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Thread: Yes we are overworked and underpaid and burnout

  1. #21
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Big respect for nurses

    Quote Originally Posted by Fifita View Post
    Yes this is off topic but it a public forum .I have a message on behalf on my former brother and sister’s. I use to work in ICU and it became too brutal and yes i left . This was a too common occurrence and it wasn’t the IV drug users or the alcoholic that gave the most headache but the families . 95 yr old grandma / grandpa came in and has trouble breathing. We ask if they want to be incubated and they say no also to CPR . They just want to go peacefully but the family won’t respect this. So we tube them but their blood pressure can’t handle the sedation, so we need to start pressors . They then develop a pneumonia, so we got to pump them with antibiotics. But too bad they have already gone septic. Oop’s there goes a few toes and fingers .We got a BP right ? Get some bedside dialysis too , might as well until ultimately we tell the family it’s futile and we should just make them feel comfortable for their sake. They disagree.Fuck listening to more than a half a century of experience in ICU . So next they code .We start chest compressors. Oops their rib cage collapses. We shake and slam them with drugs and fluids for half a hour. Until they close their eyes permanently. Everybody stay safe and happy punting .And if Chester in HR reads this fuck you sadistic cunt .
    Big respect for nurses and healthcare workers, such hard and emotionally draining work with such low the times when I have had family in care, nurses I observed were so understanding , patient and caring, BIG RESPECT

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seafood View Post
    Big respect for nurses and healthcare workers, such hard and emotionally draining work with such low the times when I have had family in care, nurses I observed were so understanding , patient and caring, BIG RESPECT
    That's one way of simping.

    Many public hospital nurses I've seen are so lazy and conceited. And yet they dare to protest the third time for wage increase. A lot of patients get neglected in public hospitals because of these people. Paramedics work even harder than nurses, those are the FRONTLINERS we all should be simping for!

  3. #23
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Guys please use bloody spacing / paragraphs !!!

  4. #24
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnJones View Post
    That's one way of simping.

    Many public hospital nurses I've seen are so lazy and conceited. And yet they dare to protest the third time for wage increase. A lot of patients get neglected in public hospitals because of these people. Paramedics work even harder than nurses, those are the FRONTLINERS we all should be simping for!

    Jesus. You seem like you have a massive chip on your shoulder. In terms of sharing the experience of my father's battle with cancer. I see no harm with on a forum where everyone here is anonymous lol.

    I mean saying a family member might not appreciate it but then also posting about dating and fucking a muslim Kazakh girl. I mean I'm sure she doesn't appreciate you sharing these deets on a punting forum especially when sex outside of marriage is frowned about by her religion right?

    I don't get you JohnJones. You're an enigma to me. You seem to say quite a lot of contradictory things. Calling out Islam phobia yet also saying Islamic men are misogynists. Talking about cheating on your girlfriends and making them "accept you're going to see other women" yet sometimes you seem woke as fuck.

    So what are you JohnJones? Are you a closet racist or equality activist? Are you a misogynist or a campaign manager for Grace Tames?

  5. #25
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I have left the industry JohnJones . I posted on this online forum to support my former work colleagues.
    I will say this all the patients in my ICU were treated with dignity and respect. I have people who been shot , stabbed, being in violent car crashes and bashed into a inch of their life’s and burnt .
    And i know each and everyone of them no matter how dire the circumstances or their background will be treated fairly and equally for their condition and if they survive a rehabilitation plan to look after them post surgery .

  6. #26
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Please seek psychological help! You are a great person, I am proud of such people in our society. In order not to go crazy, you need to understand that your work is really important and necessary. I hope we were able to show it you here

  7. #27
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Another modern scourge is imbeciles calling paramedics. My ex was one and the fibs people would call for was pathetic.
    They would call up and say over the phone things like “I have a chest pain.”Chest pain is a high priority and often dispatched as quick as possible.But upon arrival fuck face will say “I never had chest pain. “
    Yet u ring and ask for transcript of the conversation and there it is .Bingo u lying rat .
    9 out of 10 times u have to take them to the hospital just in case their is any heart or lung issue.But people will call u out for anything because these lazy , stingy bastards can’t be bothered to
    Drive themselves, pay for a taxi or get public transport or wait to see their GP.
    You can leave the asshole at home and tell them another crew will be sent out , or even worse somebody bad could happen and they sued you for liability.
    Anyway me ex was a little bitch and this is for the other pandemic stuck in the system.
    Everybody stay safe and happy punting.

  8. #28
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    Compulsory lying is mainstream by patients. Use ask older milfs if they’re ever had elective surgery . They say no with their obviously perky and round boobs that sit perfectly high upon their chest that would make Pamela Anderson envious.
    Even worse the snobby scrotums who test positive for illegal substances. They respond “ I have not done any of those .How dare u ask me !!! No sir / mam u are positive. They then scream at me “ You Mother Fucker u must have planted them on me or i must have snorted them when they was asleep and they inhaled the fumes .
    Na dick breath u being busy snorting and shooting up and we see your shitty skid marks . Another i don’t know how I got oxycodone in my urine .Have to been at the hospital .
    Na i gave u morphine u ungrateful pathetic son of bitch.

  9. #29
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    Patient falls are huge issue in hospitals. Insurance doesn’t reimburse them for any injury or increased stay due to falls .
    They simply eat the cost. So when u fall , u get in trouble , tons of paperwork, meeting with manager, hell we can get a written warning or fired if it’s a frequent occurrence.
    I worked in a neurosurgery unit for a period of time which has a high risk for falls .Because our patients have either strokes or brain surgery and are confused or impulsive or had spinal surgery and are high on dosages of narcotics.
    I had 3 patients fall in my career.
    First time my initial response was are u okay and “ I hope u didn’t get hurt “
    2nd time are “ Are u kidding me “
    3rd time “ For fuck sake why did u have to do that for u sack of shit !!! Now i am in big trouble !!! “

  10. #30
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Stereotyping is the norm by inbred peasants .The amount of time i have nearly punched someone in the face ,head butted , strangled or got in a headlock because of their smart arse comments. “ He must be gay why is he a nurse.You’re a man or why aren’t u a Dr just a nurse .”
    But’s it’s fine carry on u feeble budgie brain as u undermine and be little me. I will just be here with a shit eating grin as i charge u extortionate amounts for drugs to treat u ailments that could easily been prevented have u not eaten too many hot chips, sausages and cakes u obese gluttonous swine.

  11. #31
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    Try it, and smile

  12. #32
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Shut up mate you’re a little whinging bitch. Everyone has a tough job get over it

  13. #33
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fifita View Post
    Stereotyping is the norm by inbred peasants .The amount of time i have nearly punched someone in the face ,head butted , strangled or got in a headlock because of their smart arse comments. “ He must be gay why is he a nurse.You’re a man or why aren’t u a Dr just a nurse .”
    But’s it’s fine carry on u feeble budgie brain as u undermine and be little me. I will just be here with a shit eating grin as i charge u extortionate amounts for drugs to treat u ailments that could easily been prevented have u not eaten too many hot chips, sausages and cakes u obese gluttonous swine.
    Like Gaylord Focker

  14. #34
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    CantCme u remind of a bipolar patient i treated .I asked him how he would describe himself “ An altruistic lover of truth and beauty .”
    I then asked how others would describe him “ A bit of cunt probably .”

  15. #35
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    If u dying because i hurt so bad and tell us u pain level is at 10. Yet u on u mobile laughing on something on FB.Yeah, we are not sympathetic.U get u pain meds, but it will be a few extra mins.
    And if we got someone on the floor because their sugar dropped in the 30’s , u can wait too .Don’t even think about giving us a lecture fuck face .We are here to take care of u ass, not to kiss it.We are not u slave or personal servant and we as hell not u maid bastard . Got it !!!

  16. #36
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    Non compliant bitch faces are lower than an ant’s prick .We would rather be doing dressing changes or bathing incapacitated patients next door than getting u coffee or u six ice cream of the morning .
    Our job is to heal not heel.We have way more patients than just u moron.This means while u are pushing u bell for the one hundred time for something menial we have patients actually dying
    We have to prioritise. We run to the patients that is coding before i’ll take u tenth packet of Jatz crackers .
    There’s a whole lot more going on u ever knew existed. Dammit behave u self cunt !!

  17. #37
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    You wouldn’t believe how many nutters are in the system. I treated one lady who on a daily basis would call the insurance company and the hospital admin on average at least 5x a day during my shift .And the crazy cow would repeat all kinds of BS symptoms.
    She pestered the hospital into doing exploitive surgery of course nothing was found. One day i walked in she was rubbing incisions with a rotten cabbage trying to get it infected.
    She would increase the exaggeration of her stories .One time she fluttered her eye ( after making sure i was looking) and said she lost consciousness in that half second.She called the Dr and claim it was 5 min.She then called insurance and claimed it was 10 min , then the pharmacy and claimed it was 30 mins.
    Then she called 000 and told them she woke up on the floor and claimed it was 4 hrs WTF !!!
    The worse thing she was a mum.Her son was 28 at the time and she said he was severely mentally disabled. The truth she fucked him up with her neurotic behaviour. She had portrayed himself like this as this was reason he could never find himself a wife.
    I met him he was healthy and seemed normal. He wasn’t looking for a wife he was gay but she refused to accept and hence her vicious assassination of character .

  18. #38
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    Some observations that might best put in u memory bank.
    1.When u bend over for extended periods for hrs each day for decades - pressure begins to build in u brain like the optic nerve.This could lead to blindness.
    2. Typically broken bones in the legs, unless there is a huge amount of angulation / displacement, do not cause a lot of pain unless moved.Second u try to move it the pain is excruciating painful .
    3.If stabbed do not pull out the knife like in the movies.The knife acts like a plug and stops haemorrhaging or if it’s in the chest it may stop air from entering the cavity .
    4.Don’t put u legs on the dashboard when a passenger.A patient came into ER with two broken ankles and broken eye sockets when the air bag went off and the force drove their knees into their face .
    Everybody have a wonderful day and happy punting .

  19. #39
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fifita View Post
    Some observations that might best put in u memory bank.
    1.When u bend over for extended periods for hrs each day for decades - pressure begins to build in u brain like the optic nerve.This could lead to blindness.
    2. Typically broken bones in the legs, unless there is a huge amount of angulation / displacement, do not cause a lot of pain unless moved.Second u try to move it the pain is excruciating painful .
    3.If stabbed do not pull out the knife like in the movies.The knife acts like a plug and stops haemorrhaging or if it’s in the chest it may stop air from entering the cavity .
    4.Don’t put u legs on the dashboard when a passenger.A patient came into ER with two broken ankles and broken eye sockets when the air bag went off and the force drove their knees into their face .
    Everybody have a wonderful day and happy punting .
    Thanks for the tips Fifita - this is real life shit they don't teach you at home, school, work, uni etc
    Keep up the good work!

  20. #40
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    If u must spill blood ( hypothetically of course ) and u need to clean it up ASAP .Do not buy regular bleach ( pay cash ) as it leaves behind hemoglobin for the luminal tests .
    Buy oxygenated bleach .This stuff is fantastic and i personally vouch for it when i have done some freelancing.

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