Hi All,

First, sorry that I have not posted many reviews, hopefully the reasons for that will become clear. I just have to get this off my chest, somehow, if it is at all possible.

I’ve been secretly punting for years. Secretly, because I’m married with 3 young kids.

Anyway, I’ve had it all, hot, not-so-hot, high end, low end blah blah... This has been going on for eleven years I must have been with easily over 70 women, maybe more than 100 lost count. It was an addiction I had developed, one I wanted to be rid of.

In all this time I have not developed feelings for any of them even though with some I had good chemistry and very much enjoyed them. I thought I was immune to catching feelings, until recently.

I met this young Japanese ML and only saw her twice but I was smitten hard, like seriously considering the option of leaving my poor family. I do stress the words ‘considering’ and ‘option’. I found myself missing and yearning to see her. Feelings I have not felt in Probably 15 years.

I was going to see her today and planning on getting her contact details, which I believe I would have been successful in doing as I could tell she really liked me too. I was planning this for fear that the shop would be closed down and she’d return to Japan. Well they were open till just now and I had a bad feeling which was confirmed when they told me they’re closing indefinitely. I will probably never see her again, which is good for my marriage, I suppose lol

My heart has been rent asunder. I wandered the streets near the shop vainly hoping that our paths might cross but it was not to be.

Just as I thought I was beyond romantic feelings, I also thought I was beyond romantic heartbreak, but I can now feel its painful sting, rather acutely.

I really don’t think I can ever punt again, which is a good thing I suppose.