Anyone had a go with Kyoko ?
Saw R*** a very attractive PRC girl. Fake boobs.
Had a great time with her. Definitely be returning soon
Do you know where is Melbourne?
Saw her yesterday arvo. Beautiful lady. Very accommodating and friendly. Can't do body kisses due to no shower facilities. Other than that everything is exceptional. She will go overseas for vacation next month. WIR - yes
Anyone know where did M*a go? She gives good massage and head .
Been a while since I've been here so recently made a booking with K****. Man what a gorgeous lady. Great session. Will go back to see her soon.
The jap? She don’t offer anything
She moved to TTC under new name
With all the passing showers over Brisbane, I was inspired by a Rainbow that I saw, and thought I should drop in last week and see more of the Rainbow before it disappeared.
I think mentally, she had already left the country, as I've never seen a girl more disengaged in a long time.
Paid for an hour upfront, plus an extra $150 upfront, which was a mistake.
Basic massage (she even commented at the 30 minute mark she was getting tired) and then basic ending - not very happy!
In and out in 45 minutes......
Hope you return from your trip a little bit more refreshed.
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No gold at the end of that rainbow!
Sun Shine Day Spa is in Holland Park.
They have a sister shop called Luna Massage. That one is in Coopers Plains.
Staff rotate through both shops, except for a few MLs who only seem to work at Luna, e.g. Ali or Sara.
So it basically depends on which ML you want to see, or which shop is more convenient for you. I'd say SSDS is probably a bit nicer and newer.
Do they publish a roster anywhere?