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Thread: $150 shops going for higher prices

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    $150 shops going for higher prices

    In the last few years my fave 150 shops south of the bridge have been changing management and usually with that they go with a standard / Gold / diamond price structure
    Usually the basic rate is a very average covered everything and no kissing option then the price goes up from there as you can imagine
    Of course as this has happened I’ve just moved on the other $150 shops that do the diamond level most times for no surcharge. It’s up tie the lady in these shops and if they want you to return then all sorts of great services happen for a reliable price - gets me back every time !
    The latest to do this sadly for me is my local, 64 Alexander
    There’s no increase in quality of WL and the diamond price isn’t far off a good quality punt in the up market places in the city where you get a young hottie.
    Hope they see the light - the others in the area have , and return to a standard price aligned with the Milfs on offer. Not meaning I don’t like then , they’re great ! But did the money I’ll be heading elsewhere did now... plenty of great shops in Sydney let’s face it !

  2. #2
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Don't pay the extra if you were the girls regular before because you will probably still get the same service as you use to.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I think paying premium rates is justified at the moment because new and premium Asian girls (age and looks, not service) are in short supply during the pandemic while borders and closed.

    However, don’t fool yourself by paying premium prices for premium service - the service you get is always down to the connection between WL and punter. A cheap no frills service can include everything if the stars align for you and the girl in the room, while similarly paying top dollar for a stunner can still result in awful service if you or the girl just aren’t feeling it for some reason.

    In my experience a more genuine and enjoyable service with (I said with on purpose, not service by) a girl is more likely with a girl who’s notregarded as being the most popular in a shop.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Yeeup couldn’t agree more mr Hexeducation. If there is a connection I have often found I get the top shelf service - or perhaps it’s the other way around ;0). Good point re holding back on the premium $ there, I’ll definitely give it a go and see how it pans out.

    I agree too in regard to some places asking for premium prices being justified. however punting is basically back to normal now and there are plenty of girls working again - I haven’t really noticed any short supply since Christmas. Maybe just the places I visit.

    I find it a bit much when some shops are providing the same service and girls, but pumped up the price and call it diamond (which it probably is) but the girls are Cleary a level lower than the premium shops
    Having said that it’s their business and who am I to argue.

    The basic service is still the same rate and if your suggestion plays out will probably my be the same anyway 👍.

    Thanks for your comments !

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Tell em to stick it!

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I used to punt a lot at 64 Alexander, the girls there are definitely not worth $210 based on age and service. That's ridiculous

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I am going to be so close to this place and yet my friend advised me this place is not what it was after Sophie sold it. Remember we bitch about her and Angie before....

    Many 90/150 shops had gone down the hill as girls are short in supply and the good ones scope up by more expensive joins. Look at 104, totally destroy by the Wuhan Pneumonia. Roster down to 4-5 girls lately. Had a session with the "legendary" Visky and it was very ordinary.

  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Yep absolutely Marc02. Based on the quality of their competition hopefully the girls decide what services are appropriate behind closed doors

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Yep it’s funny, in hindsight Sophie was a great Mamasan ! I remember many years ago one of the girls hit me up for extras. Somehow Sophie knew she was doing this , asked me after the session if that happened. so I guess it was that girls regular practice. Then she gave me stick saying I should never pay for extras , and tell her if it happened again (which it never did ). She was terrible at picking the right girls for me but knew my favourites and would always hold them for me... definitely missing her ! wonder if there was any hand over when she moved on?

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