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Thread: Catching "feels"

  1. #41
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meng View Post
    Lol. Legit question to the OP. Is she a popular WL or does she work at a popular shop? Are there ARs written about her? How do you feel about her fucking other dudes?
    Hahaha if i answer too much it's so obvious. Shes not crazy popular but definitely busy. Tbh, if you think about that a lot your mind will get fucked. I understand what she does - is it forever? No and shes mentioned that. Ultimately, no man can be okay if knowing their partner is BBBJ 10-12 dudes a day, DFK-ing, etc. Sure I get BBFS but thats not enough to cope.

  2. #42
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by HamishAM View Post
    Hahaha if i answer too much it's so obvious. Shes not crazy popular but definitely busy. Tbh, if you think about that a lot your mind will get fucked. I understand what she does - is it forever? No and shes mentioned that. Ultimately, no man can be okay if knowing their partner is BBBJ 10-12 dudes a day, DFK-ing, etc. Sure I get BBFS but thats not enough to cope.
    So from the sounds of things you aren't really coping with her working? How's her spending habits? Does she like buying expensive stuff?

  3. #43
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Even if she does stop for whatever reason, it will not be hard for her to get back into it

  4. #44
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by HamishAM View Post
    Sure I get BBFS but thats not enough to cope.
    Sounds like you’ll have her knocked up and on a partner visa in no time haha

  5. #45
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by HamishAM View Post
    Do you have any advice on what to do as a punter that catches feels?
    In my experience, once you get to this point you’re fucked haha. There’s nothing you can do to shield yourself from the coming storm and you know it. There’s something slightly intoxicating about spending time with a WL out of work, for many reasons but mostly coz you feel like you’re special to her in a way that other punters aren’t.. you’re not, sorry!

    Last year I saw a Japanese girl from one of the popular shops quite a few times. We hung out once in April outside the shop, had a really nice time, but then she proceeded to block me (we were communicating thru Insta at that point). Out of nowhere lol, it was so random and bizarre. Anyway, maybe 3 or 4 months later I saw her again in the shop and it was an awesome session. Later in the year when the shop was offering privates during lockdown I went a couple times to see her which she seemed to appreciate.
    Towards the end of the year she said it was her bday coming up, and asked if I wanted to spend it with her at a particular venue ($2000/night btw and she was offering to pay). She’d been getting much more flirty but I was still pretty shocked about such an offer. I said I’d really like to but won’t be able to because of business commitments etc. She took my phone and added me on line and then proceeded to text me over the following week with some other potential dates for going to this place that she really wanted to go and stay at. I kept declining because a) I’m in a relationship and b) I’ve been through the ML/WL thing a couple times now and at this point in my life am looking for stability in my romantic relationships. I did find it quite ironic though that this beautiful and insanely sexy chick seemed genuinely to be into me when for the first time since punting I wasn’t willing to entertain the idea of a relationship. Had I met this girl a couple years ago I suspect I would have gotten my heart ripped out at some point.

    Anyway, she kept asking/suggesting to go out and eat something or go do this and that, and it was getting really hard for me to control myself. So I responded one day and told her that I don’t want to spend time w her outside the shop because I tend to fall pretty easily and that right now I can’t afford for that to happen. She was like ‘lol I just asked if you wanted to go eat something but ok I won’t ask anymore’.

    So we didn’t correspond for a while, then in Feb she texted me she’s moving appt and could I maybe help her move some things to the new place? (I’ve got a van) I thought yeah why not, can’t hurt can it. So I helped her move into her new place, and when I left that arvo I felt normal, but lying in bed that night I started thinking about her in a way I hadn’t before… and started imagining all these scenarios of us in different places, eating food in Japan, travelling together etc.. I realised with horror that I may have inadvertently caught feels, despite my heroic efforts not to. That fucked me up for a good couple weeks, and I could feel myself starting to lose my way again, falling into the deep hole that is opening your heart to a WL.

    So, I went to 278 and had the maaaaadddest session with Dior which put me back on the straight and narrow again. Only way I’ve found to get rid of ‘the feels’ for a WL is to have great sex with another one .

    Anyway, that week or two where I was losing control, I started texting this girl a bit more to which she responded by being way more distant. Which fucked me up even more, as you can imagine. When my clarity returned, I could see that this kind of behaviour that has the punter constantly wondering what the real meaning of his relationship is with a working girl, is exactly the reason I’d decided not to get involved in that shit anymore. It’s just TOO. FUCKING. HARD! It should also be mentioned that the other reason not to get involved with a WL is that there are two hearts with the potential to be broken but we often only think of the one. And in my limited (but very over-analysed) experience, many WLs are like panes of glass full of spider cracks. Often they’re super fragile, and at constant risk of shattering.

    I used to be able to understand and accept their work (when I’d been romantically involved with them) but nowadays, whilst I don’t judge them whatsoever I do think there’s gotta be something really broken in a girl to be able to do this kind of work day in day out. The emotional detachment you’d have to develop would be insane. (Side note: I remember one day ages ago I gave K Ivy a lift to work @ Ginza. We were at the traffic lights opposite Ginza waiting to cross Cleveland, and were mid conversation when she just stopped talking. I looked over at her and she had her head tilted on an angle with the strangest expression on her face. Mixture of fear and confusion but also somehow blank at the same time. It looked like she’d totally disassociated from reality for that moment or maybe like in preparation to start work. It was a really disturbing thing to witness and I remember thinking a) these girls must really be so fucking broken and b) there’s no way they could TRULY love a punter

    Sorry about the long read without much of a moral to the story, guess I needed to get it all out lol. To the OP if you do take anything from the above, make it to go see Dior at 278. Thank me later! But I suspect you’re already tumbling down the rabbit hole of WL love, too far down to climb out again. Good luck and see you on the other side bro!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #46
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basil22 View Post
    Sorry about the long read...
    What are you sorry for? That was a great read, bro.
    You are absolutely right that girls' frame of minds must be really in a bad state to be doing this work. To get involved with any girl, not just WLs, you also have to take on their mental burden. As the saying goes, they have "too much baggage", and in their case it's amplified x100.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphantom View Post
    Hi Hamish,

    catching the ‘feels’ is not uncommon especially with the refined Jap ones. I guess it’s what we’re all kind of hoping for, that special connection. And you’ve developed something even more. When it happens with me, my attention span is quite short so I move on after a few weeks/months at most. A bro on another site summed it up real well by saying you can always distract yourself with another WL, there’s plenty of them out there, and probably even more to your liking. Anyway it looks like you’ve been burnt before so take it easy, build up the memories and remember you’re still in the honeymoon phase.

    Also, if you’re still looking for a PYT with a firm ass, PM me.


    Bro , would you mind PM me the details of the PYT with firm ass ?

  8. #48
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    ThatÂ’s a great read @Basil22. Thanks for sharing.

    In my experience chatting to WLs, some are really good at detaching themselves from their work. And some are totally broken inside. Sex work takes a big toll on the mind and body and the only compensation is a bit of money, which isnÂ’t a lot, apart from the high end escorts.

    Most do feel shame and thatÂ’s why girls donÂ’t put photos online, and they come to Australia to work instead of working at home just so nobody would know their past. But the truth is they know what they have done and scars will be there forever. They can never tell a secret to anyone important in their lives.

    Any girl who has done sex work will develop trauma. Those who seem to cope okay are usually the ones who already had trauma in the past (ironically they are the most fÂ’ed up) For them to trust and truly love someone is almost impossible unless they have some therapy. Intentionally or unintentionally THEY WILL HURT YOU. So dont get yourself involve with WL who are still working. Enjoy your hour of fun then back away.

  9. #49
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    What do you guys do when wl/ml ask for your number, do you politely refuse?

  10. #50
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1inchguy View Post
    What do you guys do when wl/ml ask for your number, do you politely refuse?
    If I’m likely to see them again I’ll give them my WeChat. Some can get a bit clingy but never really had a problem.
    What about the other way round? Have you ever asked an ML/WL for her Wechat and got knocked back? I haven’t yet but imagine it could happen too

  11. #51
    Thought better of this post.

  12. #52
    Original post perhaps uneccesarily provocative. B
    Last edited by BerasAsing; 30-05-2022 at 09:54 PM. Reason: Thought better of it

  13. #53
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Oh what a tangled web we weave.

  14. #54
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlamourPhoto View Post
    its a business transaction nothing more or less
    It is bro. I have said it 100 times on this Forum. My mantra is Pay. Fuck. Leave.
    But if you treat it like a transaction while you are doing it you will get only 30% of the possible pleasure.
    We should never shut off our emotions. To do that would be to deny ourselves the pleasure and privilege of being human.
    Follow you cock, follow your heart, follow your feelings and enjoy!
    But at the end of the day let the big man upstairs take control and switch off.
    If you are a sucker that follows his heart and feelings then punting will burn you.
    If you try to be a hard cunt and be cynical and deny your feelings then you will just get the minimum possible benefit from punting and be a sad bitter twisted sad pathetic cunt.
    But if you really want to get the most out of punting then you need to learn how to switch on and enjoy and then go home and switch off. This is the secret to beautiful punting.

  15. #55
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    It is bro. I have said it 100 times on this Forum. My mantra is Pay. Fuck. Leave.
    But if you treat it like a transaction while you are doing it you will get only 30% of the possible pleasure.
    We should never shut off our emotions. To do that would be to deny ourselves the pleasure and privilege of being human.
    Follow you cock, follow your heart, follow your feelings and enjoy!
    But at the end of the day let the big man upstairs take control and switch off.
    If you are a sucker that follows his heart and feelings then punting will burn you.
    If you try to be a hard cunt and be cynical and deny your feelings then you will just get the minimum possible benefit from punting and be a sad bitter twisted sad pathetic cunt.
    But if you really want to get the most out of punting then you need to learn how to switch on and enjoy and then go home and switch off. This is the secret to beautiful punting.
    Wise words...
    One can learn from that...

  16. #56
    Senior Member(無間使者) Aloscha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphantom View Post
    If I’m likely to see them again I’ll give them my WeChat. Some can get a bit clingy but never really had a problem.
    What about the other way round? Have you ever asked an ML/WL for her Wechat and got knocked back? I haven’t yet but imagine it could happen too
    I remember asking one popular WL at a well known shop and she refused since it was the first time meeting each other. By the second meet, I had her number and she had suggested a out of shop 'dinner date'. Everything went well for dinner and she even suggested she might invite me over for a meal. But then, while organising for the next meet, she blocked all communications. Seems she left the industry as well so in the end, I think it was a wise move for both our sakes.

  17. #57
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) BlackToad's Avatar
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    Hopefully balls deep inside an Asian girl
    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    It is bro. I have said it 100 times on this Forum. My mantra is Pay. Fuck. Leave.
    But if you treat it like a transaction while you are doing it you will get only 30% of the possible pleasure.
    We should never shut off our emotions. To do that would be to deny ourselves the pleasure and privilege of being human.
    Follow you cock, follow your heart, follow your feelings and enjoy!
    But at the end of the day let the big man upstairs take control and switch off.
    If you are a sucker that follows his heart and feelings then punting will burn you.
    If you try to be a hard cunt and be cynical and deny your feelings then you will just get the minimum possible benefit from punting and be a sad bitter twisted sad pathetic cunt.
    But if you really want to get the most out of punting then you need to learn how to switch on and enjoy and then go home and switch off. This is the secret to beautiful punting.
    Bro rooter, as always you are one of the most thoughtful punters on the forum. These are words every punter must hear and abide by. Listen to your heart but know that your mind is in control. Personally I have never fallen for a ML or WL, many I have liked and it’s like only natural to feel a connection with but love - never. That’s the way to punt.

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