It just happened that I was in Chinatown the other day, turned on my wechat' People Nearby, a private girl's ad caught my eyes, something told me that I knew this girl, a girl that I've seen before and was quite fond of, so I decided to prove my instinct and made a booking with her.

She works out of an apartment in Chinatown, a good quality apartment where she lives in, the entrance is quite discreet too.

Booking was easy. When I arrived and she opened the door, bingo ! I was right, she was the girl I've been looking for, after being absent from the scene for a year, she looked fresh and alluring, and she was glad I found her too !

Her story was, after appearing briefly at a shop, she found love and quit the industry, but after 7-8 months, the love she found turned out to be a heart-breaker, so here she was, back on the scene and going solo !

The session was like a reunion of old flames, even better than the last time ! Since I had a review of her last time, I won't bother to write another one in details this time, if anyone's interested, pm me, I can direct him to my previous report.

I promised her to let the forum know she's available for booking, but Asian only. She's so happy that I would help and even supplied me with 2 of her photos to post here. Here are her booking details :

Abby, Wechat ID for booking : hello05212015