Quote Originally Posted by DayMan69 View Post
This has been covered a few times.

You are clinically insane to think there is a chance in hell of a sustainable relationship with a sex worker. Not because of them (although they are undoubtedly genuinely interested in you for you, not your $$ or visa status), but because of you. You won't get the 10 dicks she's already serviced that day out of your head. You can't make up the $$ she earns. You won't get the insecurities out of your head.

Do not get into a relationship with an ML.

They are like a physio for your dick, once your done, thank her and let her get on with the next client. Just like a physio for your back. And just like a physio for your back doesn't need a love struck client, nor does your ML.
Like the phyiso analogy… good one… they surely do a good job of massaging that lonely muscle.