Not sure about seeking as I stuck to SD. You get many messages there initiated by sugar babies in the site. But cuz of the system there of credits it's not possible to reply to them all unless you are prepared to spend a fortune. I find most are from Caucasian ladies like close 90%. Maybe seeking is different where there are more asians. Usually it's best to just reply to those verified. As mentioned before many by others the top three issues are still mainly finding a place, the money and just plain chance you happen to find the one you are seeking. Some of them can be pretty desperate. Usually rent is the reason they provide. And they can be very flexible to suit your schedule. Although some working like two or three jobs tend to be less flexible of course.

But I found most much better I terms of spontaneity and gfe than WLs in general. The cost of food, hotel and actual fee per meet can be very straining though.

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