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Thread: Don't you hate it.....

  1. #1
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Don't you hate it.....

    When there's a new girl at a shop you'd like to book, but you only have a tiny window available. Check the roster for tomorrow and bam, there she is, in the window. The only problem is it is now school holidays and my tiny window has closed off tighter than you know what.... Shit!

  2. #2
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    That’s why you create new windows of opportunities, if your kids have reach the teenage ages they don’t need much supervision, just a taxi driver and a ATM
    Plus its also a good opportunity to dump your kids at their best friends houses and alternate days with their parents when you look after their brats
    And by doing so you create days off for your self to go punting

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bung72 View Post
    When there's a new girl at a shop you'd like to book, but you only have a tiny window available. Check the roster for tomorrow and bam, there she is, in the window. The only problem is it is now school holidays and my tiny window has closed off tighter than you know what.... Shit!
    I am a carpenter. I can make a big window for you. As big as you want.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hidden Python View Post
    That’s why you create new windows of opportunities, if your kids have reach the teenage ages they don’t need much supervision, just a taxi driver and a ATM
    Plus its also a good opportunity to dump your kids at their best friends houses and alternate days with their parents when you look after their brats
    And by doing so you create days off for your self to go punting
    If it were that easy!
    I shouldn't be too down... last week my test of concept of a work-lunch-time punt went well. This should expand my window three fold at least - its still pretty ordinary, but looking up. I do actually have a free weekend coming up (happens once a year only) so am looking forward to that one, and building up a war chest.

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者) Ziggurat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bung72 View Post
    The only problem is it is now school holidays and my tiny window has closed off tighter than you know what....!
    A gnat's chuff?

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者) Ziggurat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sibon View Post
    I am a carpenter.
    You might even be a Karen. A Karen Carpenter.

  7. #7
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    Chatswood NSW
    Glad I had no kids none that I know of anyway, it must be a nightmare trying to juggle in punting when you got kids to deal with. Tiny window avail does she do blow and go 30 mins session that might work. Sneak in and sneak out.

  8. #8
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    My life also only allows tiny window of opportunity, it sucks because I missed a lot of WLs that I would've liked to fuck, schedule doesn't line up etc, it is what it is... I also mostly do 30 mins sessions these days due to the fact, so very restricted, but I try to make the most out of it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSteel96 View Post
    Glad I had no kids none that I know of anyway, it must be a nightmare trying to juggle in punting when you got kids to deal with. Tiny window avail does she do blow and go 30 mins session that might work. Sneak in and sneak out.
    It's a FS place.... so yes, 30min is OK, but the joint is 15-20 away.... the window needs expanding!
    The worst part is, looking at the pics, I could swear she could be my kids previous babysitter.... now that would be very interesting! :|....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by l337dude View Post
    My life also only allows tiny window of opportunity, it sucks because I missed a lot of WLs that I would've liked to fuck, schedule doesn't line up etc, it is what it is... I also mostly do 30 mins sessions these days due to the fact, so very restricted, but I try to make the most out of it.
    It sucks hard doesn't it. Over the years I've neatly routined myself into a little box it seems..... I shouldn't complain too much this month, I have a fully free entire weekend to myself coming up, Fri night to Sunday afternoon.... party time!

  11. #11
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    Yea it sucks big time, let's say an hour of opportunity suddenly comes up, oh yes it's party time, check roster, the WLs I'm eyeing for all start later in the day or fully booked, others are too far to travel, but it's either punt now or wait for another week, so settle for something close by...average.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bung72 View Post
    When there's a new girl at a shop you'd like to book, but you only have a tiny window available. Check the roster for tomorrow and bam, there she is, in the window. The only problem is it is now school holidays and my tiny window has closed off tighter than you know what.... Shit!
    That is a real problem there mate! I hate to admit but you just have to accept that fact that you can't, sorry bro! sending virtual hugs

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by earl9122 View Post
    That is a real problem there mate! I hate to admit but you just have to accept that fact that you can't, sorry bro! sending virtual hugs
    Thanks.... as it turns out I reckon I could have squeezed a tiny window in there today.... would have been bloody risky though! To be honest as it is now, if a window came up I probably would have went back to my regular WG who I last saw on Friday...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bung72 View Post
    To be honest as it is now, if a window came up I probably would have went back to my regular WG who I last saw on Friday...
    Yea we are creature of habit, sometimes I just don't feel like getting out of my comfort zone.

  15. #15
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    Some shops don't appreciate small punting windows. I wanted to go try Randwick recently but they only post a roster at 8pm for next day. I needed to get a session started by 10:30am max as there was a really good review i wanted to follow up. Despite opening at 10am i tried calling and texting from 9am and they only responded 10:25 by which time it was too late to get anything going!

    Either release the roster earlier or answer the darn phone!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by l337dude View Post
    Yea we are creature of habit, sometimes I just don't feel like getting out of my comfort zone.
    And she is my new regular for a reason.... she treats me really well, makes me feel like a king...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RodgHerMoore View Post
    Some shops don't appreciate small punting windows. I wanted to go try Randwick recently but they only post a roster at 8pm for next day. I needed to get a session started by 10:30am max as there was a really good review i wanted to follow up. Despite opening at 10am i tried calling and texting from 9am and they only responded 10:25 by which time it was too late to get anything going!

    Either release the roster earlier or answer the darn phone!
    Yes! One shop up here usually has an accurate roster up a 3-4 days in advance - but Mon-Fri only comes out Sunday evening. I can sometimes ring Fri-Sat and get a sneak peek of Monday, not always, depends who is on the phone. The other place only ever puts a 'todays ladies' page up, which is rarely accurate anyway. At least they answer their phone by about 10am, and girls don't start until 1200, but it is still flying by the seat of your pants....
    Talking to my girl last week about rostering woes trying to get to see her in my crappy windows, she offered to come in on her days off to see me if needed.... this is not helping my crush!

    I had forgotten to check the Sunday evening roster one week, remembered as I was getting into bed about 11pm. Wife was asleep - had a sneaky peek on the phone, and this awesome girl (from pics) that I'd been trying to meet for months was on the Monday day shift. Crept out of bed downstairs and booked her on the spot. Sometimes you can get lucky!

    I wonder if there are security issues in releasing rosters too early? Especially with start times....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bung72 View Post

    I wonder if there are security issues in releasing rosters too early? Especially with start times....
    Probably due to some girls not having regular rosters/unreliable/off sick/period/holidays/slack rather than the shop itself. Still - how hard is it to reply to an SMS at 10am even if you don't feel like talking? Surely the roster is known by the time the doors open.

    I feel your pain - if Monday morning is your window and they only publish Sun evening. I would find it hard to phone call - even phone call windows can be tough esp if playing phone tag LOL!!!

  19. #19
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    Phone calls aren’t too bad…. They are open all night so I just go down into the car and phone… they are pretty good at picking up.

  20. #20
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    Yeah it helps to be regulars at shops hey

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