These “rules” are fucking stupid, but each to try their own

It’s a vibe thing - it works and does not work with girls and shops - simple - don’t push it - simply play your card and don’t moan if she wants money upfront or no extra or no smile - who cares…..nobody’s changing anything - if you vibe then great it flows how you want - if not then best bet is to cut your losses and leave knowing it’s not going to be great - staying or going

Most places complaint don’t give a shit - a few shops do listen but similar outcome

Remember we are all humans - she is under no obligation to do anything except a “massage” and we know they are all shit at that…so you can get the shits and so can she - no need for anyone to be a dick - counter that I do laugh at the guys rocking up with flower baskets like they are 16 and on their first date