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Thread: You are a fucking weirdo stalking cunt

  1. #1
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    You are a fucking weirdo stalking cunt

    I have noticed that there are a few members on here that message around to other members about their favourite girl/s, trying to find out what she is doing with other guys. NEWS FLASH, you are not James Bond. As much as you think you are being all sneaky and a total super sleuth, you aren't and it is obvious that you are just a fucking weirdo stalker!!

    If you are getting FS from an ML, CONGRATS!
    If you are paying for it, don't fool yourself, YOU ARE A JOHN!!!
    If you are getting freebies and can't handle her seeing other customers, DEAL WITH IT or move on.

    But ......

    Messaging members to try and milk info out of them so you can report back to the ML = CUNT!!

    Messaging members to try and milk info out of them because you have fallen in love with an ML and are jealous = STALKER CUNT!!

    Sitting out front of a shop to see which customers are visiting your favourite ML = TOTAL STALKER CUNT!!

  2. #2
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    The idea of someone falling in love with an ML is cringey and hilarious.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    it does take a certain mindset to know how this system works. people whom have not accepted that what these girls is purely a service for money do get all twisted up.

    there was no attraction or charm needed, just pay the money and forget.

  4. #4
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Thats me fucked
    I fall in love with virtually all of them
    Espically at my age

  5. #5
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Haha, I so KNOW who you're talking about. It's getting really weird in the PMs

  6. #6
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogansheros View Post
    it does take a certain mindset to know how this system works. people whom have not accepted that what these girls is purely a service for money do get all twisted up.

    there was no attraction or charm needed, just pay the money and forget.
    That is half the attraction for me, no strings attached, any time I like I can get $100 or $150 out and go get my willy pulled by a reasonably attractive asian girl.

    Why would I want anything more? if I want someone to nag the shit out of me and spend ALL my money, I'll get a normal anglo girlfriend.

  7. #7
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Its not on


    Modern culture is becoming less tolerant on men who stalk or try to intimidate or assault women

    A man secure in himself, has no need to fixate on a woman if there isnt mutual feelings

    Men with good self esteem can sense when a woman isnt really interested, but just being polite not to hurt his feelings

    Men with good self esteem know that there a plenty of fish in the sea

  8. #8
    99 God Member (神級會員) flamejob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HBerg View Post
    That is half the attraction for me, no strings attached, any time I like I can get $100 or $150 out and go get my willy pulled by a reasonably attractive asian girl.

    Why would I want anything more? if I want someone to nag the shit out of me and spend ALL my money, I'll get a normal anglo girlfriend.
    Exactly. as the old saying goes, the difference between sex for money & sex for free, is that sex for free costs a shit load more.

  9. #9
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    vive la differance

    There's a reason most of us like the shops. Lots of different young or not so young girls from different cultures giving different reactions to same old us. Sometimes you really click and sometimes not, and it's fun trying. But my best tip is always be respectful and don't get hung up on any one girl, letalone stalk her on here or anywhere else.
    It's possible that the stalker seaking info is a boyfriend or wannabe bf who knows about this site or where she works and can't handle it.
    I had a series of experiences with a popular girl in a well known shop who had told me about her steady bf. We built to quite a heavy gf experience with fk daty and something else I won't mention in case she reads this as I don't believe it happened with anyone else and she would know. One day after quite some regular weeks of this she all of a sudden tamed down and asked, nicely, if we could not do our usual routine, although she was happy to RNT. I just moved on and left her alone as it was obvious things with the bf were getting more serious. Lots of other options in this town.
    These girls are there to earn a living, and any "relationships" forged are founded on what we pay them for. I've had plenty of offers for outside time, but never taken any girl up on that. Firstly I have my own private life and go to shops so I can enjoy the time, say goodbye and move on if I wish. Secondly, let's not fool ourselves, most outside relationships would be like a sugar daddy setup that we end up paying for fun anyway.
    Like I said, variety is the spice....


  10. #10
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    On the flipside ......

    Echi, If you have to vent aggressively online about it, maybe that's a sign its actually YOU who has developed an unwholesome attachment to an ML? Maybe you should sort this crap out in private message with whoever youre bitching about instead. Your first post is creepy as fk. What a try hard hero.

  11. #11
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Jesus christ you talk some absolute bullshit, are you really stupid enough to believe any of it? lol

    A few of us have been discussing this over the past few months as we have been getting similar PMs from the same weirdo.

    More recently an owner mentioned something to me about an ML being scared of a customer who was doing some creepy shit, and a post on here seems to point to whom to punter is.

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecchi.gaijin View Post
    Jesus christ you talk some absolute bullshit, are you really stupid enough to believe any of it? lol

    A few of us have been discussing this over the past few months as we have been getting similar PMs from the same weirdo.

    More recently an owner mentioned something to me about an ML being scared of a customer who was doing some creepy shit, and a post on here seems to point to whom to punter is.
    This is better than a James Bond novel, you should expose them ecchi, it's not as if they can sue you for defamation, not if they're using this forum as a Character assesment

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdlovespunting View Post
    This is better than a James Bond novel, you should expose them ecchi, it's not as if they can sue you for defamation, not if they're using this forum as a Character assesment
    I believe that the person has already posted on here looking for said information as well as PMing people, plus I'd like to think I worked it into my original post.

  14. #14
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    "Jesus christ you talk some absolute bullshit" - ecchigaijan.

    Touched a nerve did I??? lol Your reply proves my theory. I dont care who's stalking who echi. I just think you're a sad case for throwing a hissy fit over it lol

  15. #15
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpeck80 View Post
    "Jesus christ you talk some absolute bullshit" - ecchigaijan.

    Touched a nerve did I??? lol Your reply proves my theory. I dont care who's stalking who echi. I just think you're a sad case for throwing a hissy fit over it lol
    The only things you have proven are;

    That you don't know what the word "prove" means,

    That you don't know what the word "stalk" means,

    And that as we all here suspected, you are a complete moron.

    Similarly we have had discussions about your existence here and how insignificant you are to this forum. That is why none of the old regs waste their intel on you when you PM them begging for info. Why owners ignore you after you beg them for money to make fake ARs for them. Why you troll through month old threads in order to find something to respond to just so you feel like you are part of the community. Why you have over 1000 posts and not a single one of them is an after report.

    Hit a nerve? You think anyone on here takes a single word you type seriously? You are a bigger joke than oilman. LOL

  16. #16
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecchi.gaijin View Post
    You think anyone on here takes a single word you type seriously? You are a bigger joke than oilman. LOL

    You hit the nail on the head there ..

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Why would somebody act in a Machiavellian way to get info about
    certain ladies is bizarre .
    There are so many shops and ladies ??

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I fell for an ML once and this thread's got me thinking. Maybe she was a little TOO good at her job!

  19. #19
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    They are the Sirens and we r the ships. If u fall for them u will hit the rocks no doubt. They dont care about u. I was amazed at what guys used to bring girls at a popular shop all to b that special customer. Watches,expensive wines, lend them money ,rich old lonley guys asking them to move in with them etc, then they dissappear. Dont get me wrong i enjoy the bullshit as much as the next bloke but ive never trusted any of them fully , certainly not to the extent of doing my nuts over one.

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I can remember being at SS in the lead up to Xmas a while back. And the amount of gifts the popular girls were getting was over the top. Watches perfume and shit. The thing that was fucked up was that both sides though it was real. The guys that believed the girls only gave them the full special service and they cared about them. And the girls who though the guys were in love with them because who they are. Not saying that most of the girls arnt nice ppl, but the guys were in love with what the girl did.

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