Quote Originally Posted by liminal View Post
Lovely narrative and welcome

So this lovely yumi did have more than just massage skills and sex magic and is now plying her considerable talents in the Sydney finance sector

Great to see that you both moved on to other alternates..bigger and better

So out of curiosity and as she seemed to offer a whole lot more .. knowing what you now know . That is Yumi could support herself and is, would you have called it off?

Was she studying at the time or already qualified/degreed.
She was already qualified. But due to a string of bad decisions and bad luck couldn’t work legally here. She is also a massive scatterbrain in a lot of ways! It’s actually her best and worst quality. Best because it means she is in the moment and really easy to have fun with, worst as she tends to get herself into disastrous situations (one of the things that was difficult about being with her)

I’m still happy with the decision I made, I really don’t think it would’ve worked long term. But I wouldn’t change a moment, not even for all the pain, anxiety and sleepless nights ! Learnt a lot about life and love that year.