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Thread: BEWARE -- Mamasan Angie busted trading faces

  1. #1
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    BEWARE -- Mamasan Angie busted trading faces

    Here's a cautionary tale for my fellow travellers.

    Having delighted in Marino @ Ginza 2 weeks ago, I found myself back in Sydney this week. I wanted to find out how the business class of a Ginza compares with the economy class of say, a 533 Willoughby Road. What does $150 buy you in Sydney? As it turns out, it buys you a lot of bullshit in Willoughby.


    I call Willoughby Road mamasan Angie, tell her I want to see either Annie or Kelly at 1pm and Angie says "sure you come over for Annie or Kelly, both working here today." Booked in for 1pm, Annie or Kelly. Nice.

    I arrive on time and Angie says "here for you a beautiful girl Sally. She beautiful."

    Not Annie. Not Kelly. Sally. Welcome to the back of the plane.

    I don't even bother to have the debate because Sally looks fine, she's got her hand on my cock, and I'm here for reasearch anyway, right?

    That's round one to you Angie. Noted.

    The session with Sally was a bit mad. When time permits, I'll do an AR. Suffice for now to say it involved thumping drum & base, a little strobe light machine, and some sort of pharmaceutical enhancement that Sally was toking on from her own little pipe. She offered. I declined.

    Shower and say my goodbyes to Mad Sally, and on my way out Mamasan intoruduces me to Stephanie. My. Type. Of. Girl.

    "She here for you next time," says Angie.


    Having checked the roster, I call mamasan Angie and tell her I want to return to see My. Type. Of. Girl. Stephanie at 1pm.

    "Yes. She here today. Stephanie at 1pm. OK."

    "So I want to be clear it is Stephanie I am seeing today Angie."

    "Yes, yes. 100 percent."

    Seasoned punters know how this story goes.

    I've punted in Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Los Angeles, Seattle, Washington, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Not to skite, but it aint bragging if you done it. And it's backstory for this tale so you know that I've seen most of what shops try to put in our way.

    I call mamasan at 12.15pm to say that I'm leaving the CBD for Willoughby and to re-confirm that I am definitely seeing Stephanie at 1pm.

    Mamasan: "She ready now. She see you at 12.30 if you be early."

    Me: "Friday traffic in Sydney Angie. I'll ask the cabbie to do his best."


    I arrive at 12.45pm and Angie asks me to wait in a tiny room. She says Stephanie is getting the room ready. Yet she's been ready since 12:15pm hasn't she?

    15 minutes later, I'm ready to walk. We all know that mamasan has shopped Stephanie, my confirmed and re-confirmed 1pm booking, to some other punter who's turned up in the meantime.

    I'm on my way out of the holding pen and towards the exit when mamasan comes rushing up and says "Stephanie ready now. You in the nice big front room. Come with me please."

    We walk into the nice big front room and mamasan introduces me to "Stephanie". Except she aint the My. Type. Of. Girl I met two days ago.

    I say to mamasan "This girl isn't Stephanie. She is not the girl you introduced me to on Wednesday."

    Pregnant, awkward pause. The girl blushes and turns her head. All of a sudden, Angie's English isn't so good, and she claims to not understand.

    "I asked for Stephanie. You confirmed Stephanie. I called to check I was definitely seeing Stephanie. I even reminded you that the Stephanie I wanted to see today is the Stephanie you introduced to me two days ago."

    And this, my friends, is what shits me the most. I don't mind a mamasan trying to run a business the best way she can. I do fucking mind a mamasan treating me as a fool. I can wear the lie. I can't wear the insult.

    The girl who's not Stephanie, God bless her, takes my hand and says "I'll show you a better time than Stephanie. Don't you want to be with me?"

    I wanted to hug her, and slap the mamasan. So I did the first, and gave mamasan a piece of our collective minds about bullshit, lying to punters and treating us as fools.

    For WLs, their jobs are demanding enough without having to play a role in some ruse a mamasan wants to pull on a punter.

    For 533 regulars, the girl turns out to be Jessie. She's a sweetheart. My session with Jessie was very pleasant. I started it by saying I was lucky to be with her today.


    As I leave, mamasan is all over me like a cheap suit. "Sorry for the misunderstanding."

    Me: "There is no misundersatnding Angie. You lied to me. You treated me like a fool. I won't forget that."

    I don't think she gave a shit, though she might when she reads this.

    Back to business class for me.

  2. #2
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    Thanks SW for your feedback.
    A lot of people talk about Angie at 533 and the bait and switch tactics she employs. I walked a couple of Fridays ago because it was chaos there and the girl i booked was still getting fucked by some other punter. I have generally got whom i booked at 533 but Friday lunch time seems to be a peak period for them. I will never go Friday lunchtime again.

  3. #3
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    I posted this regarding my Friday lunchtime experience at 533.

  4. #4
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    And yet punters flock to this place.

  5. #5
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    Shame you got stitched up OP, this is classic 533. Angie is a character, and if you're not on your toes she'll pull a fast one on you, but personally I've never had any dramas. A few times she's had to change girls on me, but she knows what service I like and the replacement girl always fits the bill. One time I booked Karen and when I rocked up she had called in sick and my booking was cancelled. Initially I was pissed, but instead she recommended Chloe to me and it was a great punt in the end.

    But ultimately, you kind of get what you pay for in the $150 range, and anything compared to Ginza will suffer.

    To brother Raybo, nothing worse than knowing your booked girl is getting nailed while you wait. Worse at 533 though because chances are you can hear it happening.

  6. #6
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Littlewonder's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear you missed out on seeing Stephanie.

    I have been away this week so not sure if Stephanie was in on Wednesday she usually works Monday, Wednesday and Friday I did see she was on the roster Tuesday so may be she was not even in?

    I have seen Jessie a few times and she is a nice lady and a good punt however Stephanie is my favourite, so sorry you missed out on seeing her, Stephanie however does take a little time to get to know and for me at least to get the best out of her.

    I have known Angie for a long time and I am always disappointed when she is not completely up front with clients, and yes sometimes it even works against me much to my discuss.

    I just tell myself I go for the girls not Angie and some or most of the girls are great at the price of $150 per hour.

    I think the problem with $150 shops is that the girls have to and demand to be kept busy so that is placed ahead of the clients and at times any booking.

    Only last week I had a booking and 10 minutes before my time I was told a client rang up and wanted 4 hours with the girl so my booking was cancelled.

    Yes I feel you disappointment but thats the way the $150 shop works unfortunately.

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者) Fisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Littlewonder View Post
    Sorry to hear you missed out on seeing Stephanie.

    I have been away this week so not sure if Stephanie was in on Wednesday she usually works Monday, Wednesday and Friday I did see she was on the roster Tuesday so may be she was not even in?

    I have seen Jessie a few times and she is a nice lady and a good punt however Stephanie is my favourite, so sorry you missed out on seeing her, Stephanie however does take a little time to get to know and for me at least to get the best out of her.

    I have known Angie for a long time and I am always disappointed when she is not completely up front with clients, and yes sometimes it even works against me much to my discuss.

    I just tell myself I go for the girls not Angie and some or most of the girls are great at the price of $150 per hour.

    I think the problem with $150 shops is that the girls have to and demand to be kept busy so that is placed ahead of the clients and at times any booking.

    Only last week I had a booking and 10 minutes before my time I was told a client rang up and wanted 4 hours with the girl so my booking was cancelled.

    Yes I feel you disappointment but thats the way the $150 shop works unfortunately.
    Not all $150 an hour shops work with this business model in place.
    It is mainly two shops in particular that engage in this tactic.
    Plenty of other shops in this price range honour the bookings whether you are a regular or casual visitor.
    My advice too op is walk out next time and do your research on the forums and punt elsewhere where this tactic does not occur daily.
    As for angie reading this she does not care as the punters keep going there because some of the girls engage in unsafe practices (bbfs) if you want it is easy to find this info by searching for it.

  8. #8
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    This would be a pet peeve of all punters. Many shops seem to try to pull the
    wool over the eyes of punters. Imagine if you went to Japanese restaurant and
    they served you Thai or went to Korean restaurant and they served you Chinese
    there would be a uproar. Even worse are some websites and the pictures of girls.
    The difference is like Parramatta River and the Great Barrier reef the
    resemblance sometimes is not even close. Some shops though deserve kudos for
    their effort in being realistic in what the punter is paying for is the real thing not
    some counterfeit knockoff. The basic punter doesn't know any better so they
    don't care but the majority of the punters who post or read AR are more
    analytical and most likely they can spot a ring in.

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Sorry to hear about your experience OP, my first and LAST time I want to 533 - I booked Jojo and was given a lady pushing 50 and looked like she was on crack. I should have walked, at the the experience with her wouldn't have been tattooed in my head *shudder* The punt lasted 15 minutes as I forced myself to get it over with (spent 30 minutes face down for a massage) before quietly taking and shower and leaving.
    I've been to much better places for the same money - some $30-50 extra however the girls all look amazing with great service and I get my bookings honoured by the mamasan

  10. #10
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    Experienced the same thing at both 533 and even more so at TP64. Absolutely pathetic and disgraceful that the operators think we're a bunch of fools.

    I haven't been back to them since. I had enough of their bullshit so have voted with my feet. Has it done enough... absolutely nothing by the sounds of it, but it at least gives me the satisfaction of knowing my hard earned money isn't going to them.

    Glad you had a good experience, but you should have walked. There's no disincentive for them to not do it again, you stayed and the outcome was what she wanted.

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I think the key here is either you run a place like 533 (manic, chaotic, bait and switch) or you run it like Ginza (organised, on time booking, etc..). Anything else in between will just be mediocre. Weird, but it seems to work either way.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raybo View Post
    Thanks SW for your feedback.
    A lot of people talk about Angie at 533 and the bait and switch tactics she employs. I walked a couple of Fridays ago because it was chaos there and the girl i booked was still getting fucked by some other punter. I have generally got whom i booked at 533 but Friday lunch time seems to be a peak period for them. I will never go Friday lunchtime again.
    Raybo, I've cooled down since Friday, and I realise how silly it is to get cross at a mamasan for being a mamasan. It's like getting cranky at a dog for barking -- it's just what they do.

    I'd love to say with conviction that I won't ever be back to 533, but my yellow fever is playing up lately, and there is the unfinished business of Stephanie.

    Like you though, never again at lunch time Friday.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by poundher View Post
    And yet punters flock to this place.
    It's cheap. And as others say here, some like the circus atmosphere Angie promotes? To each his own.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootermcgavin View Post
    Shame you got stitched up OP, this is classic 533. Angie is a character, and if you're not on your toes she'll pull a fast one on you, but personally I've never had any dramas. A few times she's had to change girls on me, but she knows what service I like and the replacement girl always fits the bill. One time I booked Karen and when I rocked up she had called in sick and my booking was cancelled. Initially I was pissed, but instead she recommended Chloe to me and it was a great punt in the end.

    But ultimately, you kind of get what you pay for in the $150 range, and anything compared to Ginza will suffer.

    To brother Raybo, nothing worse than knowing your booked girl is getting nailed while you wait. Worse at 533 though because chances are you can hear it happening.
    All Angie had to do Shooter is tell me that Stephanie was being nailed by someone else and that I'll just have to enjoy myself instead with young Jessie. Not ideal, but way better than being taken for a mug.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyboy View Post
    There are plenty of good $150 hr shops. Lots of punters have a bad experience at 533 with the manic manure of that place. Best yo just walk in and choose someone from the line up.
    I'm not good with line-ups Jonnyboy. That whole rejection thing for them, and being under pressure to choose on the spot with the mamasan cackling in your ear for me. I've got to harden up.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speechwriter View Post
    All Angie had to do Shooter is tell me that Stephanie was being nailed by someone else and that I'll just have to enjoy myself instead with young Jessie. Not ideal, but way better than being taken for a mug.
    Yeah fair call, I get where you're coming from. Piss taking is never appreciated.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Littlewonder View Post
    Sorry to hear you missed out on seeing Stephanie.

    I have known Angie for a long time and I am always disappointed when she is not completely up front with clients, and yes sometimes it even works against me much to my discuss.

    I just tell myself I go for the girls not Angie and some or most of the girls are great at the price of $150 per hour.

    I think the problem with $150 shops is that the girls have to and demand to be kept busy so that is placed ahead of the clients and at times any booking.

    Only last week I had a booking and 10 minutes before my time I was told a client rang up and wanted 4 hours with the girl so my booking was cancelled.

    Yes I feel you disappointment but thats the way the $150 shop works unfortunately.

    I hear you Littlewonder. I'm sure Sydney is full of great $150-$200 value. I've just got to find it. And as in all things of course, you get what you pay for.

    Part of my problem is that a good proportion of my work is for big service industry clients. The customer comes first, second and last. That's the business model. That's what I'm used to.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speechwriter View Post
    All Angie had to do Shooter is tell me that Stephanie was being nailed by someone else and that I'll just have to enjoy myself instead with young Jessie. Not ideal, but way better than being taken for a mug.
    The fact is the majority of punters put up with this and continue to return to spend money at this business.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DYSLENOJD View Post
    Experienced the same thing at both 533 and even more so at TP64. Absolutely pathetic and disgraceful that the operators think we're a bunch of fools.

    I haven't been back to them since. I had enough of their bullshit so have voted with my feet. Has it done enough... absolutely nothing by the sounds of it, but it at least gives me the satisfaction of knowing my hard earned money isn't going to them.

    Glad you had a good experience, but you should have walked. There's no disincentive for them to not do it again, you stayed and the outcome was what she wanted.
    You're right DYSLENOJD, I should have walked. I wanted to walk. For everything you say above. Just didn't have the courage of my convictions.

    Also, having travelled by plane, train and fucking automobile that day to be there I wasn't going home without some medicine for my outbreak of yellow fever.

    The plane and train part wasn't specifically for 533. That was for work. But the final leg by car in Sydney traffic was enough.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by freshjive View Post
    I think the key here is either you run a place like 533 (manic, chaotic, bait and switch) or you run it like Ginza (organised, on time booking, etc..). Anything else in between will just be mediocre. Weird, but it seems to work either way.
    Agreed freshjive. Angie and Sally set the tone 48 hours prior. The circus started at the front door, continued with Sally's drum & base, strobe light and crack pipe show, and finished with the intro to Stephanie in lingerie on the way out. I should have fucked her right then, but I didn't want to do her on an empty tank.

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