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Thread: calling for a halt to Muslim migration to Australia

  1. #21
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    The should increase the amount of working, and student visas for girls coming from the middle east, just imagine a massage shop of beauties from iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and more.....

  2. #22
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Thanks Suka, I didn't know that, I only knew that the Muslims are allowed to have four wives, then if you are physically and financially capable , why won't you ?

    I suppose none of those suicide bombers are financially well off, otherwise.........
    Man you are too funny.
    Thank you brother Ahlungor

  3. #23
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Wasn't there a TV drama about polygamy from the US? Called Big Love or something , the Mormons in the Utah State can have multiple wives or was it they can't be legally married but can legally live together or something like that !

    Those were very lucky men ! Man !

    It's like he started off with one wife, fuck her for five years and have children, and while she is pregnant , get a second wife and so on, and the new wives are one younger than the other .........haha

  4. #24
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    Maybe instead of total hault, only get the very high skilled Muslims in for growth of country. And no don't count any tradie in, they all dodgy!

  5. #25
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    OK, this is going to get me fired up, so I'm going to try to keep this to a minimum.

    As someone who has a few good Muslim friends, this deeply offends me.

    We all know that 99% of Muslim people are peace loving, and tolerant people. They DO NOT support terrorism or anything like that. They wish to live in harmony with other Australians, and bring a lot of good things to this country. My Muslim friends (some of who are quite religious in their practice of their faith) are amongst the most beautiful people I've ever met.

    I've also talked to them about the teachings of their faith, and it is clear that Islam FORBIDS the killing of innocent people!

    They are also important business leaders, and by shutting them off, Australia will suffer in the global economy. Do you think that a business mogul will take kindly to being detained at the Airport, and will ever want to return here?

    By having a policy like this, you are promoting hatred, hate crimes and discrimination, and deeply offending a lot of Australian Muslims.

    By this same logic that this half wit Sonia Kruger is using, Australia should halt migration of Chinese people as it correlates with the number of Chinese related crimes in the country, so it is in the interests of national security '.?

    If you look at the actual numbers, Muslim terrorists are actually a small minority of actual terrorist activities, yet the media makes it out to look as though we're all under attack from men with beards!

  6. #26
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    ^ definetely true. You cannot judge by their faith and paint them all the same, it will be just hypocrite.
    Let's think this way, let's count how many people who committed murder, criminals and war killings. I am talking about individuals people, as whole country or whole world. What do you think of their background religion why never be told on news what religion they are i.e christian, hindu, jews, etc? Why only potrays big headline news ONLY on muslim?
    for i.e the rampage school killings in US? Police mudering the blacks? US invading Iraq, syria, afganistan country? What do you think their backgrounds are?? CHRISTIANS, JEWS, HINDUS? Yes, you don't like to be called by your religion right? The news wont tell what religion they are. It feels offensive because it doesn't represent your religion. They will just call it lonewolf (l'm like wtff?) Every religion teaches peace it's the evil mind of every each person that are uneducated being mentally ill.

    Look what happends after the US and europe destroys those countries?? Obviously they must flee to safety other than their own country. What if you were those citizens? Where would you flee? Now, the world trying to stop the immigration because it is their own fault? How is that possible and it's ironic. Who are to blame?? Who always like to start the fire and created war? The US allies with Israel.

    Don't ever think Israel feeling threaten that their land is being stolen, truth fact is Israel is stealing palestian land after devision day by day and killing innocent people. They have build barrier but keep stealing land again.

    So where is the peace and humanity to this??

    Btw, the start of this problem from the conspiracy of 9/11. Saddam even doesn't have mass destruction. It almost made success trying to destroy Turkey just like egypt but i'm glad they failed it.

    USA = Evil and manipulator.
    Israel = Zionist/illuminati has connection with the UFO area 51.

    Don't get me wrong, it is their government who influence this and teaches hate, devision, racist, bigotry, manipulator. It's just wrong and evil!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan86 View Post
    We all know that 99% of Muslim people are peace loving, and tolerant people. They DO NOT support terrorism or anything like that.
    I don't know where you pulled that percentage from, but at best it's estimated at 80%, depending on how you define peaceful & tolerant.. Check out the pewpolls, they are why everyone's concerned..

  8. #28
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    I don't think any percentage can give you a peace of mind or put you in a state of living in fear !

    There are roughly about 3 types of terrorism the world is facing these days:

    1.the well organized terror attack like 911.

    2. Co-ordinated attack but in a smaller scales like Paris and Belgium

    3. Lone wolf attacks, not nessarily organized by terrorists group but inspired and may or may not be supported- like Lindts and the murder of Curtis Chang

    And I could be totally wrong here, so how do we stop them ? I wish I have the answer, but one thing I do agree is that, if we as a country can keep the greater Muslim community on our side , work closely with them and embrace and respect their religion and cultures rather than isolating or alienate them, we have a much better chance to protect ourselves and minimize the risk . I'm sure they are scared of the terrorists too!

  9. #29
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post

    And I could be totally wrong here, so how do we stop them ? I wish I have the answer, but one thing I do agree is that, if we as a country can keep the greater Muslim community on our side , work closely with them and embrace and respect their religion and cultures rather than isolating or alienate them, we have a much better chance to protect ourselves and minimize the risk . I'm sure they are scared of the terrorists too!
    That's easier said than done, to respect their religion and cultures.. only if they can do the same to other religions and cultures!

    I live in a suburb where the population is predominantly middle eastern. One of the tenants of an apartment building had his Christmas lightings on his balcony, and left it on after Christmas, one Muslim neighbor talked to me and asked and said : " Does Christmas last that long ? That's disgusting."

    So you're not supposed to decorate your own home...

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomosavic View Post
    That's easier said than done, to respect their religion and cultures.. only if they can do the same to other religions and cultures!

    I live in a suburb where the population is predominantly middle eastern. One of the tenants of an apartment building had his Christmas lightings on his balcony, and left it on after Christmas, one Muslim neighbor talked to me and asked and said : " Does Christmas last that long ? That's disgusting."

    So you're not supposed to decorate your own home...
    Its probably just the guy's personality than his religion. I am sure most Muslim would have been happy to accept and "tolerated" the decorations.

  11. #31
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    I believe it comes from it's personality itself and how each were brought up by their parents. Moralty, respect and tolerance is the key. Everyone is not perfect, there are many many criminals out there from each side of their religion/country background. It'll be just boring to pick on Muslim all the time. It's just like watching a Drama movie talking about only one thing. But news never publish each of their religion background. How about those prest who are pedophile, why wont lot of people condemn his act? Irony isn't it?
    Did you know Arab people are NOT all muslim? There are Christians and other religion as well, some may use disguise as Muslim. Believe me some of them have attitude problem or stereotype. Like i said NOT all.

    In the end it comes down to each indivual but always remember we Human are the same, no matter what colour, race, faith. Be respectful to one another, don't fight anger with anger, simply show good attitude and smile to one another. It will make everyones day happy.

    I know we live in a fear generation but think back when we were like little kids, forget anger & revenge. Stay happy!

  12. #32
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    Another day another attack. The silence from our Muslim leaders is defening. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist these days is a Muslim. Something needs to be done asap else congregations of people for any occasion will be a thing of a past.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomosavic View Post
    That's easier said than done, to respect their religion and cultures.. only if they can do the same to other religions and cultures!

    I live in a suburb where the population is predominantly middle eastern. One of the tenants of an apartment building had his Christmas lightings on his balcony, and left it on after Christmas, one Muslim neighbor talked to me and asked and said : " Does Christmas last that long ? That's disgusting."

    So you're not supposed to decorate your own home...
    +1. I also live in one of these suburbs. Sometimes the lady on my arm will get death stares from blokes if she's wearing a sleeveless top of shortish skirt. Most of these guys also have a fully fledged Ninja looking person on their arm. Am i to believe that said Ninja is a man, thus the death stares are coming from a man who is gay and disgusted by the female form? Or is it simply a man who is disgusted by a woman showing too much skin for his liking. If the latter, he and his like minded people can fark off!

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