The air was dewy sweet when I stepped onto the cool asphalt of Hornsby station early on a Wednesday morning. As my sock and Nike slip on combo (purchased from Rebel sport, fine purveyor of all things athletic related) hit the ground with a determined stride, I knew I was going to require anal sex today at a budget premium.

My atire matched my desire, and I had chosen my best Nike mesh basketball shorts for the occasion, coupled with a fine, 100% cotton I Exalt longsleeve purchased at their farewell show. The band may have broken up, and the tear in the armpit from an overzealous security guard yanking on me whilst crowdsurfing may suggest I mean business, but on this fine morn I was straight party and pleasure.

As I determinedly walked my way up the back alleys of Hornsby, the sun bouncing off my carefully curated Oakland Raiders cap (fuck the trade, Oakland for life), several panel beaters and mechanics nearby recognised the gait. It was one of a man about to give a hot beef injection to some budget but nevertheless fine Asian rectum.

Upon entering the shop through the back alley I pointed to the receptionist and gave her the gun motion with a wink, signalling that yes I have arrived baby, and yes I shall be dropping a cool $90. VIP woopwoop. Disregarding the stickiness of the floor and the obviously un-Hilton like interior I was lead through a maze of rooms and Chinese intercom ballads. Finally arriving at QQ's room, she exclaimed surprise instantly when I dropped my shorts to reveal I was sans underwear.

I showered then, luxuriating my body with the finest liquid soap Palmolive have produced, it's forest themed scent mixing perfectly with the carefully selected Lynx Africa I had applied earlier.

Once out of the shower, QQ inserted my now moderately hard member in her mouth and sucked as one would remove venom from a snake bite victim. Onto the bed, and she continued sucking whilst gently massaging my exit sign. Belying her feminine physique, she has then pushed one leg back towards my face and inserted her tongue very carefully into my pie shute.

Wincing at the pleasure, and knowing my latest trim back there was never, I direct her back to my purple headed warrior. Exclaiming "....fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk", she knows my time is drawing near. The Quickening as Connor McLeod would call it. So without missing a beat she applies a dom and clambers aboard the shooter express. A solid minute of pumps from me and surely the pleasure she is exclaiming is real, so I suggest that " lady, on this glorious day, may we have a quick bout of love making prison style?".

With that suggestion she assumes the classic doggy position so we can both watch X Files, and I'm in her booty. Pounding away ala Ed Norton in that bit in American History X, I release shortly and am treated to a fantastic post coitus massage.

A quick thank you shower, and I steal back into the daylight, foregoing the longsleeve for a classic white sleeveless I've been hiding underneath. A crisp AS colour shade of blinding white, the only one in my closet not soured with the dreaded pit rot, I galavant back down the alley, stealing appreciative looks from the tradies who no doubt performed the same act shortly before.

10/10 best $90 I ever spent. QQ is a service queen and I'd return for sure. Next time though, i may grace her with my secret scent: Mitchum roll on deodorant.