View Full Version : General talk Punters secret community where you from etc

15-12-2020, 05:04 PM
I've noticed that this could be a Chinese made site as my profile has some sort of Chinese thing under it. But were on the Sydney site.

Curious what type of men becomes punters and hunters for Asian WLs. How did you start? where in Sydney are you guys from? Is it the wealthy? The married? The lonely? The tradies? The caucasians preferring Asain pussy? Are you Asian too, Leb or Indian or whatever...

It looks like a secret community that has never met. Maybe? have you guys met and shared or go to the pubs then punt together?

15-12-2020, 05:43 PM

15-12-2020, 06:24 PM
今&#2 6178;今日咁嘅服務態度係唔得架喇

Hey TM,

Did you just copied my signature or something..........lol

Without good customer services, there will be no business!!

15-12-2020, 06:37 PM
Yes bro AH hope you don't mind lol, otherwise will edit. I don't know what else too say to bro spaniel!! Unless you want to organise a trip to the pub!!!

15-12-2020, 10:41 PM
Yes bro AH hope you don't mind lol, otherwise will edit. I don't know what else too say to bro spaniel!! Unless you want to organise a trip to the pub!!!

No worry mate, those were the words from my favorite Hong Kong Artist Andy Lau’s 華仔金句!everyone is welcome to share........ haha 👍

How about this one ?


How many ten years can one have in a life time ?

16-12-2020, 01:56 PM
I see. I'm getting small picture that some of the punters here are Asian. Who else...

Labia Vortex
16-12-2020, 02:07 PM
Majority of punters in Sydney are Asian..in some shops up to 80% around the CBD
further west you go and the % drops off
This forum reflects that
There are really only 20/30 regular posters here
The rest are lurkers and the shops advertising their services
As an older Caucasian frequenting inner city shops I seem to be a rarity according to feedback from WL and MLs

16-12-2020, 02:16 PM
Majority of punters in Sydney are Asian..in some shops up to 80% around the CBD
further west you go and the % drops off
This forum reflects that
There are really only 20/30 regular posters here
The rest are lurkers and the shops advertising their services
As an older Caucasian frequenting inner city shops I seem to be a rarity according to feedback from WL and MLs

Wow that is so very very surprising to me. If I can be honest I thought this was a very very white mans world wanting Asian pussy and WLs. Thanks for enlightening me.

16-12-2020, 02:27 PM
Most of the punters in suburban Asian massage shops seem to be older Caucs. Younger guys prefer the younger girls and FS, so will go to the city shops.

16-12-2020, 05:34 PM
Brothers, doesn't matter if we asian, cauc, black whatever. We're all here for the same thing ;)

16-12-2020, 07:04 PM
Brothers, doesn't matter if we asian, cauc, black whatever. We're all here for the same thing ;)

Were all here for pussy. It's the great unifying language.

16-12-2020, 07:40 PM
Sex is definitely one of the strongest drug out there that we ALL start seeking it from our teenager years. How we get it later on ended up with the creation of this forum. Thank you to the maker of aus99 and its community.

16-12-2020, 09:45 PM
Well despite what you may think, a working girl has seen it all.
They are realistic. $100 is a $100 and that’s it.
Good, quick, bad, slow, big, little, smelly, whatever.
They aren’t into anything but getting this punter off and being ready for the next one
They don’t care about websites. Comparisons.
Money honey
No money no honey

16-12-2020, 11:44 PM
Well despite what you may think, a working girl has seen it all.
They are realistic. $100 is a $100 and that’s it.
Good, quick, bad, slow, big, little, smelly, whatever.
They aren’t into anything but getting this punter off and being ready for the next one
They don’t care about websites. Comparisons.
Money honey
No money no honey

Yeah sure that may be true mate. But this thread isn't about them now. Theres enough thread who Mimi is or where Ada works or does the best FS.

This thread was getting to know the brothers in this community even if it's just here on chat. Where their passion for punting started from. Was it an off chance. Are they from a sexless marriage. Did someone else got them into it?

Theres not enough of who are the guys in this group and what we can learn from each other...besides sharing the best girl out there atm.

And added to that, if someone is not interested in this thread, respect. They don't need to comment. ;)

17-12-2020, 12:11 AM
Sex is definitely one of the strongest drug out there that we ALL start seeking it from our teenager years. How we get it later on ended up with the creation of this forum. Thank you to the maker of aus99 and its community.

Not everyone on this forum is part of the older generations either bro spaniel! I think this forum is quite diverse all things considered.

17-12-2020, 12:21 AM
Not everyone on this forum is part of the older generations either bro spaniel! I think this forum is quite diverse all things considered.

Yeah right. Now you've made wonder who is the youngest punter here and how they started...:question:

18-12-2020, 12:53 PM
I will bite at this. I started with the Asian massage parlour scene in the United States. These girls opened my eyes to various styles from chinese to thai to korean massage parlors. You had to learn an ettiquite to really get past certain barriers but once you did you were treated like a king for the time you paid for. Sure your miles would vary from girl to girl and shop to shop but in the end you could find a good shop or mamasan and you were set. Over here it became like a kid in a candy store. I could fuck any nationality and tried up to the middle tier girls in this town . I have to admit I find myself drawn mostly to the korean girls with the malaysian ones coming in a bit of a second place. I started mid 30s more out of wanting an outlet for someone to take care of me in a way others were not able to due to physical limitations. I've slowed down and keep to lower end places in the sw and w although when I used to go to 533 for lunch Angie always seemed to treat me alright. One man once said the key to his sixty year marriage was he had alot of affairs but always took care of his wife first. This lifestyle isn't for everyone and it's different for those that are in it.

18-12-2020, 04:32 PM
I will bite at this. I started with the Asian massage parlour scene in the United States. These girls opened my eyes to various styles from chinese to thai to korean massage parlors. You had to learn an ettiquite to really get past certain barriers but once you did you were treated like a king for the time you paid for. Sure your miles would vary from girl to girl and shop to shop but in the end you could find a good shop or mamasan and you were set. Over here it became like a kid in a candy store. I could fuck any nationality and tried up to the middle tier girls in this town . I have to admit I find myself drawn mostly to the korean girls with the malaysian ones coming in a bit of a second place. I started mid 30s more out of wanting an outlet for someone to take care of me in a way others were not able to due to physical limitations. I've slowed down and keep to lower end places in the sw and w although when I used to go to 533 for lunch Angie always seemed to treat me alright. One man once said the key to his sixty year marriage was he had alot of affairs but always took care of his wife first. This lifestyle isn't for everyone and it's different for those that are in it.

Thanks for taking a bite of the apple and sharing us your growth. How do you find it now comparable to what first started you off in the US? Massive difference?

I gather from what you wrote, taking care of you meant were all different eg cock sizes And because you're a paying customer, theyll treat you to whatever you desire right?

Great post brother...

19-12-2020, 06:54 AM
I use eccie net when I'm in the US. Man it is hard work to get some non fat or non black action. Everything's got race attached. You kinda have to specify ur race(don't be black) and when u start out u have to have 2 working girls vouch for you. For Dallas I think there are only 2 girls with no vouching requirements n both are super super fat whales. Effectively gatekeeper lol so had to fuck that inorder to unlock the spinner tier. Fuck it's so bad there.

19-12-2020, 06:59 AM
I use eccie net when I'm in the US. Man it is hard work to get some non fat or non black action. Everything's got race attached. You kinda have to specify ur race(don't be black) and when u start out u have to have 2 recent working girls vouch for you. For Dallas I think there are only 2 girls with no vouching requirements n both are super super fat whales. Effectively gatekeeper lol so had to fuck that inorder to unlock the spinner tier. Fuck it's so bad there.

Lol, wow. Never heard anything like before. I was thinking otherwise that since US has largest open industry they would have options in abundance but this looks like different level of struggle altogether.

19-12-2020, 07:07 AM
Lol, wow. Never heard anything like before. I was thinking otherwise that since US has largest open industry they would have options in abundance but this looks like different level of struggle altogether.

Lol yeh man. That's my private experience for the states. Apparently it's illegal in most states that's why the anal verification. But once u pass that it's nice. Alot of young white girls are like 300usd and bbbj is the norm not the exception.

19-12-2020, 07:34 AM
Lol, wow. Never heard anything like before. I was thinking otherwise that since US has largest open industry they would have options in abundance but this looks like different level of struggle altogether.

100% After his post I wondered now what it was like all over the world or in Europe or imagine Russia?

I'm still new to this world but from what I'm reading, most WLs here are Asian girls. Imagine a whale?!?!haha that made me lol

19-12-2020, 09:36 AM
100% After his post I wondered now what it was like all over the world or in Europe or imagine Russia?

I'm still new to this world but from what I'm reading, most WLs here are Asian girls. Imagine a whale?!?!haha that made me lol

Lol. That's true, Should have mentioned that as well. Good one beta101 ha ha.Anyways, I am happy that we have a far better and wider range of options to choose from. Must say though, I am curious to know about Russia especially.

19-12-2020, 02:58 PM
Must say though, I am curious to know about Russia especially.

You can find Russian WLs in almost every country. You don't have to go to Russia.
Plenty all over Europe and Asia. WLs is Russia's biggest export after oil and vodka :)
Not too many in Australia though because of the distance and not many visa options, but you can find them.

19-12-2020, 03:51 PM
You can find Russian WLs in almost every country. You don't have to go to Russia.
Plenty all over Europe and Asia. WLs is Russia's biggest export after oil and vodka :)
Not too many in Australia though because of the distance and not many visa options, but you can find them.

I'm assuming they must have some Russians here in Sydney right?