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Thread: Ginza Class of Girls

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Ginza Class of Girls

    I am really curious on how Ginza classes each girl into different levels. I have visited Diamond , Gold premium, Gold and even silver class.

    It surely can't be the service level as 9 out 10 times you walk out with a smile on your face with all levels.

    Looks? Possible, silver and gold levels are generally not as attractive as Gold Premium or Diamond levels.

    Still the divide between Gold Premium and Diamond are debatable. My personal opinion are that some Gold Premium girls are even better looking than the Diamond girls.

    Look forward to other punters opinions!

  2. #2
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) garfield's Avatar
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    Diamonds are usually the more exotic brand like mixed race, younger girls, porn star, special service, etc.

    Looks are still subjective so one may find gold premium girl more attractive.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I think it is based upon both looks and service/experience. But as you say; how attractiveness is subjective. You may also find you click with a lower class girl which makes the experience better.

    So my advice would be to give the lower classes a chance also as there are some top girls there.

  4. #4
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    I think it has little to do with class or service it is more based on what the shop and girl think she can get!

    Sure young girls can demand more even if they give less in service.

    In short its just another way for the shop to charge more for less!

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I don't live in Sydney and haven't been there, but had assumed it was based on customer feedback to manager.

    And girls work there way up from one class to the next as they get more very positive feedback?

    I guess that's not correct. I get the impression that girls start on any level, and there is no "entry level" rating?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oneonone View Post
    I think it has little to do with class or service it is more based on what the shop and girl think she can get!

    Sure young girls can demand more even if they give less in service.

    In short its just another way for the shop to charge more for less!
    How many visits to ginza is that based on?

  7. #7
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cleetusvandamme View Post
    How many visits to ginza is that based on?
    He he he !
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  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者) Fisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cleetusvandamme View Post
    How many visits to ginza is that based on?
    Ooo would not be able to spread his pension payment far enough too afford a visit at ginza.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cleetusvandamme View Post
    How many visits to ginza is that based on?
    Its probably more than you have done bro!

    And just for the record its not just Ginza there are other shops that have different charges for different girls and to my way of thinking its just an insult to the lower cost girls.

    All girls are beautiful and they all have similar equipment so they should all be treated equal and so sold at the same rate.

    So if you want to pay a premium rate for a girl cause she is young or supposed to be better go for it.

    For me I have yet to find a girl better than one I found at a $150 shop and I have spent as little as $100 per hour to $1200 per hour.

    The choice is yours and I have to agree if you want to pay more than $150 per hour then you will more than likely get a better premises

    For me so far this month I have had 13 punts if I go to a more up market shop then that would probably be 6 or 7

    Happy punting you and I all have a great choice on where to punt for me well at least I can say I have had enough punts to make an experienced decision at over 5000 punts. many of the earlier ones at places like the Penthouse.

    To day I tend to stick to the $150 shops though I have been to a few others like Ginza and Rockdale etc etc.

    Value for money is what its all about for me and yes I am not looking for a 18 year old so mid 20 plus is more to my liking

    And buy the way I don't see anyone explaining how the class or charges work even the so called expert Wilsino who is employed by Ginza can only say Ha Ha Ha.

    So if he doesn't know I guess its no wonder us customers have no idea.

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I tend to agree that the tiered pricing structure appears to be arbitrary. i.e. they charge what they think they can get away with. PWLs do the same, of course.

    As, I hasten to add, they are all entitled to.

    Several shops have different structures, usually based around nationality and, like you, Oneonone I find it to be rather insulting.

    For example 666 Elizabeth charges more for western and african ladies. Blacktown 8 charges more for caucasians and 45 George and 22 Rydalmere do the same, so it is not only the "higher quality" shops.

    Although talking about it with the WLs they do not seem that insulted by it. To them they understand it is purely marketing and supply and demand.

    However having been with cheap WLs (269 Canterbury) and mid-range (Amanda Heavens and TMC) I cannot see a major difference to justify the price increases on a regular basis. I will continue to visit the more expensive shops from time to time when I feel like a change (LOVE the african ladies) but I will always be more regular with my, well, regulars.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by uglyphil View Post
    I tend to agree that the tiered pricing structure appears to be arbitrary. i.e. they charge what they think they can get away with. PWLs do the same, of course.

    As, I hasten to add, they are all entitled to.

    Several shops have different structures, usually based around nationality and, like you, Oneonone I find it to be rather insulting.

    For example 666 Elizabeth charges more for western and african ladies. Blacktown 8 charges more for caucasians and 45 George and 22 Rydalmere do the same, so it is not only the "higher quality" shops.

    Although talking about it with the WLs they do not seem that insulted by it. To them they understand it is purely marketing and supply and demand.

    However having been with cheap WLs (269 Canterbury) and mid-range (Amanda Heavens and TMC) I cannot see a major difference to justify the price increases on a regular basis. I will continue to visit the more expensive shops from time to time when I feel like a change (LOVE the african ladies) but I will always be more regular with my, well, regulars.
    We are so lucky to have such a choice bro and at the end of the day its your hard earned dollar so spend it where you want!

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oneonone View Post
    We are so lucky to have such a choice bro and at the end of the day its your hard earned dollar so spend it where you want!
    Very true

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