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Thread: Face mask

  1. #21
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty4 View Post
    Spot on WhatsApp.....that is what is perplexing....with wave one constant message was to not use mask...
    I’m sure that with a lot of the changed messaging that the difference between the advice in say April compared to now is around the availability of masks rather than their effectiveness.

    Similar story with getting tested. In the first few months you had to meet strict certain criteria to get a test, that was solely because test kits were In very limited supply. Now they encourage people to go have a test at the smallest sign of any flu/cold like symptom. Reason we now have plenty of kits in stock.

  2. #22
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brotherjim View Post
    I’m sure that with a lot of the changed messaging that the difference between the advice in say April compared to now is around the availability of masks rather than their effectiveness.

    Similar story with getting tested. In the first few months you had to meet strict certain criteria to get a test, that was solely because test kits were In very limited supply. Now they encourage people to go have a test at the smallest sign of any flu/cold like symptom. Reason we now have plenty of kits in stock.
    Very good points brother Jim !

    Back in February and March, you simply can’t buy masks in Sydney , so the Health Officials couldn’t have suggested the general public to wear masks in order to avoid more panic !

    Same with the testing , back in March, at one stage I had some very minor symptoms so I went to the St Vincent tried to get tested , the people there asked a lot of questions including the rules that as soon as I got the test I have to head straight back home and stay there for 14 days quarantine, basically he had succeeded in talking me out of it as I couldn’t be bothered in the end . I think that had to do with the limited resources they got at the time so didn’t want to waste any kit on people who didn’t really need to be tested ? And now, they want to test as many as they can !

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    Very good points brother Jim !

    Back in February and March, you simply can’t buy masks in Sydney , so the Health Officials couldn’t have suggested the general public to wear masks in order to avoid more panic !

    Same with the testing , back in March, at one stage I had some very minor symptoms so I went to the St Vincent tried to get tested , the people there asked a lot of questions including the rules that as soon as I got the test I have to head straight back home and stay there for 14 days quarantine, basically he had succeeded in talking me out of it as I couldn’t be bothered in the end . I think that had to do with the limited resources they got at the time so didn’t want to waste any kit on people who didn’t really need to be tested ? And now, they want to test as many as they can !
    That's not a fair assessment...just because it's available in plenty does not mean it is required...let me just clarify...i am more interested in knowing how airborne virus can be contained using mask... droplets hands down mask wins.

  4. #24
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    agree, the problem is that early this year, they say the face mask is useless, doesnt help but now they say it helps,

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chatswood2067 View Post
    agree, the problem is that early this year, they say the face mask is useless, doesnt help but now they say it helps,
    Mask efficacy has never been the issue - that’s why it’s used in medical environments where transmission needs to be managed

    We are all in a situation that requires management

    Previous points made on availability is spot on. We now have adequate supply chain.

    What’s the issue - Incorrect specification purchase and fitment and use.

    It’s one of a few cheap easily delivered managed public health solutions along with CORRECT hand washing, distancing , minimising your footprint .Blah blah

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty4 View Post
    That's not a fair assessment...just because it's available in plenty does not mean it is required...let me just clarify...i am more interested in knowing how airborne virus can be contained using mask... droplets hands down mask wins.
    Pretty sure when they say it's airborne. They meant the virus are in droplets of our saliva carried in the air.

    Hence the case where one infected choir singer infected 50 others when they all didn't wear masks.

    The mask will filter the droplets such that it doesn't get into our respiratory system.

    Air or gases however, i.e. oxygen, etc can still get through the mask including fart which is carbon dioxide, methane... gases. The virus doesn't float in the air by itself.

    As they say it's chemistry my dear Watsons...

  7. #27
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    Is there real explanation by doctors or something?

    Um... would like to know how to stay away from virus.

    I guess no one knows, otherwise there would be medicine for it already... ?

    Me and coco went to do the test, we are ok

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mulanbaby View Post
    Is there real explanation by doctors or something?

    Um... would like to know how to stay away from virus.

    I guess no one knows, otherwise there would be medicine for it already... ?

    Me and coco went to do the test, we are ok
    How to stay away from the virus? Well that would be remain in absolute isolation.

    Largely however not feasible for most of the population for any significant duration

    There is plenty of medical information around what the virus does outside of the host, and ways to minimise exposure.

    As for successful vaccine treatment… As there ever been a successful vaccine treatment for a coronavirus?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by originalmj23 View Post
    In a forum where punters openly talks about DFK, DATY, BBBJ etc, who would have thought they are encouraging other people to wear a mask to protect themselves from a so called "virus" that you will catch through droplets in the air through your eyes, mouth and nose.
    "So called virus"? Okay, would you like to talk to my sister who is an ICU nurse and is seeing what this "so called virus" is doing to people on a daily basis? Seeing fit 30 year olds "recover" to have nerve damage or lung scarring.

    You will be asked to wear PPE but the foil hat is optional.

    Quote Originally Posted by originalmj23 View Post
    The science on whether masks work to protect us is debatable at best. Yet we are all brainwashed to believe they are the ultimate solution that will help us beat this virus and will be forced to wear one. If you have not figured out by now that there are shenanigans behind this whole virus saga, then you need to do a proper research and consider views outside the mainstream/goverment narrative.
    Face palm... Yep. 5G, Bill Gates, forced vaccines and cashless society, forced socialism and one world government.


  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by chatswood2067 View Post
    agree, the problem is that early this year, they say the face mask is useless, doesnt help but now they say it helps,
    Earlier this year the cases were largely returned travellers that could be quarantined. Now its community transmission where the control of the spread is reliant on people wearing masks. Masks are effective to prevent the spread from an asymptomatic carrier.

    You are right though, there has been a shift in thinking about the effectiveness of masks. The medical community is trying to come to terms with this and they are seeing new things every week. Just because they are learning as they go doesn't negate them endeavouring to work with government to get the message out as to what is effective control.

    You can take some comfort in the fact that dedicated people all around the world sharing their findings in the best interest of humanity. Or listen to the whack jobs who think wearing a mask is bad because [insert any one of the thousand crackpot theories here].


  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty4 View Post
    That's not a fair assessment...just because it's available in plenty does not mean it is required...let me just clarify...i am more interested in knowing how airborne virus can be contained using mask... droplets hands down mask wins.
    Correct just because we have them doesn’t mean we need them. But again the issue before was one of supply. The message was don’t use them but that was mostly (propaganda) if you will to discourage people from buying up all the masks. Indeed think about it even elective surgery was cancelled around the nation for the sole reason of preserving scarce PPE.

    As for your question about masks etc I would have thought the explanations others have given have it covered.

    But basically to get Covid the virus needs to get from someone who has it into you via your eyes nose or mouth.

    Someone who has it could cough or sneeze in your direction and it could go in directly or they cough or sneeze on something you touch it, you touch your eyes, pick your nose or suck you thumb and voila transfer has happened.

    A mask of the type we every day people are being asked to wear may not stop you getting it but if someone who has Covid is wearing one it will minimise the amount of particles that make it from theOr mouth or nose into the air. And whilst as I said it may not stop you getting it it will help minimise contact you may have anyway this reducing the chances.

    And good hand washing and sanitizer is to kill the virus if you touch it. Good clean hands with sanitiser has a defencive effect too.

    And of course there is social distancing. Keeping the hell away from people also makes it hard to get it.

  12. #32
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mulanbaby View Post
    Me and coco went to do the test, we are ok
    You are only safe until the next person or object carrying the virus you come in contact with.

    Same risk as STIs.

    Masks may not protect you if you touch a surface that has been contaminated.

  13. #33
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty4 View Post
    That's not a fair assessment...just because it's available in plenty does not mean it is required...let me just clarify...i am more interested in knowing how airborne virus can be contained using mask... droplets hands down mask wins.
    Quote Originally Posted by mulanbaby View Post
    Is there real explanation by doctors or something?

    Um... would like to know how to stay away from virus.

    I guess no one knows, otherwise there would be medicine for it already... ?

    Me and coco went to do the test, we are ok
    Zero point getting tested unless you have good reason to believe you have been exposed. Getting tested otherwise is a waste of resources and money and serves no purpose. Because even with a negative result you may well have already been exposed and it is incubating or alternatively the moment you have had your test you may come into exposure from someone else. So really pointless unless you really believe you have it.

    Oh and it ain’t the nicest test to have either. I had a test last year that is similar and they basically stick a bid up into your nose and push and twist it until it comes out at the back of your throat. Not comfortable at all.

    As for how to keep away from the virus I really shake my head in disbelief at the comment. For many many months not daily we have been told what to do. I’ll simply fit keep the hell away from people as much as possible, wash your hands at every opportunity and don’t touch your face.

    And in the context of sex work make sure a clients saliva or snot comes no where near you but especially your eyes nose and mouth.

  14. #34
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forward Must Hang View Post

    Face palm... Yep. 5G, Bill Gates, forced vaccines and cashless society, forced socialism and one world government.

    5G radiation goes straight into our RNA which causes the novel coronavirus. Vaccines are also a medium for Bill Gates to control and read our minds.


  15. #35
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    Masks are not 100% effective, it is true. Same is true for condoms. How many of you bareback your WL?

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by altvmla View Post
    5G radiation goes straight into our RNA which causes the novel coronavirus. Vaccines are also a medium for Bill Gates to control and read our minds.

    Absolutely True !

    And you know how to prevent 5G radiation & Bill Gates ??

    Wrap your whole body in Aluminium Foil (Those ppl that stock up on toilet paper to wrap themselves up, got it so wrong). That way 5G radiation can't get into your RNA and Bill can't get a good reception from your brainwaves

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eclipsefun View Post
    Masks are not 100% effective, it is true. Same is true for condoms. How many of you bareback your WL?
    There was also a study that mentioned that even if you do contract covid while wearing a mask, it reduces the severity.

    I find people that are against masks also tend to be anti vaxxers or climate change deniers. Not everything is a conspiracy. But hey soak up Putin's misinformation campaign.

  18. #38
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by altvmla View Post
    There was also a study that mentioned that even if you do contract covid while wearing a mask, it reduces the severity.

    I find people that are against masks also tend to be anti vaxxers or climate change deniers. Not everything is a conspiracy. But hey soak up Putin's misinformation campaign.
    Agreed. There are literally dozens and dozens of peer reviewed studies published on quality journals regarding the efficacy of masks. They aren't hard to find.
    Posting a video from a known Russian owned conspiracy theorist media outlet (RT) as some sort of evidence isn't going against mainstream media, it is swallowing garbage from a "news" source that has routinely been caught spreading misinformation that supports whatever Putin's current agenda may be.
    The only question mark over masks has been how effective they are to constant exposure over a long period, such as with frontline health workers dealing with long shifts of constant exposure, in that instance respirators were recommended in one study.
    Masks, combined with hand washing and social distancing, work.

  19. #39
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Those tin foil hat nutters make me laugh.
    The extreme right and extreme left both love conspiracy theories.
    They are still probably looking for Elvis working in a burger joint somewhere in the Northern Territory, with Jim Morrison around the back frying the chips

  20. #40
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by altvmla View Post
    There was also a study that mentioned that even if you do contract covid while wearing a mask, it reduces the severity.

    I find people that are against masks also tend to be anti vaxxers or climate change deniers. Not everything is a conspiracy. But hey soak up Putin's misinformation campaign.
    Got any links to this report? Reason I ask is it makes no sense as to how a mask could reduce the severity of a Covid attack. What effects the severity is how well/fast your body can a) recognise it is being attacked and b) produce the antibodies fast enough and in sufficient quantities to fight it before it has damaged you.

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