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Thread: Is Craig Thomson for real?

  1. #21
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    He got confused with keeping your tax records for 7 years maybe... lol 6 years record of surveillance pffft!

  2. #22
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    I agree with your Charlie. Gillard government is the worst in our history - they brag about how well they steered Australia through the GFC, the truth is the Australian Economy was in better shape than any other economy in the world prior to the GFC (thanks to Howard and Costello), plus there was a massive pool of savings (which Rudd and Gillard wasted in record time) and no debt or deficit either. i like it how Labor and Labor voters can blame John Howard for everything still, but never their pathetic leaders. They blame Abbott now for dirty politics with Thomson - the truth is the dirty one here was Gillard for protecting him, because she new with a minority government, to exploit Thomson for his fraud would mean a by election in his seat, which the Libs will definitely win, and then hand power to them.

    i also do not agree that they (Libs) will be the most hated government after they win -- you will never find another government in our lifetime more hated than Gillard's reign (they knived a sitting and elected PM in Rudd -- so split their own vote and support base themselves), they renegged on promises with Wilkie (so lost his confidence), and of course the Lib-National voters will hate her and her party anyway!

    Bottom line, Thomson is a fraudster & liar and therefore needs to be exposed and should not hold public office. Gillard is accountable for trying to protect him, to cling onto government. Highly unethical, but Gillard will never be recorded as a highly moralistic politician.

  3. #23
    Junior Member(有D料到) 123kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Littlewonder View Post
    The moral of the story is don't use your credit card when you go to a brothel.
    Fucking Eh, Littlewonder! Cash Only is the moral to this story.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chucky View Post
    I agree with your Charlie. Gillard government is the worst in our history - they brag about how well they steered Australia through the GFC, the truth is the Australian Economy was in better shape than any other economy in the world prior to the GFC (thanks to Howard and Costello), plus there was a massive pool of savings (which Rudd and Gillard wasted in record time) and no debt or deficit either. i like it how Labor and Labor voters can blame John Howard for everything still, but never their pathetic leaders. They blame Abbott now for dirty politics with Thomson - the truth is the dirty one here was Gillard for protecting him, because she new with a minority government, to exploit Thomson for his fraud would mean a by election in his seat, which the Libs will definitely win, and then hand power to them.

    i also do not agree that they (Libs) will be the most hated government after they win -- you will never find another government in our lifetime more hated than Gillard's reign (they knived a sitting and elected PM in Rudd -- so split their own vote and support base themselves), they renegged on promises with Wilkie (so lost his confidence), and of course the Lib-National voters will hate her and her party anyway!

    Bottom line, Thomson is a fraudster & liar and therefore needs to be exposed and should not hold public office. Gillard is accountable for trying to protect him, to cling onto government. Highly unethical, but Gillard will never be recorded as a highly moralistic politician.
    Is that you Tony Abbott ? Haha

    I am quite a-political and find them all hypocritical lying bastards. Gillard is fighting for survival and Abbott is fighting for her job. Same shit, different story.

    My preference is to have a change in Government and give Malcolm Turnbull the gig. OMG Tony Abbott would be just embarrassing to lead us on the world stage. What a bible bashing weirdo !

  5. #25
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    I just want to make one point and one point only, before the last election, Julia said there will be NO carbon tax under her government!!

    This woman can not be trusted ever again, enough said

    Fxxking liar!!

  6. #26
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    Brother ahlungor - i thought you would have a soft spot in your heart for a big breasted woman like julia! You wouldnt say no to a r&t from the honorable pm would you?

  7. #27
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie123 View Post
    Brother ahlungor - i thought you would have a soft spot in your heart for a big breasted woman like julia! You wouldnt say no to a r&t from the honorable pm would you?
    Brother Charlie,

    My sexual desires towards Julia's gigantic tits should not clouded my opinions on her performance in doing the country's top job.

    On the other hand, i think JG will probably do a better Blow Job or hand job than the job as the PM, at least if she is doing a job on me, i dont mind getting screwed up by her. As long as she stops screwing this great country of ours!!

  8. #28
    Senior Member(無間使者) Thumper's Avatar
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    The suggestion that Brothels must keep CCTV footage for six years is utter bollocks.
    CCTV footage is not a business record relating to books and records as defined and required to be kept under the Corporations Act 2001 nor is it a record required to be kept under income tax legislation.
    Many places keep CCTV footage for only 7 days - especially those who tape each day on the same tape.

    Brothels request or require to see a drivers licence when someone pays with a card because:
    A Dickheads use stolen cards and
    B Lots of men try to pretend a brothel entry or multiple brothel entries on their card is a fraud or a mistake and try to get them all reversed when their boss or wife finds it.
    Bloody hard to reverse when the brother says "Sorry - the cardholder ID was confirmed by production of Drivers licence 12345"

    The man's story defies logic - especially other people using his phone

  9. #29
    Senior Member(無間使者) Thumper's Avatar
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    Final point - who wins because FWA takes three years to provide report?

    Thompson and other HSU members.

    Most non indictable offences require the police to lay their information - that is lay charges - in a period under three years.

    By fucking around - tampering with evidence - and delaying proper criminal investigation it is likely that the CDPP or DPP will never approve of criminal charges against Thompson and the HSU.

    As for Harmer's supporting both Jackson and Ashby that isn't a conspiracy. That is just Harmer's glory hunting. Shit - Fraser Kirk who took on David Jones lost a fortune to the "Dream Team" She went public and spent a fortune after the initial offer and didnt get one more red cent than that offer. Public fact.
    She got rooted - lost a bomb. Had to accept the original $850,00 offer and pay for Harmers team of spin doctors.
    Jackson and Ashby are not both pro Liberal or pro Labour - I'd say there is no synergy there other than Harmer greed.

  10. #30
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    Yeh i agree with a lot of what you say thumper, except i dont think thomson really benefited from the delay in finalising the report - there was never any suggestion he broke any laws.. also the delay strung the whole thing out in the media a lot longer than it otherwise would have .. this all would have long been forgotten is gillard dealt with it when allegations first came to light

  11. #31
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    Depends on whether the camera(s) are running all the time or just when a customer or movement is detected. 6 yrs would be hell of a lot of data.

  12. #32
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    I didn't know that you had to keep 6 years worth of cctv footage, I talk to a lot of the brothel owners and they all say after a week or two the hard drive just records over the old footage automatically.

    On a side note, I don't like the Labor government for two reasons.

    They don't know how to spend money (Pink Batts, NBN, Solar Panels, $900 hand outs) and two they don't know how to make money (super profits tax on miners, carbon tax, water tax ie murray darling river & desalination plant, increase speeding ticket fines).

  13. #33
    About 6 months ago when all the Bru-Ha-Ha was going on in the papers and four corners about forced sexual servitude supposedly going on there was one particular member in this forum with an Avatar which looked very much like the one and only politician being spoken about in this thread. He was a keen punter and was very articulate. I am in no way saying it was this fellow, but could someone with a bit of computer know-how maybe troll back through the archives and spot this individual and bring up the said Avatar. Stranger things have happened.........................

  14. #34
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    Ah Lungor - do you think Gillard has flat pink nipples, puffy ones, pointy ones or inverted ones?? I'm tipping large areola's! haha
    By the way, I agree that Malcolm Turnbull would be the best next Prime Minister of our country

  15. #35
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chucky View Post
    Ah Lungor - do you think Gillard has flat pink nipples, puffy ones, pointy ones or inverted ones?? I'm tipping large areola's! haha
    By the way, I agree that Malcolm Turnbull would be the best next Prime Minister of our country
    Why are you asking me this sort of questions about Julia's private parts, if you must know, you really should be talking to Tim, the country's first First Bloke!! he seems to be a happy chappy, there is no sign of sexual frustrations on his face, so he must be getting plenty from Julia or Julia's or his own PAs..................haha

    Wondering if there is any internship programs for young lady's in the PM's

    Without good customer services, there will be no business!!

    Directory of all my After Reports:

    This is what RnT is all about - photo thread:!!

  16. #36
    Senior Member(無間使者) Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onthebeach View Post
    About 6 months ago when all the Bru-Ha-Ha was going on in the papers and four corners about forced sexual servitude supposedly going on there was one particular member in this forum with an Avatar which looked very much like the one and only politician being spoken about in this thread. He was a keen punter and was very articulate. I am in no way saying it was this fellow, but could someone with a bit of computer know-how maybe troll back through the archives and spot this individual and bring up the said Avatar. Stranger things have happened.........................
    not that strange

  17. #37
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    A politician that could organise a root in a brothel - what's wrong with that?

    I was just thinking, what if Craig Thomson was a member on this Forum, who could it be. I suspect PaulC as he did disappear due to possible personal issues so this would explain it. There are other possibilities I guess, especially Bro's who go to brothels often and the expensive one's. Does anyone else have any ideas of Craig's member name.

  18. #38
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Hi brother DI,

    Absolutely nothing wrong with any politician or any man for that matter to have a good time in a brothel or using escorts, who are we to pass judgement? And my hero Tiger Woods is a perfect example, i think most people envy his endless resources for punting and wish that we can have a life like his.

    The difference is, you and I and Tiger punt with our own money and CT was stealing and misusing union funds, if he would have paid his way out of his own salary then who the fuck cares??

  19. #39
    Senior Member(無間使者) Steven Seagal's Avatar
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    I am a Craig Thompson fan

    Hi ALL,

    Let me just make a few points here in defence of Craig Thompson. There is no doubt that he is the victim of a wide range conspiracy against him designed to destroy him personally and politically.

    Why do others want to destroy him? Well first of all, when he was involved in the union he served as a role model for its members who do all the shithouse work in the hospital system. His lifestyle was one that said : “If you can’t pay cash for it – Steal it”. He assisted the exploited daydreamers in the union to see that:

    • If you’re greedy and play your cards (credit cards) right you too can stay in fine hotels and fuck little WL winches in the arse without paying a dime of your own money.
    • You too can have a lavish lifestyle of eating in restaurants and consuming oysters natural until your cock permanently resides at attention.
    • You too can buy a great wardrobe that suits a man of your calibre.
    • You too can run up phone bills to high heaven and laugh at the underlings that foot the bill.
    • You too can hob knob with the thugs of the local Labor Party branch and buy yourself pre-pre-selection for a seat in Parliament and run a campaign off someone else’s hard earned money paid in union fees.
    • You can do all this and laugh your arse off at the thought of one of your union members cleaning the shit out of bed pans every day.

    Other members of the union felt threatened by Thompson being such a positive role model and reformer within the union. It made them look pathetic when they took a cab rather than a limo. They appeared to be stupid when they paid for their own whores and had to go to Billy’s of Marrickville instead of Tiffany’s in Surry Hills.

    And who were the others out to destroy him? Clearly there were those within Federal Labor who see him as a threat, His razor whit and snappy repartee had not been seen in those parts since Keating left and took all his ‘scumbag’ comments with him. Thompson was clearly a rising star and oak tree developing and had to be lopped off.

    And Tony Abbott? Yes, he feared the brilliant mind, great oratory and political savvy of Thompson. He trembled at the thought of Thompson making a fool of him on the floor of the house. Abbott even thought with foes like Turnbull and Thompson, his days were numbered unless he dealt with one of them. The fact that Thompson never invited him to go whoring to Tiffany’s created such rancour in Abbot that he had to clone Thompson’s prick and write that 1,100 page report.

    When I watched Thompson on TV. giving his side of things my heart raced. Surely the Australian public can see Craig Thompson is a man for our time. He has taken the greedy practices of the big shots on Wall Street and applied them to the small potatoes of Australian unionism and Canberrian politics.. For that alone he deserves our praise.

    Tears streamed down my cheeks as I heard his voice break. The image of Chanel 7 News people filming his wife showering was almost too much to bear. Yes, his voice broke and my heart went out to him. Why must Craig be crucified on the cross of those filthy Sydney tabloids? Why must we endure the self righteous Alan Jones throwing brickbats at him like Jeff Thompson used to throw bouncers? Why are there not people from Hillsong reaching out to give him a free Gloria Jean’s coffee? (Note: I admire the fact he never pays for anything with his own money.)

    Don’t give in Craig. Fight them all until your last breath and carry on until you depart this mortal coil to that all expenses paid trip to heaven or wherever you wind up!


  20. #40
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    Hi Ahlungor,

    Well we should all get real about this situation. How many fucks around the world are paid for by businesses - take a client out or visitor from other country to a brothel or they take us, there is absolutely nothing unusual about that and I am sure that many Bro's here have been part of that as have I as receiving it as part of time spent with a supplier and paying for a client. Guilty as charged but I don't feel guilty about it at all.

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