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Thread: Investment the long game

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Investment the long game

    Went to one of my regular shops recently and saw by chance a ML whom I had quite a few nice sessions with before. On entering the room she comes out with " I'm sorry but I can't give you what we normally do". We have a short discussion about whats available and I decide to leave. She said most girls are shit scared of close contact and getting the virus, many won't work and those that do will only do whats the bare minimum. In her words - "get them in, pull em and get them out" lol
    I reach into my wallet and pull out a pineapple and hand it over. She thanks me and I walk out the room. At the door she touches my shoulder and says looking me straight in the eye " I won't forget".
    She's got about 2 years left of study in Bris. Have I blown $50 or made an investment for the future ( rhetorical) ?

  2. #2
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Professor View Post
    Went to one of my regular shops recently and saw by chance a ML whom I had quite a few nice sessions with before. On entering the room she comes out with " I'm sorry but I can't give you what we normally do". We have a short discussion about whats available and I decide to leave. She said most girls are shit scared of close contact and getting the virus, many won't work and those that do will only do whats the bare minimum. In her words - "get them in, pull em and get them out" lol
    I reach into my wallet and pull out a pineapple and hand it over. She thanks me and I walk out the room. At the door she touches my shoulder and says looking me straight in the eye " I won't forget".
    She's got about 2 years left of study in Bris. Have I blown $50 or made an investment for the future ( rhetorical) ?
    Is that only the girls in that particular shop proff? Ive been to 8 different shops since reopen and not one mention of being worried about covid. Appart from the reg book at front and hand sani business as usual.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by reddoor View Post
    Is that only the girls in that particular shop proff? Ive been to 8 different shops since reopen and not one mention of being worried about covid. Appart from the reg book at front and hand sani business as usual.
    Same, If anything recently are more hungry to work because of lack of from the past few months. Have never had any girls say they are worried about catching COVID in the shop. Could be genuine, could be just was just pulling your heart strings for easy cash and no work.

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    i think you were played!!

  5. #5
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Based on the last 6 months my visits to a variety of shops things like DFK and what I would call GFE have declined significantly. Maybe its just my luck, maybe its the shops I am going to, who knows?
    I think a lot hinges on what you call a good experience - some might think a nhj with a smiling ML is a good experience. When I was 18 I would say that was, today ...well.

  6. #6
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by pommychris View Post
    i think you were played!!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Professor View Post
    Went to one of my regular shops recently and saw by chance a ML whom I had quite a few nice sessions with before. On entering the room she comes out with " I'm sorry but I can't give you what we normally do". We have a short discussion about whats available and I decide to leave. She said most girls are shit scared of close contact and getting the virus, many won't work and those that do will only do whats the bare minimum. In her words - "get them in, pull em and get them out" lol
    I reach into my wallet and pull out a pineapple and hand it over. She thanks me and I walk out the room. At the door she touches my shoulder and says looking me straight in the eye " I won't forget".
    She's got about 2 years left of study in Bris. Have I blown $50 or made an investment for the future ( rhetorical) ?
    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

  7. #7
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Professor View Post
    Went to one of my regular shops recently and saw by chance a ML whom I had quite a few nice sessions with before. On entering the room she comes out with " I'm sorry but I can't give you what we normally do". We have a short discussion about whats available and I decide to leave. She said most girls are shit scared of close contact and getting the virus, many won't work and those that do will only do whats the bare minimum. In her words - "get them in, pull em and get them out" lol
    I reach into my wallet and pull out a pineapple and hand it over. She thanks me and I walk out the room. At the door she touches my shoulder and says looking me straight in the eye " I won't forget".
    She's got about 2 years left of study in Bris. Have I blown $50 or made an investment for the future ( rhetorical) ?
    I think it is a sales game. Put your money in enough pots and you will find opportunities develop.

    In another country I got played by a girl I had seen twice, and my mate had also seen. I met her at MCD as she needed to pay her rent before coming to see me. I stupidly paid the money and went home to wait for her. She never showed again. Another girl I did give money upfront for a licence renewal and I received 4x value from her.

    So it's hard to generalise on this specific girl. For the covid excuse though, apart from girls using more hand santiser and mouthwash, seems to be game on

  8. #8
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    expecting a $50 investment to pay off? I wouldn't bet on it

    girls that are still working either needs the money or just do it because it's easier money than most other jobs

    it's just a money game and $50 isn't going to cut it...

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I think you might do OK out of it next time....if she remembers.

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I would say the investment only pays if you if you regularly see her; otherwise, she will forget..

    i have overtipped in the past thinking i'm playing the long game, but then i lose interest and realising i'm trying to play the long term with a ML - not the best idea.
    I always inaccurately describe the times and dates of my visits

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    You paid $50 for a feel-good moment. Who is not appreciating $50 easy cash?

  12. #12
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4FoW2 View Post
    Based on the last 6 months my visits to a variety of shops things like DFK and what I would call GFE have declined significantly. Maybe its just my luck, maybe its the shops I am going to, who knows?
    I think a lot hinges on what you call a good experience - some might think a nhj with a smiling ML is a good experience. When I was 18 I would say that was, today ...well.
    totally with you on the evolution through the ages...

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Interesting feedback gents - obviously proof will be in the "future" pudding.
    Agree with 4F & Occ - would be interesting to have posters age on posts.
    Without trying to sound elitist, when you consider a trial half hour punt is $40 and then I walk, a pineapple here or there is not going to see me applying for the pension later on.
    Baby Boomer's rule, OK! lol

  14. #14
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Professor View Post
    Interesting feedback gents - obviously proof will be in the "future" pudding.
    Agree with 4F & Occ - would be interesting to have posters age on posts.
    Without trying to sound elitist, when you consider a trial half hour punt is $40 and then I walk, a pineapple here or there is not going to see me applying for the pension later on.
    Baby Boomer's rule, OK! lol
    plus you get to live longer on your feel good factor of no stress.

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    a good wise investment i would say, as long as she is around it will pay dividends.
    the average girl knows the difference between nice man and a sleeze trying to slip in,

  16. #16
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Hi prof I think you did a good thing ... there is an expression in Maori "what goes around comes around" ... it's like the old christian adage "reap what you sow". I am a firm believer that an act of kindness or generosity brings dividends and I am sure you will be rewarded somehow

    in these crazy times its a good thing to be kind and generous if you can

  17. #17
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    whilst i fully agree what goes around comes around, if you start with that purpose in mind, you are just trying to manipulate the situation and i say the reward you try to seek will not come more often than not. spend your time and effort on the dating scene.

    it's a business transaction perhaps with a bit girlfriend/pornstar feel thrown in at best

  19. #19
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Most girls will remember, not the amount ($50 is nothing to the more popular girls) but the gesture and the kindness

    If you go in next time with no expectationS and let thing flow naturally, I think you’ll have a better session. The moment you build expectations and start pushing things a little is when it gets a little awkward. Let us know how you go

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