Not sure if anyone else had the same issues, call it a guilty feeling.

I punt regularly and I tend to got to the same three or four shops which all do line ups. Call me a creature of habit but the shops provide a good level of service so I avoid a lot of hits and misses with going to new shops. When I find a girl I like I will choose her quite a lot initially but then the novelty wears off, a new favourite arrives and so on.

As time goes on, the line up starts consisting of too many of my regulars and I then have the dilemma of which one to choose or even worse, seeing the line up and then walking as I have seen them all too often.

Case in point, I have been seeing Mimi and Elin at Taylors Lidcombe a lot over the last few months. Went to the shop yesterday and the line up walks in and it is just the two of them. I was in the mood for a new girl so I walked. I felt bad as I have had some really really good punts with both of these girls on many occasions but wasn't in the mood to see them again.

When this happens I then tend to drop the girl completely and won't see them again. The reason I do this is that in the past I have chosen them again say a few weeks later and you can tell that they have the hump with you as they said hello to you several times and you chose others. The punt then becomes "awkward".