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Thread: Shop today

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Shop today

    At a popular shop today walked in I checked in on the app but I said to her u double vac ? She gave me blank stare and Ahh yes yes I said can u show me ? No no private I left ..
    I know u probably got more chance of picking up a std but now I ain’t taking the chance more so I don’t want be locked in for 7 days and partner asking why .. fuck that least private’s morE discreet less chance

  2. #2
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    But you’ve already checked in yourself ? Any of the staff or punters around that time test positive… then you’re getting pinged regardless… and you’ll have to explain yourself to the missus. You might as well have just stayed

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    why do people assume that double vac means you can't be a carrier ?

  4. #4
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    lol…. Good luck with the privates… Private services such as hairdressing and massage there are no requirement that customers have to be double vaccinated but employees must be double vaccinated . My perception is that a shops governance will be better than a pimps governance

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Early indications are that Omicron is more contagious and less severe. Indications that it affects the upper respiratory system and multiplies at a great rate in that part of the body like a cold rather than lower lungs like pneumonia.
    At some stage we'll move into a different mode with how the virus is handled.
    It needs to become "endemic" as in everywhere and commonplace. With majority of persons having some level of immune resistance.
    The balancing act for health authorities is "managing" this transition of a far more contagious less severe strain that could still provide numbers of critical cases.
    This time around it is watching the level of severe cases as the limiting factor. (Lower proportion of severe cases as a percentage of case numbers but much higher cases numbers may still lead to concerning levels of severe cases still).
    Death rates in the elderly in Australia initially were absolutely horrendous. Most deaths overall were from a fraction of the cases in the elderly age bracket. The death rate is much lower now. A combination of better treatments at all stages plus immune resistance provided by vaccines ... and as time progresses .. from catching a weaker strain.
    The new normal will be that catching covid becomes more "common".

    The important thing is that despite being vaccinated or having had covid previously, people are still catching Omicron. Vaccinations help provide the immune resistance to have a mild case ... but you can still catch it again.
    Last edited by Kowabunga; 25-12-2021 at 06:03 AM. Reason: More info

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Pubs bit different as everyone needs to be vaciinated massage shops no requirement for staff to be so yes I will ask if they don’t want to show or put finger over name so I can see green tick then they won’t get my business .. they way the virus is pressing g so fast just matter of time be in massage shops then u all be complaining

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Massageloverbris View Post
    Pubs bit different as everyone needs to be vaciinated massage shops no requirement for staff to be so yes I will ask if they don’t want to show or put finger over name so I can see green tick then they won’t get my business .. they way the virus is pressing g so fast just matter of time be in massage shops then u all be complaining
    As someone else said if you've already checked in so your details are there if there's an issue at the shop. Plus you are standing right in front of this girl talking to her so if she hasn't been vaccinated you have had close contact with her anyway...

  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    what is the difference between someone vaccinated and someone not ? do you mean to say the one vaccinated cannot be a carrier and so you cannot get Omicron thru her ?

  9. #9
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Yes, you can catch Covid of you are vaccinated and still transfer it.
    We are entering on the phase where we can all look forward to catching it.
    ... and less emphasis on getting tested and tracing it.
    The light at the end of the tunnel?

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    QUOTE=Kowabunga;2290998]Yes, you can catch Covid of you are vaccinated and still transfer it.
    We are entering on the phase where we can all look forward to catching it.
    ... and less emphasis on getting tested and tracing it.
    The light at the end of the tunnel?[/QUOTE]

    so if there is no difference, why are the non-vaxxed people refused entry at certain venues ?

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kowabunga View Post
    Yes, you can catch Covid of you are vaccinated and still transfer it.
    We are entering on the phase where we can all look forward to catching it.
    ... and less emphasis on getting tested and tracing it.
    The light at the end of the tunnel?
    so if there is no difference, why are the non-vaxxed people refused entry at certain venues ?

  12. #12
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexchinn View Post
    so if there is no difference, why are the non-vaxxed people refused entry at certain venues ?
    While being vaccinated won't stop you getting the virus, it does reduce the chances of you infecting others if you do get it. It all comes down to the Governments duty of care to those that are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.

  13. #13
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Well said Popeye.
    Being vaccinated will reduce the severity in the majority of cases.
    Hence reduce the effort and work load by the health system through reduced numbers requiring hospital care.

  14. #14
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by popeye96 View Post
    While being vaccinated won't stop you getting the virus, it does reduce the chances of you infecting others if you do get it. It all comes down to the Governments duty of care to those that are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.
    no, that is not true.

  15. #15
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexchinn View Post
    no, that is not true.
    What part isn't true?

  16. #16
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by popeye96 View Post
    What part isn't true?
    <<While being vaccinated won't stop you getting the virus, it does reduce the chances of you infecting others if you do get it.>>

    this part is certainly not true. stop spreading lies.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexchinn View Post
    <<While being vaccinated won't stop you getting the virus, it does reduce the chances of you infecting others if you do get it.>>

    this part is certainly not true. stop spreading lies.
    Can you read? Can you use google? Try doing both sometime before you accuse me of spreading lies. I guess you also believe the earth is flat.

  18. #18
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I've read a few scholarly articles analysing the difference in rates of transmission when you're asymptomatic and when you're symptomatic.
    ... and conclusion ...
    The rate of transmission is lower when you're asymptomatic.
    Let's clarify some definitions:
    Pre-symptomatic. You've caught the virus but are not showing symptoms yet. Soon you will be as you become symptomatic. So this describes the stage for persons that become symptomatic but do not show symptoms yet. The distinction is important.
    Symptomatic. You have covid and have the symptoms. However mild or severe.
    Asymptomatic. You have covid and do not show any symptoms. None.

    Having covid and currently not showing symptoms means you could be pre-symptomatic (you will show symptoms later) or asymptomatic (never show symptoms).

    Consider that as you breathe, talk, shout, sing, or cough ... you propell moist respiratory particles into the air.
    If you are covid infected these particles can be loaded with the virus. These can be breathed in directly by persons near you or can land on surfaces and then be picked up by another person touching that surface.
    Coughing ejects the most moist respiratory particles into the air. Which is why it's always recommended to cover your mouth if Coughing.
    Persons that are symptomatic will invariably cough (especially now with the Omicron variant).
    Hence symptomatic persons can cough and splutter out more virus loaded moist respiratory particles than a person that is asymptomatic or ... displaying much less severe symptoms.
    Vaccinated persons mostly have much reduced symptoms.
    Hence vaccinated persons have a much reduced risk of transmitting the covid virus.

    Believe it or not ...
    Last edited by Kowabunga; 28-12-2021 at 03:46 PM. Reason: Grammar

  19. #19
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexchinn View Post
    <<While being vaccinated won't stop you getting the virus, it does reduce the chances of you infecting others if you do get it.>>

    this part is certainly not true. stop spreading lies.
    There's a reasonable expectation that being vaccinated will reduce the chance of infecting others:

    Specifcally -
    Infectiousness of breakthrough infections can be measured by viral densities. Higher SARS-CoV-2 viral density in the upper airways of people infected with the virus are thought to increase transmission to household members.5, 6 If vaccines reduce viral density in those who do become infected despite vaccination, it would probably lead to lower infectiousness and less onward transmission. Hence, the authors compared the viral kinetics in breakthrough delta variant infections in vaccinated people with delta variant infections in unvaccinated people. They report that peak viral loads showed a faster decline in vaccinated compared with unvaccinated people, although peak viral loads were similar for unvaccinated and vaccinated people.
    The argument is, if you're vaccinated, you carry relatively reduced viral load even if infected, and this translates directly to reduced infectiousness. I'm no expert, just found this on google, open to further evidence... let's hear it.

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexchinn View Post
    <<While being vaccinated won't stop you getting the virus, it does reduce the chances of you infecting others if you do get it.>>

    this part is certainly not true. stop spreading lies.
    Stop calling other forum members liars without any substantive reasoning. You're coming across as immature and self-righteous.

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