Heard a very disturbing story today which made my blood boil.

Due to COVID lockdowns and work commitments I haven’t been able to get to Sydney to see my favourite WLs since June.

Having a couple of days off and doing a bit of a road trip I managed to pop over the mountains and call into a Western Sydney shop where I know a couple of the WLs.
Phoned up to make sure one or the other was available and told yes one girl available but other no longer works here and has left industry. Fall out from lockdowns I assumed.

These 2 girls are good friends to each other and both know that I see the other. So my WL friend today then tells me what happened to her friend.
It seems some lowlife punter with a little dick attempted to make up for his short comings by shoving some object that he had brought with him up inside the poor girl against her wishes. I’d call that some form of rape.
The girl complained to management who preferred to keep it in house rather than notify the authorities. They negotiated hush money with the punter. Quite a few thousand dollars split between the girl and shop. This is the reason the girl has left the industry and who could blame her.

I’m not going to name the girls or shop as I don’t want to cause any grief for my friend who still works there. She unfortunately can not quit for financial reasons.

But that punter better hope I never find out who he is because he’ll find out what it’s like having a steel post shoved up his arsehole so far that he can feel it with his teeth.

The other disturbing thing that my friend (who is Asian) told me was the amount of harassment she received when out in public during lockdown by racists taunting her and even physically pushing her.

I really feel for these girls. They are mostly doing this job out of necessity and to have to put up with the stunts that some punters and community members think is acceptable is unbelievable.

End of rant.