Quote Originally Posted by jaccky View Post
True we are a result of our biological and social origins. But I suppose I should have rephrased the question: how do I stop punting, not why do I do it. And I agree with the late stage enjoyment of punting, something akin to the philosophical good life.
I suppose to stop punting you have to find or have a strong motivator that you value more than punting itself. As we get older, esp for long term punters, this is very difficult. Human beings are creatures of habit and routine especially with pleasurable things. Whats the saying "old habits die hard". I see "punting" although I hate that word, as it suggests taking a risk, as entertainment and fun and I can separate my so called "love / relationship" life from my punting life.
And I think that's the point that as a punter you need to reach. You punt because you want to, not because you have to. Don't let an addiction rule your life.
Just my ideas