I feel like you do not listen to my MAC comments lol. Here you go:

Sunny Thai - NOT the Chinese one is busty with big tits. She gives great Spanish and an insane body to body. It was so sexy and still my favorite I’ve ever had. I hate to tell everyone about her but she’s my fav.

Kat, Kate, - they’ve changed her name too many times. She is Slovakian or Polish whatever she keeps changing. Huge tits and tried to let me cum twice but I couldn’t. She was sweating hard and tried hard. Sucked my balls too so that was nice. Not the best face I’ve ever seen teeth a bit meh. Paid the 50 and she’s bigger if that’s your style.

Julie, Emma, Danny - all beautiful slim girls with consistent good reviews.

Molly - blonde bit out of shape now but still great performance. She’s British and leaving in a month

Hannah- British girl skinny nice butt apparently does FS for 100? Heard it wasn’t bad and others said shitty massage worth a skip,

Marcella- hit or miss when she’s on but apparently she is the bomb and sexy asf Columbian.