I prefer RnT then FS shops, tried FS twice at the start of my punting career (3 years ago) but didn’t feel comfortable. Maybe would be different now.

The fact MLs are not doing everything with everyone seems to be a “feel good” thing but that’s purely a mental thing as it’s pretty obvious most MLs at least for repeat customers are offering most extras equally (if not at equal prices!! YMMV and your prices may vary!)

With MLs I found it easier initially it’s just a massage and things go on from there so seems a natural transition. Although often now I skip part 1...

In either ML / WL both is a transaction for sexual services so under no illusions that this is anything else although I did get close to a couple of MLs in the past.

I think one of the earlier posts said once an ML knows their worth they go to FS .. I would question that.. I know a few top MLs and they are making more $$$ then they would as WLs.

@ellison $200!! yeh there are some MLs that try and pull a fast one. But i think some WLs would try that if they could.