Tips to stay out of trouble and not get caught while mongering

1. Pay cash. Only dickheads pay with cards and leave an electronic trail
2. Park you car a block away from the shop and leg the last 100m
3. Use the rear entrance wherever possible
4. Don’t tell anyone about your hobby, not even your mates
5. Don’t write your mongering visits in your diary
6. Don’t collect girls’ numbers and don’t think about texting them. They are just providing a service and are not your friends. You wouldn’t ask your doctor or the bank manager or the checkout chick for their numbers, so why get the number off a WL? So many mongers have been caught because their wives have seen the incriminating texts
7. Don’t try to save the girls. They are not looking to be saved. Nothing good has ever come from a monger trying to rescue a girl from her situation
8. Nothing is ever free. You pay now or you pay later
9. Don’t fall in love with the girls. See point 7.