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Thread: OK, who got sprung in the police raids down the Gold Coast today?

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    OK, who got sprung in the police raids down the Gold Coast today?

    It was due to happen with the amount of details some idiots put in their After Reports.

    I rest my case!

  2. #2
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Brisbane is next on the constabulary to do list fir the same reason above!

  3. #3
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    I’m sorry but I fail to see the connection u r making. Do u think the only reason authorities are aware of the massage scene in the southeast is because of punters giving somewhat detailed after reports. And if we were more cryptic or provided less information it would not of happened. This form is a discussion for these shops and services. Regardless of what is said. Also I would say that over 90% of posts are for Brisbane so it should of been the place getting raided if it was based on form activity.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy thumb View Post
    I’m sorry but I fail to see the connection u r making. Do u think the only reason authorities are aware of the massage scene in the southeast is because of punters giving somewhat detailed after reports. And if we were more cryptic or provided less information it would not of happened. This form is a discussion for these shops and services. Regardless of what is said. Also I would say that over 90% of posts are for Brisbane so it should of been the place getting raided if it was based on form activity.
    If you can not comprehend what I am saying then I am unable to assist.
    Any information the “Authorities” can glean from from forums like this one assists in investigations. The more detail the better!
    Brisbane has had its share of raids over the last 5+ years and as I said in my post it is top of the agenda as a “location of interest” now.
    As Ripley once said “Believe it or not”, up to you Tommy!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digger View Post
    If you can not comprehend what I am saying then I am unable to assist.
    Any information the “Authorities” can glean from from forums like this one assists in investigations. The more detail the better!
    Brisbane has had its share of raids over the last 5+ years and as I said in my post it is top of the agenda as a “location of interest” now.
    As Ripley once said “Believe it or not”, up to you Tommy!
    yeah I mean.. prior to this forum existing raids never ever happened.. what glorious years those must have been for punters and MLs alike....

  6. #6
    Junior Member(有D料到) tigrys's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure the authorities would only have to read some of the shop ads on locanto etc... They would get a fair idea of what could be happening... They leave just enough to the imagination. And its not like this anything new. The Coast is most likely making it look like they are cleaning up for the Commonwealth Games next year.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigrys View Post
    I am pretty sure the authorities would only have to read some of the shop ads on locanto etc... They would get a fair idea of what could be happening... They leave just enough to the imagination. And its not like this anything new. The Coast is most likely making it look like they are cleaning up for the Commonwealth Games next year.
    yes that what there doing may be to come

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digger View Post
    Brisbane is next on the constabulary to do list fir the same reason above!
    They don't have much choice! Its either that or sunshine coast

  9. #9
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    There is nothing to connect the activities on GC to what might happen in Brisbane, they are totally different scenarios.
    The only way Brisbane will get dragged into the G activities is the influx of GC owners into Brisbane.

    GC raids are all about bikies and the comment above about cleaning up GC for the Com Games also makes sense. GC shops were causing a lot of problems with local businesses by staff soliciting people on the street etc. That is totally different to Brisbane. The shops in Brisbane that are getting more risque with their advertising are asking for unwanted attention, but I just don't see it turning into industry wide raids as was the case in GC.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecchi.gaijin View Post
    There is nothing to connect the activities on GC to what might happen in Brisbane, they are totally different scenarios.
    The only way Brisbane will get dragged into the G activities is the influx of GC owners into Brisbane.

    GC raids are all about bikies and the comment above about cleaning up GC for the Com Games also makes sense. GC shops were causing a lot of problems with local businesses by staff soliciting people on the street etc. That is totally different to Brisbane. The shops in Brisbane that are getting more risque with their advertising are asking for unwanted attention, but I just don't see it turning into industry wide raids as was the case in GC.
    The recent police raids have nothing to do with bikie links; that was the purpose of raids a couple of years ago!
    The interested parties in last weeks raids were Police and Australian Customs and Border Protection Services regarding illegal sex services and visa violations, respectively.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digger View Post
    The recent police raids have nothing to do with bikie links; that was the purpose of raids a couple of years ago!
    The interested parties in last weeks raids were Police and Australian Customs and Border Protection Services regarding illegal sex services and visa violations, respectively.

    I hear the ATO are also now involved......

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brisguy72 View Post
    I hear the ATO are also now involved......
    To be honest, I'm surprised the ATO isn't involved more often.

    As I've mentioned before, when the girl leaves the room after tucking a hundred bucks in her bra, she's not heading straight to her accountant to declare her income.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digger View Post
    The recent police raids have nothing to do with bikie links; that was the purpose of raids a couple of years ago!
    The interested parties in last weeks raids were Police and Australian Customs and Border Protection Services regarding illegal sex services and visa violations, respectively.
    "Detective Inspector Lance Vercoe said the police sting, known as Operation Papa Validate, would now shift to examine links between the businesses and possible connections to organised crime."

    Gold Coast raids are always about bikies. That is why GC sees many more raids than Brisbane. Police know they can't stop the industry entirely, but they can use the industry to hurt bikies and other organised crime syndicates. Similarly they know how difficult it is to pursue prostitution charges so they always involve ABF in their raids because that is the easiest way to get any sort of outcome.

    "A lot of the time the girls don't provide assistance to police in terms of talking about the management, or who's running them, or who's made arrangements for their flights to Australia or flights to Queensland, or who pays for their accommodation."
    This is more specific to GC because the bikies etc actually recruit staff overseas and organise their visa, flights, accommodation etc here. This is less prevalent/non existent in Brisbane as most staff turn to massage work after they already arrived on their own.

    The ATO will generally only get involved with an owner as the girls will have minimal cash on them as opposed to an owner having much more cash/assets they can trace and use to estimate their actual income from.

  14. #14
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    "He said information coming from businesses and members of the public helped to tip them off so they could target specific locations."

    This is what Digger is referring to. They can't use stories on here to convict anyone, but they can use it to narrow down their searches to give the highest probability of success.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyp View Post
    To be honest, I'm surprised the ATO isn't involved more often.

    As I've mentioned before, when the girl leaves the room after tucking a hundred bucks in her bra, she's not heading straight to her accountant to declare her income.
    I doubt the ATO are interested at that level. The Girls if allowed to work (on their visas) are mostly students and wouldn't earn enough to pay tax anyway. I also doubt that the shops dodge tax any more than any other cash based service.
    I'd say it's political pressure that brought this on.

  16. #16
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    Jnk has hit the nail on the head. With the upcoming state election labor will be out to show it can tackle the crime issues on the coast. They will need to win seats there to hold on to power. Brothel owners also have a lot more pull on the coast then Brisbane. You only have to read how many stories the bulletin publishes about the shops. With this being said I have always found it ironic that a Fedral MP has his office in the same building as a often talked about shop.

  17. #17
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    its political pressure, in the last few month there have been several articles in the gc bulletin about illegal massage and the effect on legal brothels also legal brothels have complained to their local mp and councilor ,CW Dawn Critchlow made a comment i think 2 weeks ago that the GC need to clamp down on this and she questioned what the police were doing we will have a month or so of raids some shops will close (jeez theirs enough off em) and then it will probably settle down over xmas police too busy then in lead up CM games will be another crack down ,its all political.Also of the 4 or so shops i have frequently visited over the years non of them according to the girls and owners had anything to do with bikies ,these were some of the more long standing ones so who knows about the mass of new ones that have opened in last year or so .

  18. #18
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    Posters here can say all they like about the Gold Coast being targeted for various reasons, but Brisbane is in the cross hairs, “Believe it or not”!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnk View Post
    I doubt the ATO are interested at that level. The Girls if allowed to work (on their visas) are mostly students and wouldn't earn enough to pay tax anyway. I also doubt that the shops dodge tax any more than any other cash based service.
    I'd say it's political pressure that brought this on.
    Are you joking? lol

    MLs earn a CRAP LOAD more than $18000 a year. ML's who only get 3 customers a day for 3 days a week will earn about $15000 just from the shop let alone the tips. The average ML will earn $50K+ and the popular MLs are earning between $100K and $200K.
    The tax free amount is only for student visa holders. Working holiday visa holders are subject to the new backpacker taxes so the ATO are SPECIFICALLY interested in them.

  20. #20
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    Ummm yeah I know quite few mls who travel for hols oversea business class round trip not cheap

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