I was accidentally initiated into this world after visiting a thoroughly legitimate-seeming Northside massage place that turned out to offer a little more. I ignored the initial instruction to 'take off all my clothes', thinking it must be a language thing, and kept my undies on - but her touch was always slightly pushing boundaries, and I knew that if she asked, I would say yes. The experience of being surprised, seduced, persuaded to want more than the remedial massage and hand over my cash was where the thrill came from for me.

Now I live on the goldie and everywhere seems to be overtly a brothel. Walking into somewhere where they know and I know exactly what is going to go down is a total turn off for me. I don't just want to pay a girl for sexual favours under the guise of a massage. I want a massage that tempts me to want more, from a girl who wants to persuade me. It's almost like I want to be manipulated.

Does this resonate with anyone else? Where can I find somewhere that offers an experience more like this?