Varies, but the end result is I end up in my birthday suit which is fine for both of us.
Varies, but the end result is I end up in my birthday suit which is fine for both of us.
The thrill is gone
It's gone away for good
Oh, the thrill is gone, baby
It's gone away for good
Someday, I know I'll be over it all, baby
Just like I know a man should
Surely someone else freeballs it on occasion 😀
I think guys should be more concerned about what they look like without clothes…
Dress like you are going on a date
When I go punting, I usually wear something easy to take off like t-shirts, shorts and sandals if it were possible, but usually sneakers. I don't feel like dressing like Ironman or Richard Gere in a shiny armour. It could take minutes to dress up again.
My 50 cents.
Mostly casual I think
I like to wear oversized sunglasses , a thick gold chain , baggy pants and a hooded jumper that says ‘PUNTER’ across the front 😅
I wear a burqa so now one can see me nor attract attention.
Could never rock up in shorts. I'd feel like a bum
I wear the total opposite of what my friends, family and coworkers would normally see me wear. Last thing I want is to be spotted slipping into a brothel
I know a dude who always dresses in same shirts/pants so that girls wouldn't recognise him in an instant in different clothing if they bump in outside lol
Always gotta wear the lucky red K Mart undies.
Used to be Alpha brand but now its Anko.
Anyway it is my go to brand for undies and everything else actually.
Almost every item of apparel I have has either the Alpha or Anko K Mart home brand label on it.