I got in touch with one of the girls on Seeking. She replied that she is an escort and charges $900 per hour. When I queried how much would 3 hours be, which is my way of finding out how massively expensive she will quote me. She replied by sending me a price list from https://scarletblue.com.au

I then had a look around and came across Alexa X https://scarletblue.com.au/escort/alexa-x who is charging (or dreaming of charging) $1,200 per hour.

I am writing this thread to ask if any fellow punters have "invested" $1,200 ever to get laid????
How much better or more exciting or orgasmic is it when you pay $1,200 vs. say $300 (25%)

My unimaginative brain tells me that there can't be that much difference given we know what is involved in sex between a man and a woman. But please feel free to enlighten me... maybe I am missing something.