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Thread: 潮吹女Ocean真的不可思议!

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    今天精虫上脑了,没事又上来和王导问问有谁上班,上次试的Julababe真的骚的不行。一看上班名单,突 然发现Ocean今天上班,而且还没有约满,上次就是没有约到这个非常“著名”的潮喷女啊,哈哈,看来今天 运气来了。于是不多说,直接和王导约了姑娘,非常期待第一次的潮喷体验。以前只有在某片中看过,从来没有亲 身体验过。王导的评论是你会惊呆的。。。
    事情弄完提早了15分钟就到了,还是原来的小哥,不过到了之后发生了一个小插曲。本来和王导说好手机支付的 ,小哥突然和我说,姑娘今天不行要现金。。。我可身边没带现金啊,而且王导都说好啦,难道今天约会要失败了 ?。。。经过一番努力交涉,最后还是手机支付OK,小哥赞一个,否则潮吹体验就要黄了,哈哈。
    还是5号房间,这个房间已经来了好多次了,最大的,也是最舒服的一个。过了没多久,姑娘就进来了,样貌验证 的确是照片中的,可爱小巧型,不过进来就开始骚的冒烟,都没洗澡就直接坐在大腿上放电了。。。还问我,是不 是要体验我的特殊技能,NND,就是来体验的,说完看着妹子饥渴的眼神,就速速洗了下,期间妹子一直在挑逗 。。。
    上床前妹子说,你只要用手她就可以轻松喷出来。。。我一开始还以为是吹的呢,结果我手指没弄几下,妹子突然 兴奋的叫起来,说不行了,然后拉开我的手,哇噻一股暖流直接就喷射出来了,注意啊是喷射不是流出来啊。。。 当时的确有点震惊了。然后妹子抓起弟弟就开始口,一边口着一边要我玩弄她的骚B。大概前后也就5分多钟,妹 子大概喷射了不下四五次。。。所以我们只能在床边,否则估计整个床单已经湿光了。妹子口的也是毫不怠慢啊, 都快忍不住了。于是带套上马了,这次并不是躺着,而是我站在床边直接搞玩她,刚进入没多久,我靠,继续喷射 ,我腿上已经是全湿光了,简直像冲淋浴一样,真的毫不夸张啊。注意力基本都集中在妹子下一次的喷射了,有点 Bang AV的感觉,这个妹子也真的是欲望强烈啊。最后在她无数次喷射中,我也卸货了,感觉腿都酸了,时间过了多久 都不知道了。然后妹子也直接瘫倒在床上,估计也是累趴了,自己还回味在刚才的情景中,真的太不 可思议了。
    接着和妹子聊了聊这潮吹到底她是怎么弄的,她说她也是自己一次和男朋友无意当中发现她有这个天赋的,然后就 开始疯狂一发不可收拾,会经常想要,性欲非常强烈,每次喷射都特别有高潮的感觉。。。不过我也知道潮吹的确 是一些特殊体质的女人才做得到的。聊好发现已经快50分钟了,我们竟然连续玩了有半个多小时,这觉得是历史 最长的一次体验了。既然时间差不多了,就洗洗撤了,这个潮吹妹子真的是货真价实啊。狼友们有空可以去体验下 ,也算亲身经历了^_^

    服务:10/10 (我觉得可以打12分)

  2. #2
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Assandlegs's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) harrycd's Avatar
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    So I tried google translate

    "Today, the sperm on the brain, and nothing to come back and ask Wang who asked to go to work"


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  5. #5
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Brothelcreeper's Avatar
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    Punterman can normally be found with his cock buried inside an Asian girls pussy in Western Sydney.
    Here it is in Google translate English

    It sounds like she was squirting or very wet anyway. Not sure what the Wolves are ?

    Perhaps that is why she is called Ocean as she is so wet

    Ahlungor would you care to summarise and translate ?

    Today, the sperm on the brain, and nothing to come back and ask Wang who asked to go to work, the last test of Julababe really Sao not work. A look at the list of classes, I suddenly found Ocean to work today, but not yet expired, the last is not about this very "famous" tide spray female ah, ha ha, it seems that luck is coming. So much to say, directly led the king about the girl, very much looking forward to the first tide spray experience. I've seen it in a film before and I have never experienced it before. Wang's comment is that you will be shocked. . .
    Things get done 15 minutes earlier arrived, or the original little brother, but after the episode came an episode. Wang Gui had been a good phone to pay, and suddenly said to me brother, the girl can not cash today. . . I can not bring cash around ah, and Wang guide said okay, do dating today fail? . . . After some efforts to negotiate, and finally cell phone payment OK, like a little brother, otherwise the tide blowing experience will be yellow, ha ha.
    Or Room 5, this room has come many times, the largest, but also the most comfortable one. Not long after, the girl came in, the appearance of verification is indeed in the photo, lovely compact, but come in to start Sao smoke, no bath to sit directly on the thigh discharge. . . Also asked me, is not to experience my special skills, NND, is to experience the finish hungry looking at her sister looked quickly washed under the sister has been teasing. . .
    Before going to bed sister said that as long as you use her hands you can easily spray out. . . I thought it was the beginning of the blowing it, the result I did not get a few fingers, sister excited exclaimed cried, and said nothing, and then opened my hand, wow thiophene an immediate stream of direct injection, pay attention to ah Jet is not flowing out ah. . . It was a little shocked at the time. Then sister grabbed my brother began to mouth, while talking to me to play with her Sao. About 5 minutes or so before and after, my sister spray about no less than four or five times. . . So we can only be by the bed, otherwise it is estimated that the entire sheets have been wet. My sister's mouth is not neglect, almost could not bear it. So with a set of boots, this is not lying, but I stand in bed directly engage in her play, just entered shortly after I rely on, continue to spray, my legs are all wet light, just like the shower The same, really no exaggeration ah. Focus on the basic focus on the sister's next shot, a little Bang AV feeling, this sister really is a strong desire ah. Finally, in her numerous shots, I also unloading, I feel legs are sour, time does not know how long after. Then the sister also collapsed directly on the bed, it is estimated tired tired, and he also recalled the scene just now, really incredible.
    And then chatted with her sister and the tide in the end she is how to get, she said she was her own time and her boyfriend found that she had no talent, and then began to go crazy out of control, will often want, sexual desire is very strong, Each jet has a special orgasm feeling. . . However, I also know that the tide is indeed something special women can do. Chat good to find that almost 50 minutes, and we actually have to play for more than half an hour, this is the longest experience in history. Since the time is about the same, wash and withdraw, this trendy sister is really genuine ah. The wolves are free to experience the next, can be considered personally experienced ^ _ ^

    Overall rating:
    Color value: 7/10
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    Is it a bird, is it a plane, no its Punterman. Always seeking out good value bbbj, DFK, DATY for $150 hr in the Western Sydney brothels.

  6. #6
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