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Thread: What’s your worst punting experience?

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    What’s your worst punting experience?

    We’re you rushed, did you pull out and see blood on the fucking condom, or did you finish earlier than you’d have liked to, so she sent you on your merry way long before your time was up?

    What was your worst experience?

  2. #2
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I was at Diamonds Forever i think names changed now in GUildford Milatary rd.
    Only had the 1 girl to choose, tall leggy asian which i was excited for with a killer body it was dark and i saw the face was average but alas i just wanted to root.
    I remember she had these big bolt ons and i begged her to let me cum on them for my first shot which she obliged.
    But as we warmed up for the 2nd round i noticed she wasnt getting wet and her pussy felt so dry and tiny, no way i was going to get my fat cock in that. We played we touched, she blew up covered and then i tried my harder to penetrate her but to no avail even with lube it was very tight to fuck and we couldn't.

    Years after actually days after i put 2 and 2 together and the combination of tall, average/uglier face/fake huge bolt ons and manufactured pussy i believe i may have spent an hour with a ladyboy!

    Ah well u live and u learn!

    Havent been back there since, that place used to be the bomb before covid, $150 an hour and a guarantee of 4/5 women lineup from as early as 10.30am

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Smelly/bad tasting pussy that made me want to vomit. Out of courtesy i continued DATY for at least a few good minutes holding my breath and taking small licks to show just enough interest to not give away signs of disgust.

  4. #4
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by WolvingWolf View Post
    We’re you rushed, did you pull out and see blood on the fucking condom, or did you finish earlier than you’d have liked to, so she sent you on your merry way long before your time was up?

    What was your worst experience?
    Had to be at 533 Willoughby.

    Literally felt dirty afterwards.

  5. #5
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者) Pattyherb's Avatar
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    When i was cumming, the ML stuck her finger right up my ass

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    So, my local shopping centre had a traditional Chinese massage place that would do HJ extras. Maybe it still does, but I’m never going to visit and find out…

    The shop is small, and not at the back somewhere, it’s right in the middle of the centre. The massage booths just have a curtain, and side walls, they don’t go to the roof or anything, and the shopping centre is quiet, so you wouldn’t want to be too noisy.

    Anyway, one day I go there, since I’m a big believer in supporting local businesses and trying new experiences. I walk and and say hi to the manager, get shown to a booth, and a couple of minutes later a cute little Chinese girl walks in, nice smile, shy a little bit, and I’m thinking to myself - wow, this should be great.

    Sadly the shop closed before I could return. When it reopened with a new name I was excited to see what I might get on my second visit, hopefully the same girl. The new manager greeted me excitedly, smiling and happy as I was enthusiastically shown to the booth. I do love great customers service, and I was full of hope and expectation.

    It struck me when the masseuse walked in that maybe this was a family business, so the manager’s grandmother was helping out for the day. She may have been 70, but probably older. She was smiling and excited like her grandson. I was fearful and silent.

    The massage was competent, but the entire time I was somewhat put off by her enthusiasm to massage me and I was kinda dreading what might come next. She really, really wanted to give me extras. Really. And cheaply too! None of this $50 NHJ nonsense. I could have had it for a $20. I could probably have had everything for $50, judging by her keenness.

    I have had massages from girls I wasn’t into, but you can still close your eyes, think of someone pretty, and enjoy yourself somewhat, but I didn’t trust myself to be able to do that in this case, especially if somehow she became undressed during part 2.

    I declined extras, she was visibly disappointed, and I fled. I didn’t enter a massage shop for a long time after that.

  8. #8
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pattyherb View Post
    When i was cumming, the ML stuck her finger right up my ass
    You lucky chap!

  9. #9
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I’d say it hasn’t been the women but the cigarette smell. One brothel that has ashtrays next to the bed head even if they’re clean they still smell and two RnT’s that smelt badly of stale smoke. Now that I think of it another brothel that has its ladies smoking out in a courtyard area and the smoke still wafts in when the door is open. Now I’ve got nothing against smokers except some of the females need fillers around their lips and I only say that as my Aussie ex was a big smoker and she regularly had around her mouth done but then again she sucked off a lot of guys so it may well have been that too. She even complained about getting a bruised throat once, I didn’t even know there was such a thing but there is, one of the hazards of the job apparently.

  10. #10
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    [QUOTE=WolvingWolf;3302305]We’re you rushed, did you pull out and see blood on the fucking condom, or did you finish earlier than you’d have liked to, so she sent you on your merry way long before your time was up?

    What was your worst experience?[/QUOT
    Last edited by Smack; 23-01-2025 at 12:12 PM. Reason: Reply to wrong comment

  11. #11
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Last time at 533 Willoughby

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者) Elbortomorton's Avatar
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    Maybe it’s just me but I would have paid the extras and smashed the granny lol

    I have no morals

  13. #13
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pattyherb View Post
    When i was cumming, the ML stuck her finger right up my ass
    I said Worst Experience!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elbortomorton View Post
    Maybe it’s just me but I would have paid the extras and smashed the granny lol

    I have no morals
    Haha, if it happens again I’ll be sure to send you her WeChat

  15. #15
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Had to be at 533 Willoughby.

    Literally felt dirty afterwards.
    I read your review, and my god that sounds disgusting. An old saggy hag bouncing on you as you try and figure out which lump of flesh were her titties or her rolls of fat. Doggy couldn’t have been any better. I’ve gone doggy on some fat chicks and sometimes you don’t know where their ass ends and their back begins! Would’ve been worse for you as she was old and yuck. You TOFTT there Meng🫡

  16. #16
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenxxx View Post
    Smelly/bad tasting pussy that made me want to vomit. Out of courtesy i continued DATY for at least a few good minutes holding my breath and taking small licks to show just enough interest to not give away signs of disgust.
    +1, I went to Jingle Bells and totally forget her name but it reeked. Instant soft on and I had to resort to massage to use up the remaining time.
    Second place is really bad breath or smokers breath.

  17. #17
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by WolvingWolf View Post
    I read your review, and my god that sounds disgusting. An old saggy hag bouncing on you as you try and figure out which lump of flesh were her titties or her rolls of fat. Doggy couldn’t have been any better. I’ve gone doggy on some fat chicks and sometimes you don’t know where their ass ends and their back begins! Would’ve been worse for you as she was old and yuck. You TOFTT there Meng🫡
    Not to mention I got sent to the dilapidated back building that looked like it was about to collapse. From what another punter said that building is condemned and they shouldn't of been operating in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raybo View Post
    yeah, up the stairs to the right. Used to be 2 rooms and a combined laundry/storeroom/shower that you would use if you were allocated one of those rooms. Think the council made them close off those rooms a few years ago, but they still sneak the odd customer in there when it's busy.

    533 is definitely an acquired taste. I am sure there are plenty of lurkers on here that are regulars but wouldn't share what goes on there, especially on this PG forum, I know I am reluctant to.

  18. #18
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    My worst experiences have almost all been at full service places rather than massage places, where sometimes you get a girl who insists on a long shower before and after, tries to get you off as quickly as possible even when that’s not what you want, and is desperate for a tip even if you aren’t interested in any of the extras she offers.

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Stank pussy is probably the worst. Doesn’t matter how hot the girl is or how good the service is.

    Even if you don’t do daty once u cop a whif it tends the permeate the air and the rooms aren’t well ventilated. Instant boner killer.

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者) Pattyherb's Avatar
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    I once bought a girl home from tinder that's had a terrible smelling pussy. She was super friendly, and really easy, had lots of drinks so I became suspicious since she was like a 8.5/10.
    When I got home and her pants came off I finally knew why, I immediately said I can't do this. And she acted normal and went home soon after with no dramas like she was expecting it.
    I couldn't have sex for a while or eat asian food for a bit as it was traumatising in a way,

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