration.
I think we've got off lightly.

28-11-2020, 10:56 AM
The Act defines Corporations and Individuals not "businesses". You really need to define what a business is and how it applies to the shop before you repeat yourself.


You are looking under the wrong section.... Look under the Public Health Act Part 4 , 70

28-11-2020, 11:31 AM
If there was an outbreak of COVID in a shop the contact trasers wouldn’t have to much trouble finding you .
with all the cameras around these day especially if you parked nearby they would get you number plate .
You’ll be found it’s too important

28-11-2020, 12:17 PM
How would that prove you'd been in a shop and not registered?

I get the feeling there's a sense of paranoia circulating here.

My contempt for this is not based on overt or covert surveillance, it's based on the very real experience of it being totally useless for the job the government is touting it will do. In the meantime we all being asked to give up our privacy and civil liberties.

You are only giving up any liberties if you visit somewhere that requires this information. You are free not to go there if you don't want to adhere to their requirements. So no problem you are still free to do what you want to do. If you want to change things stand for Parliament, that's what I did once. Complaining here won't change anything.

28-11-2020, 02:37 PM
If I go into a Westfields and eat a takeaway meal in the "food court" I don't need to register. But if there is, say, a coffee shop inside the court with its own seating, I do have to register.

Go figure that one.

28-11-2020, 04:23 PM
If I go into a Westfields and eat a takeaway meal in the "food court" I don't need to register. But if there is, say, a coffee shop inside the court with its own seating, I do have to register.

Go figure that one.

It is Scotty from marketing and glorious Gladys looking after their mate Frank!

01-12-2020, 05:25 AM
i haven't been to an rnt since

01-12-2020, 09:20 AM
It is Scotty from marketing and glorious Gladys looking after their mate Frank!

Not just Westfields, applies everywhere, "Food courts" specifically excluded in PHOs, but most seem to enforce the social distancing rules.

01-12-2020, 03:55 PM
Went shopping yesterday and just for a laugh trolled (deliberate use of this word, I do know my faults) through my major centre to check out the cafes, courts etc. observing how many were compliant.

Being extremely picky and OCD about these things I found all that I saw were only semi compliant.

Those with QR codes didn't appear to offer an alternative to those without phones and those without QR codes had a list to write your name/ph in full view. Both of these are non-compliant in the strictest sense.

The other thing I noticed is that the sit down area in the aisles and courts were more defined; implying that you couldn't sit unless you bought from that cafe. This was an ex Westfield centre but ymmv where you are.

Nice observations bro.
The elephant in the room is that the covid threat in Australia is over.
Why? well because we are a remote island and the government made the right choice very early on to close the borders.
So basically covid never really took off here and the little bit that did got extinguished by the first lockdown
The only way it could come in was from Australians returning from overseas.
The simple solution to this was a quarantine system and this has worked.
It failed in Victoria because they put Third World peasants in charge of security.
But now hopefully we have learnt from this.
So basically now all we have to do is keep the borders controlled and have a quarantine system run by cops and soldiers and we are OK.
We can do what ever the fuck we want in Australia.
You can lick every stair rail, and poker machine, and door knob, and schooner, and coffee cup, and taxi driver, and WL, and train, and bus, and uber delivery driver, and workmate, and random stranger, and you will not catch covid simply because it is not there to catch. If it's not there then you can't catch it!
But what I am saying is totally irresponsible and I get that, because we have to keep up the story keep saying to ourselves that covid is out there and waiting to seriously fuck us up.

01-12-2020, 04:03 PM
In my local food court they have tables marked "sit here" or "don't sit here", complying with spacing rules.

Problem seems to be that in 60% of the "sit here" tables, there are no fucking chairs.

01-12-2020, 08:06 PM
It’s no big deal. I do what they ask and hopefully it will be all over soon.

02-12-2020, 02:57 PM
My funny story. A couple of weeks ago I was at my current favorite cheap Chinese place. There was no sign-in procedure so on the way out I mentioned to the ML that they should get a QR code (because I could help get a free one that does not ask unnecessary questions). Lack of English suddenly came into play. After one or two attempts to explain the coming requirement they came to the conclusion that I just wanted to be able to book more easily by phone in future. So they gave me their business card. I accepted it and left.