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Thread: Ripped off by Momoka and 45 George St

  1. #1
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Ripped off by Momoka and 45 George St

    Hi Brothers,

    I don't really report much these days but I thought this had to be told as a warning to other punters.

    Tonight I called 45 George St and requested a booking for Momoka, as I had read some good reviews about her. I called up around 22:20 and the manager said no problems she'll be available in around 20-30 mins. I confirmed and made my way over there, arriving at around 22:40, which was bang on 20 mins from when I called. I was greeted by the manager, taken to the waiting room, and told that Momoka would be ready in around 5-10 mins which was fine. 10 mins pass by and the manager comes in and says Momoka is ready - I told him I wanted a half hour session and paid up. He then leaves and I'm sitting there waiting for Momoka to come in. Anyway, 15 mins pass by and I'm getting impatient by now so I open the door and ask the manager how much longer the wait was going to be. He then calls out to Momoka who looked to be in another room texting on her phone so I'm just thinking wtf? Anyway, she comes out and we go upstairs.

    By now it's around 23:10 and she proceeds to make the bed in the room (don't know why they didn't do this while I was waiting). I tell her I had already showered beforehand which I had, and so we skipped that and got straight into the action. As an aside, her body was very disappointing and below expectation for a number of reasons which I won't go into as it's besides the point and not the purpose of this post. In any case, I was feeling horny so I asked her if it was possible to have 2 rounds in the session. She made it obvious that she did not even want to entertain the idea which was fine as I was just asking and some girls do allow it. She said one pop but she can do a massage for the rest of the session which I was happy with.

    On to the performance and she proceeds to give the most half-hearted cat bath I've ever experienced. It was more blowing wind on my body rather than using her tongue which was very disappointing and a first for me. This went for maybe a couple of mins before I concluded it wasn't really doing anything for me so I grabbed the dom in anticipation of the main course (I didn't bother asking for BJ as I knew it was going to be covered which I'm not a fan of). I ask her to be on top and not even 2 mins in she starts complaining, saying she wants me to be on top. By now I'm starting to get a bit fed up with her attitude so just want to finish ASAP. Go into missionary and eventually manage to finish.

    The action made me tired so I lie down and rest and she asks me if she can shower which I said sure. She proceeds to shower and stays in the shower for as long as she can before drying up. I remember looking at the clock at this point which read 23:25, expecting a massage for the remaining 15 mins of the session. She then asks if she can put her clothes back on and I ask her what about the massage you promised at the start of the session? She then says no she can't do it as there's no time left. I give her a look to say you're kidding me right? I explain that we didn't come into the room until 23:10 and she knew it aswell but she was just kept denying it. I said it's ok, I'll speak to the manager about this misunderstanding so I proceed to get dressed and walk down to speak to the manager. As I'm walking out she shouts "fine, speak to the manager, he won't do anything about it".

    I complain to the manager about getting shortchanged on time and he clearly knew it as I was waiting until after 11 to see Momoka. He basically tells me there's nothing he can do about it as I have to speak to the "boss" (who is apparently currently on holidays). Realising that it was going nowhere, I just told him to forget about it and left - as what can one do in this situation except let others on this forum know so that they can hopefully avoid the same experience.

    I know some of you might think that I had one shot which is all I'm entitled to but the principle here is that I paid for half an hour so I expect half an hour. I certainly don't expect such unprofessional service and girls that try and pull a fast one by blatantly trying to shortchange on time. I know it's a punt at the end of the day but this is the reason I will never go back and warn others to go there at their own risk. Perhaps make it known at the start of the session what time it is so the girl realises that you know the score.

  2. #2
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Feelus, posting your experience for a thousand eyes to look at sure beats talking to a manager with an absent boss any day.

  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Gucci2012's Avatar
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    Asking for 2 shots in 30min session? Lol I've done it but it was with girls I've had already established a good relationship with not with a girl you have just met.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I don't understand some girls. $80/$90 for half hour is a expensive service irregardless of which service. That's a lot of money spent to recover shirt service. Any bro here earning $80 half hour in their job is doing great. So what makes a girl think she can offer this service for this price.

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    $80/$90 is damn cheap. Where are u able to punt for less than that for girls under 30 yo ?

  6. #6
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    And now we all know why its called punting but if the manager is away they should at least have someone who can take charge and run the shop properly, unfortunately in these $150 shops a lot of the girls give less service than they would when the boss is there.

    Two shots in the 30 minutes might be a bit much if the girl doesn't want to come to the party but apart from that sounds like she had a bad attitude.

    Maybe your request put her off!

  7. #7
    Junior Member(有D料到) shinigami12's Avatar
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    appreciate the honest review, was considering a venture to 45 george but will think twice now

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Ouch. The feels are strong here. Better luck next time

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Damn that Momoka sounds like a real piece of work.

    What a bitch!

  10. #10
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    What's that saying when the boss is a way the girls will play.

    In this case they play games not what the customer is after.

    Bad luck try again somewhere else, plenty of choice out there.

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I saw Momoka on 2 Mar. and wrote an AR on her. I found her very good.

    When I saw this bro's bad report on her, I was surprised with the content of allegations, but waited for a while to see what are the replies like before I made my own comments so as to give a more balanced view of this incident:

    1. Bro。Feelus does not seem to know some informal rules in the shops. I was always told by the shop receptionists that for 30 and 45 min sessions, only one shot (either natural or HJ is given by the girl). For 1 hr session, customers can request 2 shots. I was actually surprised that when Bro Feelus complained, the shop receptionist did not explain this rule to Bro. Feelus. If this has been explained, I am sure Feelus will not feel himself ripped off. He has his one shot already. Mission accomplished.

    2. There is also another informal rule which I think most punters know. The girls will always allow 5 min for customers to have shower and then the last 5 min is for shower after finish. For 30 min session, the actual time with girl in the bed is just normally around 20 min (sometimes even less). If bro Feelus thought he has 30 min fucking time, this is the reason for saying he was cheated time. I would rather think he did not understand these informal rules.

    3. As some bro. commented above, the request to have 2 shots had upset Momoka. This is very clearly understandable. What happened afterwards between Momoka and the bro could be very easily understood.

    4. I tried many Japanese girls before. Each one of them was always very polite. Momoka is no exception. Politeness is in the blood of Japanese people.

    5. $90/30min for a genuine Japanese girl is TOO CHEAP in Sydney. There are many city shops which charge almost double for that or even ask for at least $200-300/hr. No 30 min session. If anyone thought $90 is a lot of money, they better keep it in their pocket and spend on other things.

  12. #12
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    its a shame mate, i have seen momoka twice and she was very very nice, must of had a bad night

  13. #13
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biggerbanana View Post
    I saw Momoka on 2 Mar. and wrote an AR on her. I found her very good.

    When I saw this bro's bad report on her, I was surprised with the content of allegations, but waited for a while to see what are the replies like before I made my own comments so as to give a more balanced view of this incident:

    1. Bro。Feelus does not seem to know some informal rules in the shops. I was always told by the shop receptionists that for 30 and 45 min sessions, only one shot (either natural or HJ is given by the girl). For 1 hr session, customers can request 2 shots. I was actually surprised that when Bro Feelus complained, the shop receptionist did not explain this rule to Bro. Feelus. If this has been explained, I am sure Feelus will not feel himself ripped off. He has his one shot already. Mission accomplished.

    2. There is also another informal rule which I think most punters know. The girls will always allow 5 min for customers to have shower and then the last 5 min is for shower after finish. For 30 min session, the actual time with girl in the bed is just normally around 20 min (sometimes even less). If bro Feelus thought he has 30 min fucking time, this is the reason for saying he was cheated time. I would rather think he did not understand these informal rules.

    3. As some bro. commented above, the request to have 2 shots had upset Momoka. This is very clearly understandable. What happened afterwards between Momoka and the bro could be very easily understood.

    4. I tried many Japanese girls before. Each one of them was always very polite. Momoka is no exception. Politeness is in the blood of Japanese people.

    5. $90/30min for a genuine Japanese girl is TOO CHEAP in Sydney. There are many city shops which charge almost double for that or even ask for at least $200-300/hr. No 30 min session. If anyone thought $90 is a lot of money, they better keep it in their pocket and spend on other things.
    Bro biggerbanana is exactly right, you have not read my post properly. My complaint is not centred around the number of shots and I never expect more than one shot in a half hour session. In saying that, there is no harm in asking and you would be surprised as to how many girls are more than happy to allow not only 2 but as many shots as the punter can handle in the allotted time. My complaint is about being short changed on time, and the way that my complaint was handled. You know a place is badly managed when the girl has an attitude like this and the management does not give a shit. Just because you think $90 is cheap for Sydney, doesn't give them the right to rip off customers - I have no idea what sort of logic you are applying has nothing to do with how cheap or expensive it is but simply getting what I paid for. If it's one shot - perfectly fine but give me a massage for the remaining time. I had no interest in having a shower because I literally had a shower before I arrived there - so this means I should only be allowed 20 or 25 mins? I would welcome thoughts on this because I disagree.

    I am not doubting that you had a good time with her, obviously you had a better connection than I did. I know punters take in the good along with the bad but I have never experienced anything like this and it needs to be called out so it doesn't happen to others in future

  14. #14
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punter Poontang View Post
    Your comprehension skills haven't yet improved.

    1. That was never his complaint. He never expected or demanded 2 shots, merely asked to "try his luck" and has been successful in doing so previously. You'll never know if you don't ask, right? Upon being denied, the girl offered a massage for the remaining time and he happily accepted. Slim chance that would get the girl offside, it really shouldn't have.

    2. He confirmed no shower before hand and only got 15 minutes service. That's cheating on time, end of.

    You also completely ignored her open display of shit attitude, daring the OP to complain, knowing nothing would come of it.

    We've all got our favourite shops and can offer up a different perspective, that's great if you have had a more positive experience with the same girl. But failing to comprehend the actual point of the complaint means you're unable to provide a balanced opinion in this instance.

    Still looking forward to Roger's contribution, but maybe he's the one who's away ....
    Spot on bro.

    If you ask me, I don't think Roger is away at all. I think it's just a lame excuse for not wanting to deal with the issue.

  15. #15
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) IExperiment's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feelus View Post
    Hi Brothers,

    I don't really report much these days but I thought this had to be told as a warning to other punters.

    Tonight I called 45 George St and requested a booking for Momoka, as I had read some good reviews about her. I called up around 22:20 and the manager said no problems she'll be available in around 20-30 mins. I confirmed and made my way over there, arriving at around 22:40, which was bang on 20 mins from when I called. I was greeted by the manager, taken to the waiting room, and told that Momoka would be ready in around 5-10 mins which was fine. 10 mins pass by and the manager comes in and says Momoka is ready - I told him I wanted a half hour session and paid up. He then leaves and I'm sitting there waiting for Momoka to come in. Anyway, 15 mins pass by and I'm getting impatient by now so I open the door and ask the manager how much longer the wait was going to be. He then calls out to Momoka who looked to be in another room texting on her phone so I'm just thinking wtf? Anyway, she comes out and we go upstairs.

    By now it's around 23:10 and she proceeds to make the bed in the room (don't know why they didn't do this while I was waiting). I tell her I had already showered beforehand which I had, and so we skipped that and got straight into the action. As an aside, her body was very disappointing and below expectation for a number of reasons which I won't go into as it's besides the point and not the purpose of this post. In any case, I was feeling horny so I asked her if it was possible to have 2 rounds in the session. She made it obvious that she did not even want to entertain the idea which was fine as I was just asking and some girls do allow it. She said one pop but she can do a massage for the rest of the session which I was happy with.

    On to the performance and she proceeds to give the most half-hearted cat bath I've ever experienced. It was more blowing wind on my body rather than using her tongue which was very disappointing and a first for me. This went for maybe a couple of mins before I concluded it wasn't really doing anything for me so I grabbed the dom in anticipation of the main course (I didn't bother asking for BJ as I knew it was going to be covered which I'm not a fan of). I ask her to be on top and not even 2 mins in she starts complaining, saying she wants me to be on top. By now I'm starting to get a bit fed up with her attitude so just want to finish ASAP. Go into missionary and eventually manage to finish.

    The action made me tired so I lie down and rest and she asks me if she can shower which I said sure. She proceeds to shower and stays in the shower for as long as she can before drying up. I remember looking at the clock at this point which read 23:25, expecting a massage for the remaining 15 mins of the session. She then asks if she can put her clothes back on and I ask her what about the massage you promised at the start of the session? She then says no she can't do it as there's no time left. I give her a look to say you're kidding me right? I explain that we didn't come into the room until 23:10 and she knew it aswell but she was just kept denying it. I said it's ok, I'll speak to the manager about this misunderstanding so I proceed to get dressed and walk down to speak to the manager. As I'm walking out she shouts "fine, speak to the manager, he won't do anything about it".

    I complain to the manager about getting shortchanged on time and he clearly knew it as I was waiting until after 11 to see Momoka. He basically tells me there's nothing he can do about it as I have to speak to the "boss" (who is apparently currently on holidays). Realising that it was going nowhere, I just told him to forget about it and left - as what can one do in this situation except let others on this forum know so that they can hopefully avoid the same experience.

    I know some of you might think that I had one shot which is all I'm entitled to but the principle here is that I paid for half an hour so I expect half an hour. I certainly don't expect such unprofessional service and girls that try and pull a fast one by blatantly trying to shortchange on time. I know it's a punt at the end of the day but this is the reason I will never go back and warn others to go there at their own risk. Perhaps make it known at the start of the session what time it is so the girl realises that you know the score.

    I envy your youth
    Your good if you can shot them twice in half hour
    I wish I was in my teens and twenties again with my current IExperience though

  16. #16
    Junior Member(有D料到) Hung Lo's Avatar
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    Call the Department of Immigration and get this girl sent back to Japan!!!

  17. #17
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    jeez, looks like you had your stopwatch out keeping track of every minute lol! You should spend more time establishing a connection with the girl and less time counting the pennies, you'll have far more enjoyable punts

  18. #18
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    The title of this thread is very strong. "RIPPED OFF" sounded very serious. This is why this thread attracted so many replies and reading.

    How much has this brother been "RIPPED OFF"? For a 30 min session, clock started when the girl took the bro upstairs, 2 min, shower, 5 min (bro said he did not need as he already showered, girl agreed, but it might not mean the girl did not deduct the 5 min for service time anyway, this is their normal practice), fucking time 15 min, another shower 5 min. All together, the total time was 27 min. The ACTUAL RIP-OFF time is just 3 min. For a $90 session, Bro Feelus was ripped off for $9 ( $90 x 3/30).

    For this $9 rip-off, Bro Feelus spent at least 30min to write this AR and then many more minutes to make further replies. This brother time cost per min. was really very low. My thought was " Was it really worth the efforts to complain for $9?"

    Furthermore, making a request for 2 shots from the very start was OK for the brother. However, from the girl's point of view, it was a 'turn-off " for the girl as she will think this was not a reasonable request. The relationship from thereon was soured. This is so obvious. This is also why Momoka would not entertain any more massage time (in her calculation, time was fully used and also , she was not interested with this customer with an unreasonable request from the very start).

    The above is my own analysis, based on my frequent punting experience.

  19. #19
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    When it comes to showering I always shower in the shop even if I have come straight from a shower at home. This way the girl can see I am clean etc I also always rinse my mouth with Listerine and I make sure the girl sees me do it.

    I think it's important to not only be clean but to be seen to be clean after all we expect no less from the ladies.

    It sets the scene for a good punt.

  20. #20
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dsmaker View Post

    How much has this brother been "RIPPED OFF"? For a 30 min session, clock started when the girl took the bro upstairs, 2 min, shower, 5 min (bro said he did not need as he already showered, girl agreed, but it might not mean the girl did not deduct the 5 min for service time anyway, this is their normal practice), fucking time 15 min, another shower 5 min.
    I was beginning to feel the OP was asking too much by asking for a second shot in a 30" booking until I saw this post.

    What a lot of bullshit here! The clock starts when it starts, press the button of a timer and it starts, it shouldn't be affected by whatever activities they want to engage in.

    Deductions for not taking a shower??? Does the girl use a calculator to work out the remaining time of the session every time you do or not do something? That's a lot of GFE feelings!!!

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