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Thread: Drug testing for the dole?

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Drug testing for the dole?

    I do not agree with this practice.

    Putting people who are already struggling mentally and financially, on to a pedestal wearing a dunce cap labeled "Drug Abuser", is not the answer.
    If they are already using drugs, and dont have regard for their future, then expect an increase in home invasions and many other crimes, if you take away their benefits.

  2. #2
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    it’s invasive and not in anyway a threshold that should be used to exclude and penalise

    If implemented could then be used for people on any form of welfare including pensioners (&#128580 students , sgl parents , or recipients of family benefits etc

    farcical policy think tank shite

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Tough one. I'm a firm believer in drug decriminalisation and personal choice.

    However equally I don't want to see welfare (paid for by my tax dollars) to be wasted or used to fund criminal enterprise.
    Even moreso where the recipient has kids and drug use is diverting funds away from them.

    Same reason why I support the welfare cards not being able to be used for booze or cigarettes.. If its your own money do as you will, if its a handout, use it productively.

  4. #4
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    ^ This.

    It is a tough one.

    I think if you're on welfare and you are supporting a family and you are wasting your money on getting wasted at the expense of your kids wellbeing then please step up so I can kick some damn sense into you.

    Having said that, I have had problems some decades ago with excessive drinking and some years after that, a cannabis addiction. I'm coming clean here for what it's worth - no moral high ground. I didn't have kids or a steady partner at the time, it just me and the dog, who was looked after better than me I think. I know how hard it is to beat a habit. I also get it must be hard for someone on welfare to deprive themselves of the same fun that everyone around is having.

    Here's a solution, how about instead of the geniuses in the government spending money on drug testing welfare recipients, how about they spend that money helping people kick their habits? Okay, it won't work for all that decide to give it a go, but surely it's a step in the right direction. And it's not as if drug test a dole recipient is going to be foolproof. If drug abuse is such as issue, then how about positive action instead of kicking a bloke when they're down.

    Maybe if reality wasn't so f**king depressing less people would try to avoid it?


  5. #5
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    If you withold their dole money they will need to brake into your house or car to earn living, or some other criminal act, or sell their bodies if anyone will pay.
    If you give them dole money will they spend all of it on drugs or just some ? It will be a mix.
    So on balance I think it i better for society as a whole to give them the money. Without a safety net society becomes more fragmented and more dangerous.

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    i dont want my tax money to fund them for the drug, end of story

  7. #7
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    There is no merit to the policy, but that doesn’t matter.
    It’s purely a populist policy.
    Morrison has a background in advertising.
    He knows that people are full of fear, greed, insecurity, ignorance, aspiration, envy, and prejudice.
    Advertisers know this and use it to sell people billions of dollars worth of stuff.
    Politicians who know this also get elected time and time again.

  8. #8
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostinblonde View Post
    i dont want my tax money to fund them for the drug, end of story
    So they will break into your house looking for things that will fund their habit.

  9. #9
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    There is a lot ignorance being shown here.

    The "dole" is not cut off. When 1 positive test is returned the person is placed on Income Management for 24 months and tested again in 25 days. Trial participants who test positive twice to a testable drug will be referred to a medical professional for treatment.

    Income Management limits the amount of money people can withdraw as cash, with the remaining funds quarantined for the purchase of essentials for themselves and their families – such as rent, childcare, food, school uniforms and household needs. No cash to buy drugs!!

    It only applies to Youth Allowance and Newstart. No other forms of welfare will be affected

  10. #10
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostinblonde View Post
    i dont want my tax money to fund them for the drug, end of story
    Your tax money already does. What do you think most people with substance use disorder do with their benefit now?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Immortal View Post
    There is a lot ignorance being shown here.

    The "dole" is not cut off. When 1 positive test is returned the person is placed on Income Management for 24 months and tested again in 25 days. Trial participants who test positive twice to a testable drug will be referred to a medical professional for treatment.

    Income Management limits the amount of money people can withdraw as cash, with the remaining funds quarantined for the purchase of essentials for themselves and their families – such as rent, childcare, food, school uniforms and household needs. No cash to buy drugs!!

    It only applies to Youth Allowance and Newstart. No other forms of welfare will be affected
    Still policy wonks

    and why not role it out to other welfare areas.

  12. #12
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by liminal View Post
    Still policy wonks

    and why not role it out to other welfare areas.
    Because it costs an absolute fortune. The government will not only pay for the administration of the scheme, the staff, the actual tests (probably will use saliva tests like the police), increased salaries to staff in public Drug Health clinics and detox units when the influx hits and still pays the full benefit to the recipients.

    That's going to cost a bomb and when it's all said and done taxpayers will still be paying but at least it will go a fair way to drying up available cash to people to buy drugs.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Immortal View Post
    Because it costs an absolute fortune. The government will not only pay for the administration of the scheme, the staff, the actual tests (probably will use saliva tests like the police), increased salaries to staff in public Drug Health clinics and detox units when the influx hits and still pays the full benefit to the recipients.

    That's going to cost a bomb and when it's all said and done taxpayers will still be paying but at least it will go a fair way to drying up available cash to people to buy drugs.
    Yes Minister

    So we will likely pay more adding to the burdened system as it is in order to not save anything ?

  14. #14
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostinblonde View Post
    i dont want my tax money to fund them for the drug, end of story
    What about alcohol and cigarettes ...

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Forget the drugs ,alcohol & cigarettes .How do they pay for a PUNT ?????

  16. #16
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Test all people from GG to the person in the street then is fair.

  17. #17
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    If you genuinely become unemployed and have a history of permanent employment for a period of time you should be excluded, if you have been on the dole for more than say two years, with no disability or extenuating surcamstances that inhibit you from being employed than you should be questioned of all manner of things before being tested for drugs, and then yes tested for drugs also, there is a systemic and endemic small populace that take advantage of our good natured social benefits in this country and that is a fact.
    Each case on its merit .........

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuryYourDead View Post
    I do not agree with this practice.

    Putting people who are already struggling mentally and financially, on to a pedestal wearing a dunce cap labeled "Drug Abuser", is not the answer.
    If they are already using drugs, and dont have regard for their future, then expect an increase in home invasions and many other crimes, if you take away their benefits.
    Government is trailing it in the areas that are expected find so called "junkies". Therefore it is easier for the government will implement it.

    I don't agree with it...

  19. #19
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Government is introducing a welfare debit card with restrictions on what you spend your welfare money on

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Interesting views.
    Even restricting access to funds will result in an increase in crime.
    They did try this in America, and failed miserably.

    Funny story..... this past weekend they took sniffer dogs into the casino for the first time.
    And they caught an off duty cop with cocaine.
    Sniff Off!

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