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Thread: One of the WL you see has increased her price. Do you Return or see someone new?

  1. #21
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Yeah when I still had regulars one shop increased their rate from $120/hr (2019) to $150 and then $170/hr for full service.
    I still saw her at the increased prices but decreased my tips in proportion to the price increase, in line with my punting rules.

  2. #22
    Senior Member(無間使者) rubit moore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightShift View Post
    Her price has gone up.

    My answer= I’m looking at the roster for someone new right now..
    Indeed, and good choice. From this conclusion you’ve made, the distinction between being her ‘regular’ and a ‘number’ is the overriding factor.

    Remember, to her you’re just a mixture of both; a regular number.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightShift View Post
    Her price has gone up.

    Would you move on or return to see her again with the price increase?

    My answer= I’m looking at the roster for someone new right now..
    The price in a massage parlour goes up and down everyday depending on business of the day.

    In Burwood normally $175 for an hour of FS could go as low as $120 for half an hour of FS. Or sometimes as high as $250 for an hour of FS.

    I wish there is a stock exchange of punting to check the latest going-ons.

  4. #24
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bung72 View Post
    What is the difference??
    Regular privates in the past I guess I have been more personal and generally more intimate. There are a couple of exceptions. If a private wanted to charge me more I guess it means she doesn't want me to see her anymore.

  5. #25
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    west side brothels
    Depends on the regular really. You gotta remember this is a business and she's got bills to pay just like the rest of us. If the quality stays the same or better then by all means pay a bit more

  6. #26
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    I've done the "look for a new girl in anger" shit when a girl's price goes up. In short, I learnt that it's usually a bad move. Do the numbers. How much more can a girl's price go up? 20%? Let's say it goes up a ginormous 40%. You go take a punt on a new girl and she turns out to be a dud. That's a 100% loss on the new girls rate, vs a probably good punt on the regular (even more likely because she's getting more $$$) paying 40% more. Not to mention the time factor... a dud punt is a waste of your time too.

    You might get lucky that the new girl is good, but what are the chances of that happening at exactly when you want it to happen?

  7. #27
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightShift View Post
    Her price has gone up.

    Would you move on or return to see her again with the price increase?

    My answer= I’m looking at the roster for someone new right now..
    My quick answer is YES

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