Sharing personal experience, Many of us I guess been thru, same.

Seen 1 Slim Chiniese, last year. Pretty by looks, 22 to 23, booked her for 30 mins, Went well, extended time, She did standard Extras, without mentioning tips, so took option 2, Didn't pay tips as Not enough spare coins, Asked her no. And planned to meet up outside, next day for dinner & Drinks. She agreed. Next day Picked her up as soon as she finished her shift, Went for dinner & Drinks, $70 down. Went for movie after $30 down, so total $90 down, Spent some time, Later at night when about to have sex, She refused, and said if I want sex that gonna coast me $200, And I asked her why she didn't tell me before, However, Agreed for $100, and Acted like a dead Fish, No feelings, no emotions. Worst sex ever. Dropped her back, and never saw her again. Why some ML see us Like A live ATM ???